Reviews for A Start of Something New?
Napoleon chapter 2 . 1/17
Hey Icehole! Don't forget who you are! For the love of god, this is one of the greatest post-highschool hachiyumi story I've seen! CONTINUE IT YOU CUNT!

But seriously m8, you did good. Please don't give up.
Morat Gurgeh chapter 1 . 1/23/2019
Please continue this piece of writing . . .
asyam.harits09 chapter 2 . 12/7/2018
Aaww come on you gotta continue this right?
Wicked.A chapter 2 . 10/25/2018
interesting concept
Morat Gurgeh chapter 2 . 5/29/2018
Thank you, your writing are very good
skbeh chapter 2 . 5/2/2018
when will you update
HaiiroSei chapter 2 . 2/20/2018
please update
Gilanor25 chapter 2 . 1/6/2018
Update it!
SirLordCrow chapter 2 . 12/27/2017
espero que en algĂșn momento de la existencia puedas continuar esta historia ya que se ve bastante interesante.
ZenoZen chapter 2 . 12/4/2017
please update this
Dhaturas chapter 2 . 6/13/2017
This is some really good stuff. The dynamic between the two is quite realistic and matches with their personalities. I'm a bit confused as to why Yukinoshita and Hachiman divorced but I guess that will become clearer in future chapters. I also love the idea of Miura having a kid. This could possibly tame her bitchiness and develop the Hachiman and Miura's relationship.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to chapter 3.
OmegaEleven chapter 2 . 2/4/2017
teh "joke":
the real question is: why the heck was Hachiman thinking about that particular scene with Yukino when he was helping Miura?, i mean, i get that saying about guys thinking about sex every 7 seconds or whatever, but come on, this is a bit too much (its hilarious though) lel.
also it was kind of hot. dayum
teh "review":
well, i'm getting mixed signals from this, in one hand it feels like he dumped Yukino because everything feel like a hassle, like "i pursued an idea for so long, but in the end, after i have it in my reach, its really nothing, why keeping this farce going" or something like that, on the other hand is "i don't want to continue this because you can't give me a child", but that doesn't feel right, because, well, ((((the current year))))) you know?, there is this thing called artificial insemination, ever heard of it?, so that pretty much sink the second, but one can'n never be sure of things (plus, he also stated that he doesn't like children to begin with it), man, this is like a puzzle or a crime case to resolve, niiice.
now, something that bothers me is 8man way of thinking, is like he didn't grown up after school and college, yeah sure, society is shit and what not (it just need a zombie, war, or big ass cathastrope to show how ugly it can be), but it doesn't make relationships less real or valid, rather that holding onto this little space of happiness he managed to find, happiness that is hard to find these days, he went all about "muh delusions, muh marriage is..."... basically i think he went full retard, like srly.
for some reason this reminded me of what a character in another fic stated, it was something like "when you find something or someone who makes you happy, don't let it go, problems can be deal with, but lost happiness is hard to bring back" or something like that, if one think the relationship is not "that" special, then you and your partner make it special, a relationship is made by two after after all, go on voyage across the continent or around the world (sometimes i read about couples who do that, those bastards, lel), i don't know, there are different ways in which two can make it work, here is like 8man didn't even try (and maybe Yukino neither?), obviously if you go around with that mentality, things will fall apart rather quickly. or i'm wrong and 8man was right and it was Yukino fault or something, dunno, like i said before this is like a puzzle. i guess i will wait for the next chapter. see ya.
-i was holding the review until chapt 3, like i said this feels like a puzzle and i wanted to be sure of some stuff before posting one.
OmegaEleven out.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/25/2017
chapter 3?
Guest chapter 2 . 1/24/2017
Need more good job love the series and ur work
jam99chgo chapter 2 . 1/20/2017
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