Hey guys, i'm here with a new story again. Do read and review...

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, i wish i did though

This is the actually summary i had to kind of summarise the summary:
Natsu disappeared for 3 years to train and defeat a Black Dragon but he got home sick so he return to the guild but not as Natsu but as Shiki, a more matured person who loves Erza. But when he returns to the guild he realises that Erza had already found another boyfriend, Laxus? Many other pairings involved.

Chapter 1 - Changes

"It won't be there, Natsu. It would have probably flown away," Gilzarts tried to stop Natsu.

"No, I will find that black dragon, and then I'll ask him about Igneel. Don't try to stop me," Natsu said, before running to the guild.

"Aye," Happy said.

"You can't come, Happy. It'll be too dangerous for you," Natsu shook his head at his little blue friend.

"That's why I'm coming with you," happy argued.

"No, see there's Lucy. Go annoy her or something and don't tell anybody anything," Natsu told him, before leaving the guild.

Natsu ran out of the guild and into the forests. He was heading for the direction of the mountains, where Gilzarts had seen the dragon.

~The Present~


Sigh all that happened three years ago. I wonder what's going on in the guild now. I should go back…but…I didn't finish the mission, my mission. I didn't defeat the dragon. It's too powerful. Three years of training tired laugh and I still can't defeat it. What a joke?


Natsu was camping in the forests, far away from Magnolia, Fairy Tail. The dragon had kept on moving and in the past years with no friends around him, Natsu changed a lot. He lost his childish attitude and he was a lot more serious about what he does.

In terms of power, he was a lot stronger than before. In terms of looks, his hairstyle had changed. His hair was longer and even spikey than before. His hair now covers his eyes when he moves his head and he tied his hair mini-ponytail. He still wore a sleeveless vest and his scarf was now made into a shirt with sleeves which he wore under his vest. He also wore black jeans.

'Go to the Guild, Natsu. You'll defeat the dragon another time,' he heard a voice in his head.

"Igneel," he whispered, before looking around.

"Igneel!" he shouted, standing.

'Just listen, boy. Go back to Fairy Tail. They won't recognise you, just change your name,' the voice said again before fading away.

"I will Igneel," Natsu packed his bag.

After packing his bag, he walked all the way to Magnolia, (Transportation weakness) he reached magnolia in a week but he still could not think of a good cover name for him. He was grumbling about it when he ran into a couple of robbers who used magic.

"Iron fist of the Fire Dragon," he shouted as he attacked the robbers.

"Oh, sorry, I think I used too much power," Natsu smiled at the unconscious bodies of the robbers sheepishly, "Shiki! That's the name."

He finally found a name that he liked. That evening he would have reached Fairy Tail but he delayed by camping at the nearby forest.


What do I do? Go to the guild and introduce myself. What do I do when Master asks if I want to join? Say yes, and show him where I want the mark. The Mark! Oh no, what about my original mark? Sigh I have no choice I have to cancel it.


He took out a knife and slashed the original Fairy Tail mark. He watched as it vanished into millions of red sparks. Then, he fell asleep as he waited for daybreak.

~The next day~

The light was shining directly at his face. Disturbed from his slumber, Natsu woke up and rubbed his eyes.

'What a nice way to wake up?' he thought sarcastically as he walked to the nearby pond and washed his face.

'I wonder what happened to the others in the guild. I didn't tell them that I was leaving. Woah, I'm so glad that I'm not going back as myself, Erza will kill me," Natsu laughed,' yup I will most definitely die at her hands if I went to the guild as myself.'

Laughing in his mind, Natsu walked all the way to the guild. He stood outside the doors listening to the eerily silent guild inside. He felt something was missing… Natsu frowned and pushed the door open. The door creaked and everybody's eyes were on him.

"Natsu…" a nearly silent whisper was heard throughout the guild.

Natsu started acting… He looked around 'nervously'. He walked slowly towards the bar, where he saw Mirajane and Fried.

"Are you the Master of the guild?" he asked Fried in his pretense.

"Don't you know Freed, Natsu?" Gray walked towards him, Juvia followed.

"Who are you? Who is this Natsu person?" he asked Gray.

"What's your name?" Juvia asked him.

"Shiki," Natsu replied. (I'm going call Natsu, Shiki from now on.)

Juvia nodded, "Gray, he's not Natsu."

"Oh, I'm sorry I mistook you for someone else. I'm Gray Fullbuster and this is Juvia Loxar…my girlfriend," Gray held his hand out.

"Pleased to meet you, Gray and Juvia-san," Shiki shook his hands.

"I'm sorry, we would love to chat but he's not feeling so well. I should bring him back. Pleased to meet you too Shiki-kun," Juvia smiled and led Gray away.

Shiki stared after them.

"Hi, I'm Fried and this is Mirajane. She's the bartender and I'm her fiancé," Fried told him.

"Oh, I'm Shiki. Who's the Master and where is he?" Shiki replied.

"There's a new Master for Fairy Tail. He has a scar over his right eye and he's blonde. He'll be at the third floor…the third room," Fried added as an afterthought.

'So Laxus is the guild Master now, I thought that he was expelled… Guess that old man took him back,' Shiki nodded at Fried before climbing up the stairs to the second floor.

The third room on the third floor is Laxus' room. Laxus was wearing his normal purple-coloured, high collar shirt and his jacket was draped over the chair. Erza was wearing black jeans with a black armored top her hair was longer and tied up into a ponytail. (Her hair had grown to her waist and the armor was made out of the hardest material ever found and its silverish-pinkish in colour.) Laxus and Erza were there beside the window. Laxus had his arms around her waist and Erza had hers around his neck. Pulling on his neck, Erza made Laxus lower down his head enough for her eyes to look at his.

"Erza…" Laxus whispered as he moved closer to her, almost kissing her when they heard a cough.

Laxus froze just before his lips met hers. Almost shouting and cursing at the person who interrupted he controlled himself, so as to not disappoint his grandfather with his attitude. He turned with a malicious smile on his face.

"What do you –"Laxus stared at the person at the doorway, "Natsu?"

"Natsu…" Erza whispered her eyes wide open.

"I'm sorry but I'm Shiki. I want to join Fairy Tail. The members told me that the Master was here so…" Shiki shrugged, ignoring the glare that Laxus was giving him.

"What type of magic do you use?" Erza asked him, quickly recovering from her shock.

"Fire," Shiki replied.

"Where do you want your mark?" Laxus was impressed as he did not back down even though Laxus was glaring at him.

"Right shoulder, red colour," Shiki said as he rolled up his sleeve.

Laxus nodded as he took out a stamp and walked towards Shiki. He stamped his shoulder and moved back to put the stamp back.

"Go and look for someone to give you a tour of the guild," Laxus said, quickly dismissing him.

Shiki nodded and left, 'It's my imagination. My Erza was NOT going to kiss Laxus. Yeah that's right, it's my imagination,' he tried smiling but failed. (They both like each other but they do not know how to reveal it.)

Shiki made his way back to the first floor.

"Did you get the mark?" Mira asked over the counter.

"Yeah, here," Shiki said as he showed Mira his mark, "Master also asked someone to give me a tour of the guild. Could you tell me who I could ask?"

"See that blonde girl beside that ginger headed guy? Ask her…She's Lucy. The only person in Fairy Tail who never has enough money to pay her rent and the guy is Loke, her boyfriend," Mira winked at Shiki as she pointed at Lucy.

"Thanks, Mira," Shiki smiled.

"The mark of the same colour and on the same place, Natsu you cannot fool me," Mira smiled at Shiki's retreating figure.

Hope you liked it. Please review... :)