Disclaimer: Oh, just leave me alone.

Day 1,000:

Sigyn stood at her window, looking out over the Asgardian evening. She had finally convinced her sister and friends to leave her for an evening and she was going to use her time alone wisely.

Idunn had been good to her word. She and Sif had barely left her side, and the Warriors Three had spent every night in her private rooms, keeping her spirits high and her thoughts light.

And she was grateful.

Without their support, she feared what might have become of her.

But still, she needed this time, away from all of them, to think. To plan and plot.

There was something bothering her. She had had several random thoughts over the last few days, and they were starting to coalesce into one thought. One very infuriating thought.

Something wasn't right about the events before and after her husband's death, and she was beginning to see the true shape of it.

And it was making her angry.

Making a decision, she summoned a handmaiden and quickly got dressed. She chose a tight green dress, so dark it was almost black, and a silver breastplate. On her wrists were silver gauntlets, etched with runes, and around her throat was a thick silver torque. She pulled her hair away from her face, but let it flow down her back in waves.

She sent the young woman away and looked at herself in the mirror. She was still slightly in awe of the woman she saw there. Here stood a goddess, worthy of the title of Wife of Loki.

Whether she continued to claim that title or not would be decided tonight.

She grabbed a silver cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders before stalking out of the room. As she walked, she gathered the shadows around herself, hiding herself from any members of the court she might have come across.

She made her way to the throne room and slipped inside. She let the shadows fall away and walked up the partially repaired throne, where Odin sat in his splendor.

"My Lord." She said, kneeling down in front of him.

"Lady Sigyn." He acknowledged, surprised. "I did not expect to see you. I thought you had decided to forgo my presence for the foreseeable future."

"I am sorry for my behavior since the death of my husband, your son." She said softly, her head bowed.

"My Lady," he said, getting to his feet and holding a hand out to her. "You have nothing to be sorry for. You are in mourning. Allowances must be made for your grief."

She reached up and took his hand and he had only a second for his eyes to widen as her spells slammed into him, ripping away his illusions.

Loki, standing now where Odin had been, sighed and continued to help Sigyn to her feet.

"Do you have any idea how long it took me to con-"

He broke off as Sigyn's fist slammed into his cheek, sending him sprawling on the ground in front of the throne. He sat up, shaking his head and quickly summoned a shield as silver fire gathered around her hands.

"Peace, Sigyn!" he shouted.

"I thought you dead." Sigyn hissed, prowling in front of the throne dais, anger coming off her in waves. "I mourned you!"

"I know!" he told her. "If you had just let me in, we could have avoided all this!"

Sigyn growled and sent a bolt of lightning at a pillar.

"You're going to bring the guards down on us!" Loki hissed.

"I warded the doors." She sneered. "No one will hear anything I don't want them to hear."

He looked to the main doors and saw her silver fire racing across them. At least he could be sure she didn't mean to expose him right away.

"Will you let me explain?" Loki demanded.

"Explain?" she yelled. "Explain?! I almost died, and when I awoke, I expected to have you at my side, and instead your brother told me you had died on an empty planet! Your body left to rot! I was left with the belief that I was then to make my way through the eons, alone. I thought I would never feel..anything again. And here you sat. On the throne that has always meant more to you than me."

Tears were pouring down her face and she collapsed as a sob ripped itself from her throat.

"You swore you'd come back to me." She cried. "How could you betray me? How could you say you loved me and then put me through that pain? How could you - ?"

She broke off as her tears overcame her and he quickly moved to kneel in front of her. She fought him as he sought to pull her into his arms.

"Be still, wife." He whispered.

He was surprised when she followed his order and came peacefully into his arms.

"I'm sorry." He whispered into her hair as he pressed a kiss to her head. "I'm so sorry. I never meant to leave you out of my plans."

"Then tell me how you meant this to go." She growled, pushing away from him slightly. "Tell me how the Great God of Tricks planned on letting his wife know he was still among the living."

"If you will remember, I did try to come to see you." He told her dryly.

He quickly sobered when silver fire began to gather around her hands again.

"I'm sorry." He said quickly. "I had planned on talking to you alone, revealing myself to you."

The silver fire receded, but Sigyn still looked mad beyond reason.

"Did you plan this before you left?" she demanded. "Did you know you would put me through the crucible that was losing you? That you would leave me in my bed, wishing to die so I could join you in Valhalla?"

"You think I'll go to Valhalla?" Loki asked, surprised, but Sigyn just ignored him.

"I died, Loki." She spat at him. "When Thor told me you were dead, the woman I had been died with you. And now I find you sitting on your precious throne, and I am once more struggling to find my footing in you wake. You are supposed to my husband, Loki. My partner! But obviously you don't consider me your partner, otherwise you would at least give me the courtesy of informing me of your plans, but no, you just run off, fake your death, and once again leave me holding the bag!"

She turned and glared at him.


Loki looked at her surprised.

"Oh, am I allowed to speak now?" he asked glibly.

"By Hel, I will strike you down, Loki!" Sigyn growled.

