
"Onii-chan, I'm going to the movies with Mom and Dad today. It's a late night show of a rom-com movie! I know you wouldn't like it and would prefer to laze around in the house, so I told them to leave you at home! Tee-hee~! Mom left some money on the counter for your dinner! Make sure you eat something good. I don't want to take care of an even more useless gomii- chan! "

-Flashback Over-

It was pretty late at night on Saturday so I was doing what I do the whole weekend. That is, lazing around inside my house. The best-in-the-world energy conserver-approved activity you will ever find.

Just when I was about to sleep, my phone rang. Who the hell is calling me? I'm a bona fide loner, so who would be calling me at this hour? I picked up my phone and saw that the phone is from an unknown number.

This better not be some sales guy.

"Hello, who is this?" I asked the person on the other end.

"I am inspector Miura from Chiba police. Am I speaking to Hachiman Hikigaya?"

Holy shit, it's the police! What in the world have I done? I am sure I'm innocent. I am just a high school student, a loner in fact, and even qualified as a mere petty criminal to Yukinoshita. Wait, did he just say Inspector Miura? Is he Miura's father? Whatever. Better not keep a cop waiting.

"Yes, I am"

"Uh, kid, this maybe a little hard to take in. Promise me to not do anything reckless."

What? Did something happen? Inspector Miura audibly took a deep breath, and continued.

"I am really sorry to notify you that your parents and sister have been a part of a road accident. The sole survivor is your sister, and is now on the way to the hospital. I'm sorry for your loss..."

My phone slipped from my hand and fell on the ground. I fell on the ground on my knees. I could not believe what I just heard. How could I? How can anyone believe that their family just died? I have plenty of reasons to believe this is a prank, but none of them was strong enough to prove it to be one. How can this happen to me? What did I do to deserve this?

"Hikigaya-kun? Are you there? Hikigaya-kun?" I picked up the phone that fell on the ground. I didn't find the strength to stand back up.

"Yes, Inspector." I replied with a slightly gloomy voice.

"I have contacted your grandparents and they must be on their way by now. I will let you know about your sister's condition and location soon."

"Thank you." I immediately cut the phone call, still on the ground with tears forming in my eyes. A sharp pain emerged in my chest and I collapse on the ground. My eyes flooded with tears and I cried silently. I gave it my all into not making loud noises.

If gods do exist, why did they have to do this to me? What did I do to you so wrong that you took my family away from me? How could this happen…? They just went out to watch a movie!

My brain kept sprinting in random directions before coming to a dead end, knocking the consciousness out of me.

I was woken up by the knock at my door. I opened it to see my grandparents with a sad and worried face. My grandmother looked like she cried a lot, and my grandfather looked like he held up all this emotions inside him but could break down at any moment. I asked them to come inside. My grandmother instantly hugged me with all her force and started crying again. My grandfather was still being the strong one and started stroking hers and my head. After making them sit on the couch, I went to the kitchen to prepare tea for them. Their condition looks much worse than mine, and it was taking a toll on their fragile bodies. I just hope that tea would help them. I brewed the tea and brought it to them.

My grandfather was the first to break the silence.

"Son, do you want to move in with us…? I don't think you can manage this house by yourself…" He is pretty much correct. I can't handle a house of this size by myself, even with my househusband skills. However, I don't want to leave this house at all. This house is the last thing I have to keep me together. Otherwise I would have broken down to a level I can't even think of.

"I can take care of this house, Grandpa. You don't need to worry." I said with a forced smile. Both of them were looking at me with worried expressions

"But what about you, son?" I don't care about myself.

"I will be fine." Grandpa responded with a sad sigh.

"Okay. I will handle all the insurance paper works and money matters. You just concentrate on your studies and your sister." Komachi must have reached the hospital by now as the inspector told me. I quickly picked up my phone and saw the address of the hospital and other details mailed to me. But first, I need to know how she is doing.

"How is Komachi, Grandpa?"

"She is in a coma, son. The doctors did their best to get her to consciousness, but she is still not responsive. "Said Grandpa as he seemingly started to relive that pain.

That was the last thing I wanted to hear. My parents are no more, and my sister is in a coma. This is one of the worst things that could happen to any human. I really need to see her to be sure that she is alright.

"I'll be going to her."

"Okay. We will stay here and take care of the paperwork and the cremation. "Grandpa finished.

