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![]() Author has written 15 stories for Fairy Tail, Gods Eater Burst, Persona Series, and My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU/やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている. About Updating: This is important. I feel the need to tackle this. Anyways, I don't work when I'm not motivated and considering my condition, being motivated is a rare occurence. I want ny updates to be as good as I can make them to be, not something I put together hastily for the sake of another update. Trust me, if I can give quality updates at a good speed, I would but that's not the case. I write as much as I can when I feel like it but when not, getting a sentence out is a task on its own. Writing is a stress reliever for me and the last thing I need is to be stressed out by something I should be doing in order to relax, it is a hobby after all. That's why I'm grateful for any of my patient readers, those willing to wait and read what I can give. Thanks guys, you're one of the few sources of motivation I have. Profile last updated: 01/01/16, 4:03 AM Update: It's the New Years here and I figured I should at least give a little heads up on what's been happening in my life the past few months and the progress I've made on my stories. Basically, nothing. Disappointment, I know. Here's the deal, I've been meaning and wanting to write but Goddammit I'm so unmotivated to do so. Even the ideas swimming inside my head was eventually flushed down after a while because of my lack of motivation to type them down and turn them into a story. I could say I was just lazy (because I am) but I don't think that would justify how it really is. I was really unmotivated for some reason after my last update and I've only been lurking around the site to read; Heck I don't even review even if I have something to say because I just can't be bothered to type. I'm well aware that this might not be an actual excuse, heck it even looks like a decorated way of saying I was just too damn lazy but, it is how it is. BUT, I have absolutely no plans of abandoning the stories (LAAF/MNF) just yet. I'm not gonna promise to write more this year but at the very least I can guarantee that I would try. Maybe not that hard but try nonetheless. Shitty writer, I know. But hey, let's have some good news. And by that, I meant I hope it's good news, otherwise I apologize for all these despair. Here's a list of some new story ideas I'd like to work on. Eventually. Note: This list would have it's own panel down the profile someday. Story Idea List: - In Game Name (IGN) - Revising Memories (RM) [Subject to change] - Misplaced Letter (ML) [Subject to change] - Permanently Temporary (PT) [Subject to Change] There you have it. Note, these are all HachiYumi fics btw. I did say HachiYuki is my OTP but let's be honest, there's quite a number of them as is and I have no doubts the number will only grow from here so I'll leave that pair for the other writers as there's only a few willing writers for HachiYumi despite the steadily growing number of fics. PS: There's no summary for the stories and you can just hazard a guess to what they're about from the titles. The lack of summary is because they're all spontaneous ideas that doesn't necessarily have a stable platform to stand on. Haha... Ha. So yeah, I'm not entirely sure if those are good news or just me unknowingly raising your hopes up and let them crash back down. Let's hope for the former, aight? Here's to a hopefully productive year. Maybe. Happy New Year! Greetings and Salutations, Well, now that sounds too fancy. Yahallo Feggets! Sound good? No? Ah, welp. Greetings aside, you have now stumbled upon my domain. Translation: Welcome to my profile. Things you probably don't care about but I'll tell you anyway: Name: Just call me Zero. Nothing more, nothing less. Age: Between one and a million. Take a guess. Gender: Boy. BUT I'M STILL WAIFU MATERIAL, 10/10 best gril. Some more things you NEED to know about me: I'm fabulous. I'm a Door. I'm a fab door. I can be pretty lazy. I can be pretty too. But most importantly, I'M FABULOUS -insert hair flip- PS: Door is a reference from Persona 3. Lel. Alright, I can pretty much bet you got a whip of how my personality is from the statements above. No, I don't have a big ego. I think. OH WELL. Now to the "serious" business. I mainly write for Oregairu now. I'm a former fan of FT but now, I had dropped the series completely; both Anime and Manga wise. So to anyone who still wants an update for my FT stories, I'm sorry but I don't think that'll be happening any time soon. Still love NaZa but that's just not enough to write about them. I'm currently a part of a collaboration group for HachiYuki shippers under the penname "8'Snow" and we're currently in the process of making our HachiYuki fanfic. Shipping: OTP: HachiYuki (8man/Yukinon) Crack OTP: HachiYumi (8man/Miura) Stories and their Progress: My Life as a Single Father is difficult as I expected (LAAF): - 3 Chapters up - 4th Chapter at 10% Progress. Match not Found (MNF): - 5 Chapters up - Next prompt at 15% progress (Depending). Fun Fact: I have a lot easier time writing for MNF than LAAF. Not to say that writing for MNF isn't difficult on its own but, since MNF is basically a mass of one-shots cramped in one story, there isn't a line I should follow unlike LAAF which has a plotline and an actual story to progress. Lol. So yeah, LAAF will take much longer time to update for that specific reason. Wee~ Fun Fact Two: I don't ship HachiYui and, admittedly, I'm not professional enough to bear writing for a ship I don't support. With that, there won't be Yui fics coming from me. Be it in a Harem way or not. As you can—hopefully—tell, I can be quite the serious person but also quite the weird and goofy one so yeah, feel free to approach me if you have any questions. That's it for now. - Zero |