![]() Author has written 55 stories for Pokémon, Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail, and Young Justice. Name: Nightlingbolt Real Name: Chris. Call me either. Age: 24 Lives in: Boston IMPORTANT: All anonymous reviews, positive or negative, will be deleted. If you have any sort of criticism, I need to be able to discuss it with you should I find your point valid, which I cannot do if I don't know who the hell you are. Besides which, it's too easy to bash and/or flame an author for no good reason if you don't have to identify yourself. If you have something to say to me, the least you can offer me is a name. IMPORTANT: The following stories are either suspended (S) or discontinued (D) as of March 18th, 2013: -My Idol's Partner (S) Avatar made for me by untuxable of The Speed Gamers Community. Yeah, I got sick of what I had here. So about me, I'm a fanfiction writer, but you knew that already. My main fandom is Fairy Tail, but I've been known to write for Pokemon, Bleach, and Young Justice. I have Asperger's Syndrome, which inhibits my social interactions with people, but once I get to know you, I can be funny. Part of it (at least for me) is a very low stupidity tolerance, and have been known to completely distance myself from fandoms just because of the Fan Dumb surrounding them. My dream is to one day start doing Let's Plays (video playthroughs of video games with commentary), but I want to get a job first. Some of us like Lucy with Gray or Loke. Some of us like Natsu with Lisanna or Erza. Some of us prefer them in homosexual relationships. Please. Cut back on the NaLu love! There is indeed such a thing as too much of a good thing! Repost and add your name if you agree. (Nightlingbolt) Nightling News: 9/23/14 Geez, almost a year since my last post here. I'm thinking at this point, it might be easier to make all my announcements on Tumblr. Actually, yeah, Tumblr's the way to go from now on. I'll put together a Tumblr for my stories and my random ideas. That way I can reach people more easily than randomly updating my FanFiction profile. 10/30/13 Happy Halloween, guys! Sorry I've been neglecting this (again!). Anyway, I got an iPhone 5C for my birthday, and when I connected it to my laptop, I disconnected it before it said it was charging, which apparently corrupted something in my hard drive. Long story short, my laptop now freezes up mere minutes after I start it up. I tried uninstalling iTunes, I tried running a system check, and nothing seems to work. So, I'm probably not going to be posting anything for a while. I'll see what I can do on Dad's computer, but I'm honestly more comfortable writing in my own room, so we'll see. 6/15/13 Happy Father's Day, everyone! Or rather, happy night before Father's Day. Now that I've given it 24 hours to sink in, I kind of don't have a place to go with Natsu's Diary after Chapter 335. Ultear was kind of going to be a major player around the middle of the story, but... yeah, that's not really happening now. I know, I know. But again, I try to keep my stories matched up to the storyline as of the latest chapter, which is kind of my fault for being a lazy ass with Natsu's Diary. Even so, I'll do my damnedest to figure out something. 5/17/13 So much for weekly updates... I did make a start on Chapter 2 of Castelia Resonance, worked a little on Death the Kid T-Shirt, and sadly, all but neglected Natsu's Diary. I did come up with a new direction for each of my Fairy Tail stories, though, and I'm very excited to type all that out. I will be posting something sometime next week to gauge people's reactions, because it will eventually be incorporated into Natsu's Diary. Other than that, expect updates to either Castelia Resonance or Death the Kid T-Shirt in the coming days. 3/29/13 Happy Good Friday, y'all! Or if you're not Catholic, you get a day off from school, so don't complain! Anyway, I'm announcing a rewrite of Lucky Star. I'm sure all of you think it's fine just the way it is, and I like it myself. Thing is, though, when I started writing it, none of us had any idea that there would be a timeskip in which everyone but the main characters aged, so I wrote it assuming things would move on as normal. I know, it's pretty to want to rewrite a fanfic just because it doesn't match up with canon. But really, if I continued the sequel as is, I'd be going in blind, plus I wouldn't be able to introduce characters from the timeskip (Sting, Chelia, etc.) But that's more or less irrelevant, since the sequel would center around Tenrou Island. Not much about this story would change, though, except taking place after Edolas. So I guess we'll see where everything goes from there. Ideas for the Future: Phantoms Rising: A former Phantom Lord mage, said to be second only to Jose, finally gets the go-ahead to revive his old guild. Their goal: nothing short of the Grand Magic Games! But Jose doesn't approve of this new Phantom Lord. For Want of a Nail: Ultear masters a new "dimension" of the Arc of Time, which Meldy insists she share with their Fairy Tail friends. A collection of "what-if" oneshots. Project Saint Meteor: At Crime Sorciere's urging, Natsu, Lucy, Gajeel, Juvia, and Wendy raid an independent guild Jellal has suspicions about. What they find, however, is a familiar face - a clone of Jellal! ErzaxClone!Jellal Sparks: Lucy bemoans the fact that she's useless without her keys. Mira has an idea, and she drags Laxus into it by having him teach Lucy a form of Lightning magic he can't use himself. Will love blossom between master and apprentice? Follow me on Twitter for story updates, to ask me questions, and maybe catch a glimpse into the future. Until then, peace and love from Nightlingbolt. Life's a happy song when there's someone by your side to sing along. |