"I did not so much plan as take advantage of the situation." Loki told her, sitting down on the steps to the throne. "I was seriously wounded, just not as badly as Thor believed. Odin sent out guards to search for us and one found me on the Dark World. I knocked him out and took his form."

"You left a guard on the Dark World?" Sigyn asked, her voice deceptively calm.

"I brought him back and left him in the barracks." He assured her. "He thinks he reported me dead."

She sighed and motioned for him to continue.

"I took his place and came back, reporting my death to Odin, himself." Loki told her.

"And that is when you took his place?" Sigyn asked. "Where is he?"

"I placed the strongest sleeping spell I could concoct on him." He replied. "He wasn't expecting it, so I was able to lay it quickly enough that he couldn't fight it. He's currently sleeping in my old room, in our rooms."

Sigyn nodded and turned from him, moving to look across the throne room.

"And here we are." He concluded. "I've been trying to find away to get to you, but your guardians were never far from your side. I expected Sif and the Morons Three, but Idunn was a surprise."

"She has been my strength these last few days." She said softly. "I will never be able to repay her for staying by my side during this."

Loki studied her back.

"Well, here we are." He murmured. "What say you? Will you stand with me or against me?"

Sigyn didn't turn around.

"If I decided to report your crime, go to Odin and release him from your spell, what would you do then?" she asked.

Loki's face fell and he took a deep breath.

"I would hope, my lady, that you will value our marriage…our love enough to at least give me a head start." He replied sadly.

Sigyn nodded and was silent for a moment.

Then her back straightened, she took a deep breath and turned back to him.

"Alright." She said. "We've tried it my way, now it's your turn."

Loki stared at her.

"I'm sorry?" he asked weakly.

"All my life, I have been a loyal subject of Asgard, and all it has done for me is rip me from the man I love time and again." She told him. "Odin will never allow us to be together, so if I want you, Odin cannot be a factor. You have the throne. Now we just have to keep it."

Loki stared at her in shock.

"Who are you and what have you done with my wife?" he demanded.

"I am your wife." She told him, stepping in front of him. "And I am sick of people ridiculing me and looking down on me for it. I am sick of being separated from you. I want you where I can touch you whenever I want. I want you in my bed at night, and I want you to be the first thing I see in the morning. I want to actually be your wife."

Loki stood up and wrapped her in his arms, hugging her tightly.

"I love you, Sigyn." He told her softly.

He pulled back and gently cupped her face.

"This will work." He told her passionately. "You'll see. We'll be together and we'll rule Asgard together. You'll make an amazing queen."


He pulled back, confusion written on his face.

"I won't be queen." Sigyn told him.

"Why not?" he demanded.

Sigyn sighed and took his hands in hers.

"I will not stand before this court as anything other than your Queen." She told him. "To make me queen now, you would have to make me Odin's queen, and not only will I never be his queen, even in name, but I will not dishonor Frigga by being a pretender to her place. I will be queen when you are openly King, not before."

Loki nodded and squeezed her hands tightly.

"People will question Odin spending the night in your chambers." He said, smirking.

Sigyn glared at him.

"We have magic, husband." She said, mildly annoyed. "I do not believe it will be a problem."

"You will have to publically reconcile with Odin." He told her, leading her to sit next to him on the steps.

"I will appear at the Council meeting tomorrow." She said, slipping under his arm and laying her head on his shoulder.

Loki nodded and they were silent for a moment.

"Promise me, husband, that you will never do this to me again." Sigyn whispered. "Promise me you will never leave me in the dark alone again."

"I swear it to you, wife." He said, just as softly. "I never want to hurt you. I watched you grief and it cut me like a knife. All I wanted was to fly to your side and make all the hurt go away, but I couldn't figure out away to do that and not get executed on sight."

Sigyn laughed slightly.

"I told Thor that he should say goodbye to his human." He told her. "That she would die and the only woman he loves would be snatched from him. I have many times thought I should say goodbye to you for the same reasons, but not because of your death, but mine. I have always known that my machinations might lead to my death, but until I looked in your room and saw the utter devastation I had wrought, I had never truly considered the pain I might leave behind."

"I could have told you." She told him. "You saw it this time, but I have lived through it twice now."

Loki nodded and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

"I apologize for all the pain I have caused you, my love." He whispered.

"Just promise you will strive to keep me from feeling that pain ever again." She told him.

Loki nodded and held her tighter as they sat at the steps of the ruined throne.

"I promise." He whispered.

They stayed there, steeling themselves for the future and what it would bring. A stolen throne, a hidden identity, vast uncertainty.

But in that moment, they didn't care. All that mattered was they were finally together.

Finally free.

A/N: And that's it, guys! Freedom in Captivity is done!

So, I haven't quite decided what I am going to do with Loki and Sigyn yet. I have a vague idea of where I might take a spin off, and I'd kind of like to bring it into the Agents of SHIELD world, but I'm just not sure. Also, I have Ragnarok to contend with, so there's that…

So for now, this is all she wrote. If you guys enjoyed it, let me know!

Thanks for all the support!
