Hey there guys! I am TheGlowstickOfDestiny, my friends call me Sticky of Stick Man. You may know me as the_glowstick_of_destiny on Instagram, or xoxDCxox on Wattpad. This story so happens to be from my Wattpad, so you can also check it out there, along with my other stories that I may or may not post there. I'm just going to warn you, my writing is TERRIBLE, and I wrote this on my phone, so don't hate me . However, do leave a comment/review and follow this story is you so desire.
This story is Post-Avengers, Pre-Thor 2. It does not, say it with me, does not have any relation to Thor 2:The Dark World... that I am aware of. If it has any similarities (besides the description of the prison cell), please point them out. I wrote these first 3 adn a half chapters before i saw Thor 2... so..
Without stalling any more: WHAT IS FREEDOM
Sigh. Twenty-seven minutes. Mark. Stare out the glass. Twenty-eight minutes. Mark. No visitors. Twenty-nine minutes. Mark. There are never any visitors. Thirty minutes. Mark.
I've been awake for exactly two hours and thirty minutes. Thirty-one. Mark. One-hundred and fifty-one marks, tiny scratches, on what used to be a plain white wall. There used to be three of those, you know. Plain white walls. But after many years in prison... you begin to get bored of plain white walls.
One is covered in tiny scratches from the past few days. One has marks on it from where I've had mental breakdowns. One has notes written on it. I stole a pencil from a gaurd. It was confiscated after twenty-four hours. They knew the God of Mischief could use it for anything. Even escape.
However, escape is futile. I break out and run. Where have I to go? How long would I have until they caught me and extended my sentence? On that note... how long is my sentence? How long do I have left until freedom?
What is freedom?
I look out the glass wall that tortures me so. Only a glass wall between me and the world.
"Loki Laufeyson," a hear a voice from nowhere.
"...Yes?" I answer hesitantly, almost scared, for I have no idea what they want.
"You are to be released in ten minutes," the voice speaks again. "Then you shall be escorted to the castle."
Ten minutes now stands in place of the glass and is all the separates me from freedom. "Thank you."
Though I am excited for freedom, to be able to live my life, to see the sun and feel the cool breeze on my face, I feel conflicted. I must go to the castle first. The castle where Odin, Frigga, and Thor reside. Before I can face the world I must face my 'family'.
Ten minutes. I stare into space and try to clear my thoughts. Nine minutes. Mark.