"Thank you Grandma, Grandpa." I bid them farewell and went upstairs to dress up. I took my white T-shirt and put on an unbuttoned dark blue polo. I wore my jeans, and took my phone with me. I left immediately. I grabbed my bicycle and stormed off towards the hospital.

When I reached the hospital and went to her room, I saw the image that would forever be carved on my memories. This feeling of dread, was this how Komachi felt when I was hospitalized?

I saw her on the bed with a number of tubes attached to her. The tubes went on to a number of machines which showed graphs and details about some incomprehensible numbers. I know for one that these machines are keeping her alive.

The glow coming from the morning sun struck her face. Her fair skin was complimented by the light color. The ambience gave off a feeling of melancholy. It was as if her whole being was that of a tragic ending.

I sat down next to her. Seeing her like this broke me, and I started to tear up. I silently cried for hours by her side. After those hours, the nurse came inside the room, and told me that this was the end of visiting hours. Hey… isn't this too early?

I went home only to find that my grandparents had taken care of the funeral and went home.

The day flew by in a flash. When I got recomposed myself, it was already 8 PM. I started thinking about random topics to divert my mind. I thought about school, and it instantly struck me that I don't want a bunch of riajuus surrounding me and ushering me with their nonsensical consolations. I grabbed my phone and dialled Hiratsuka-sensei's number. In these kind of situations, I know it was her who lent me a shoulder to lean on.

"Hello, Sensei?" I started. Instead of a reply, I heard mild sounds of someone crying. She cares for me this much? I think I underestimated her as just a violent teacher. She has a really caring side too and I know it.

"I'm really sorry about your family, Hikigaya." She finally replied with a somber tone.

"No need to apologize, Sensei. It's not your fault."

"I know, Hikigaya, but still… I am really sorry. If you need anything, just call me! I will do anything in my power…"

"I told you, its fine, Sensei. Well, I do have a small favour to ask of you."

"Tell me, Hikigaya! Say anything!" I am glad that someone cares about me, but this is not the time to get all sentimental.

"…Sensei, can you not tell anyone about what happened to my family? I'm sure no one even knows me, but still, can you?" Before replying, Sensei gave out a soft sigh.

"I get what you are trying to say, but what about Yukinoshita and Yuigahama? Don't they have the right to know?" She has a point. They are the only ones in school or anywhere that aren't just mere acquaintances; at least to me. However, still, I don't want them to know.

"Not even them, Sensei."

"…I get it. If you don't want to come to school, don't worry. I'll handle the paperwork." Sensei softly replied. She really is very caring. I'm wondering on why she isn't married yet.

"Thank you for understanding, Sensei. And, no. I'll come to school. I can't let my studies suffer."

Honestly, this was merely an excuse. To what? I don't even know myself. Maybe I just need someone's company. Ironic huh?

"Alright… take care, Hikigaya." I heard Sensei mutter as I end the call.

I went straight to my bed without even thinking about eating anything but couldn't sleep the whole night. Everything kept revolving around my brain, and immense pain hit me in the chest. After a few minutes, I was able to find the urge to sleep.

Next day, I woke up late. The reason? It was obvious. My cute little sister Komachi used to wake me up with a cute smile on her face, and made me breakfast. But now, there is no Komachi, nor is there an old married couple arguing about something trivial. It was just me. I guess I am a complete loner now.

Today's homeroom went as expected. No one even knew what happened to me, with the exception of Miura. She was looking at me with a pained expression. During lunch she even tried to talk to me but I just sped up and went to my lunch spot. So he is her father, after all.

After homeroom ended, I pondered on whether I should go to the club or not. Maybe they knew but that doesn't matter, for the thing that matters is whether I would be able to hold my normal self or will do something that I'll regret later.

I was walking really slowly but when I reached the door I stopped as I heard their voices coming from inside.

It was Yukinoshita "Yuigahama-san, Where is that thing? Aren't you supposed to bring him with you?" I could not believe what my ears just heard, guess I need to stay here a bit longer.

"I'm sorry, Yukinon, but he wasn't in the class, so I thought he left already…" I guess they don't know yet.

"I can't believe it. Hikigaya-kun really has no tact whatsoever. Coming here merely to solve requests, I thought he would have at least have the decency to come early." As Yukinoshita spoke, I heard Yuigahama make an audible gasp.

