Legolas was afraid of the dark. He had always told himself that it was silly, stupid really, a foolish fear. But he couldn't stop the chills when they came, couldn't suppress his pounding heart. The other members of the Fellowship had always glared at him when he refused to take the night watch. " Elves sleep with their eyes open," they would always say as they got up, disgruntled, to take his shift for him. " Why can't you just stand there? " But they didn't know about his secret fear, the reason he always slept so close to the others. He was always afraid something was going to creep out of the darkness and steal his soul. He supposed it was just Elven superstition. But in his heart, he knew it ran deeper than that.

And after a month and a half of refusing to take the night watch, a disgruntled Boromir had forced him to do it. Legolas drew his cloak more tightly around him, though it was a mild night. They hadn't let him light a fire, for fear of attracting a Nazgul. He had only wanted it for the light it would throw off. At least he would be able to see. And now he was all alone. He could almost feel the darkness pressing in on him, threatening to suffocate him, drown him... Legolas shook himself and frowned. He was being daft. Leglolas Thranduil, Elven-Prince of Mirkwood, the most brave and powerful archer in his kingdom, afraid of the dark! Even in his head it sounded stupid. But he couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching him. A cold sweat broke out on his forehead. His legs turned to lead. He raced back to camp, his golden hair flying out behind him, illuminated by the moonlight that was as pale as his face. He skidded to a halt, ashamed of himself. He turned and was about to go back to his post when he heard movement behind him.

In one quick, fluid movement, Legolas readied his bow and pointed it at the sound, his heart pounding. So his intuition was correct! Legolas waited for whatever it was to show itself. Instead, a familiar, muffled voice issued forth from the darkness. " For the love of Gil-Galad, Legolas, lower your weapon! " Confused, Legolas let his bow drop to his side. Why was Aragorn awake at such a late hour?

" Aragorn? I thought you were some fell creature! " Legolas was flooded with relief. He approached Aragorn, who rose and walked twords the Elf, rubbing sleep from his eyes. " Why are you awake, Mellon? " Legolas questioned. Aragorn smiled thinly and replied, " I was in fact asleep, Friend, until I heard you come crashing back into our camp like a wild beast was at your heels. " Legolas lowered his gaze, embarrassed. Aragorn clapped his shoulder warmly and said in a much kinder voice, " I could ask you the same question. " Legolas gulped. He couldn't look him in the eyes and tell Aragorn the truth. He mumbled to his feet, " I'm-I'm afraid of the dark."

His friend stared at him incredulously. When Legolas did not raise his head to meet his eyes, Aragorn knew he was telling the truth. To Legolas' great surprise, Aragorn took him gently by the shoulders and steered him back towards the camp. " Take some rest, Legolas," he whispered. " I shall take your place." Grateful more than words could communicate, the Elf smiled at his friend, his bright blue eyes shining. " Hannon le, Mellon." As he rolled over to sleep, somehow Legolas knew that he would never be afraid of the dark again.