

"~Magic~" Ex: "~Fire Dragon's Roar~"

Chapter 1

It was a normal day at Fairy Tail with Gray and Elfman starting a fight that soon had the whole guild joining up starting an all out brawl. It was then stopped by either Erza or the guilds master Makarov Dreyar. On the second floor everything went on as normal as well. In the front hanging over the railing was the guild masters grandson Laxus Dreyar observing the fight with a scowl.

"This guild is a disgrace" he mumbled and turned around and continued "Isn't that right, Salamander?"

In the corner of the second floor away from sight from anyone but Laxus sat Natsu Dragneel nicknamed Salamander. He was staring at the wall and his back to Laxus and the rest of the guild. This was also normal, at least since the incident that happened three months ago.

"Right" Natsu answered without turning around, he didn't like Laxus or his opinions but Laxus and Makarov was the only ones that talked to him. Natsu didn't speak to anyone else within the guild since the incident because he could sense how scared they were of him.

What hurt him the most was that his closest friends Lucy, Gray and Erza also seemed scared of him. Erza did try to re connect with Natsu by greeting him and talking to him every morning before Natsu would get up to the second floor. These conversations were always short and ended the same way with the guild members close to them walking off or avoid looking at him.

Three months ago Natsu was a very happy man, he had made another friend in Lucy and started a team with her, Gray and Erza. They went on a job on Erza's order to take out the dark guild Eisenwald and did so successfully. When they returned to the guild and Natsu was on his way back home he was attacked by an unknown mage and this was the start of Natsu's nightmare.

The mage had put a spell on Natsu according to Makarov that caused Natsu to go berserk. Natsu had attacked Fairy Tail and beaten every guild member including Laxus until he was stopped by Makarov himself who had also been able to undo the spell on him.

Under normal circumstances Natsu would have been exiled from the guild, but since he was under control of that spell he got no punishment from Makarov. The guild master had tried to explain what had happened and in the end the guild members had forgiven Natsu and everything seemed fine for a day.

The next day Gray and Natsu had started one of their usual fights but this time Natsu had knocked Gray out quickly and damaged him badly. All he did was punch him once, but Natsu's arm had been covered in fire without him noticing. Natsu then heard the guild members whispers about him how he was a monster and that the spell was just an excuse the Master came up with to protect Natsu.

After that Natsu had noticed he had problems controlling his magic, every time he would use one of his normal attacks the power behind it would be ten times stronger. He had also heard from Makarov that he seemed to have gotten taller and in better shape as well. Who was this mage that put that spell on him and why? Natsu wondered about that all the time and when he didn't sit there in the back corner on the second floor thinking about the mage, he was out looking for him.

The reason for Natsu being allowed to be on the second floor wasn't that he was an S-Class mage. He had gotten permission from Makarov to stay there as long as he didn't go on any S-Class jobs or cause any trouble to the other S-Class mages.

After Makarov had made sure the brawl was stopped he walked up to the second floor and sat down beside Natsu at his table.

"I think you should take on a job, Natsu" Makarov said.

"Why?" Natsu asked.

"It would do you good to get that mage out of your mind and think of something else, also I can't keep paying your rent forever"

Laxus who was listening laughed and said "Why don't you let him go on an S-Class job? He's strong enough"

Makarov glared at Laxus then said"That's fine if you go with him"

Laxus scowled "Forget it then"

"Laxus" Natsu said still not facing him

Laxus eyebrow rose "Hm?"

Natsu turned around and grinned "Let's do an S-Class job!" he shouted loud enough for the whole guild to hear him.

Laxus actually smiled seeing Natsu act like his old self and said "Sure"

Makarov's jaw dropped how did this happen? He only said that earlier about Laxus going with Natsu because he knew Laxus would never agree to it. Natsu who had been one of the most destructive mages even before his power up teaming up with Laxus? He imagined all the complaints he would get from the council and yelled "No way, I forbid it!"

Natsu and Laxus however was already gone, one of the jobs on the S-Class request board was missing as well.

"NOOOOOO! Get back here you brats!" Natsu and Laxus heard when they walked down the street towards the train station.

AN: What do you think? Is this story any good and should I continue on it?