"I agree, Yukinon! I come to the club so I could just be with you and leave the problem solving to him!" They shared a soft giggle. I am completely alone, after all. Thank you for the reality check, you two.

The same question appears in my mind as yesterday 'Why me? What have I done to deserve such a life?'

I decided to go inside when the voices have died down. As I came in, I saw Yukinoshita sipping tea from her cup and Yuigahama using her phone. Bringing the tea cup down from her mouth, Yukinoshita began to speak.

"Why are you late, Hikigaya-kun? Were you targeting someone with your rotten eyes?" She said with a mischievous grin. I ignored her and sat on my chair. I took out my book and started reading. From my peripheral vision, I saw her making an insulted face, and it was not long before she talked again.

"Are your ears rotten as well? Didn't you hear my question? Why were you late?"

I ignored her once again. Now even Yuigahama was looking at me with a puzzled face and Yukinoshita made an ever more offended face. My patience is running low.

"Hikigaya-kun!" she said with a loud voice, though not loud enough to be called a shout and invite unwanted attention.

That's fucking it.

I slammed my book on the table and glared right in her eyes

"Shut up." Both of them were dumbstruck, but Yukinoshita immediately recovered and replied.

"Don't you have any manners? Didn't your parents teach you how to talk to people properly?"

Parents? Parents...

"You can't just shut up, can you?"

"How dare you talk to me like that? You rotten-"

I stood up from my chair.

"See you later."

I picked up my stuff and barged out of the door leaving their mouths wide open with shock. I aimed to stop coming to club for a while. - I don't know if this is the right thing to do, nor would I know any soon. However, that was what I wanted to do. Anything else doesn't matter.

I left the school and went to a roof of some random apartment building and leaned on the edge.

What's in it for me living, anyway?

I started climbing the edge, but was interrupted.

I heard a scream from an alley adjacent to the building I was planning to jump off on. I didn't know anything, but I know I ran with all my strength down the stairs. As I went to the alley, I was greeted by a scene I could never let pass by.

A familiar blonde-haired girl entered my sights. Drills on both sides, and piercing green eyes. There was no doubt. That girl is Miura. She was surrounded by goons. Their eyes were filled with lust. I could see everything slowly. It's as if I was fated to be here.

Slowly, I saw one of them stretching his hand towards Miura's breasts. Before I knew it, I started to think of saving her.

Even if it was illogical.

There were three goons in total. One standing near a pole. The second was standing near a metal rod. The third was nearing Miura.

I could break the arm of the first, grab the metal rod and hit the second with it.

I ran.

I used the pole to break the arm of the first one. I ran towards the metal rod, and hit the second one, enough to knock him unconscious. By the time I dealt with the two, the last one noticed what I did and immediately charged towards me. I tried to hit him with the metal rod on my hands, and punch him in the stomach, but he was able to render all my attempts futile. I guess he is the strongest of the bunch.

Before I knew it, he punched me in the gut.

I felt the taste of iron as blood gushed out of my mouth. The only thing I could do was shriek in pain. I couldn't maintain my hold on the rod anymore. As a last resort, I tried to punch him again, but my wrists were tightly caught and twisted them; making me shriek louder.

By then, luck was on my side. From my fading vision, I saw a few people coming towards us to see what was happening. I guess screaming worked. Seeing them, the last man ran away, leaving his 'friends' lying on the cold, concrete floor. My vision completely faded, and I knew that I was becoming unconscious. The bright glow of the sun didn't compliment what had happened in this alley at all. I get the feeling of dread, and, surprisingly, satisfaction.

Before I lost consciousness, I was able to hear a voice.

Strangely, that voice calmed my mind.

Strangely, that voice eased my pain.

Strangely, I liked that voice.



Hey guys, I am the one who wrote the Broken beyond Repair fic if you have read it. I read all the reviews and finally got to the decision that it was not going anywhere. It was just going to turn out shit. So I took a few suggestions out of them and modified the story and FINALLY got a beta (Aqua-sama) lol and a really good one too. Hope you guys and gals like this chap. I hope you will wait for it.

Beta Reader A/N (Aqua-sama)

A/N: Yo. I'm a beta reader for grammar issues (though I might add my opinion occasionally). Fixing grammar is all I can boast about, after all. Hehe. My writing is horrible, so at least I have this to help even just a little bit.