A/N: I added a bit humor at the last part to make it less... cheesy hopefully?

Okay, let's just get straight to the point. This story over here, has been bugging me for a few days so I decided to write it. I'm sorry for the length of this story, it's very short, I know. I'm also sorry for the OOCness T^T Well, I hope you enjoy it...?

Their first meeting was indeed very strange.

Lucy stared at the young man in front of her with cold eyes, clenching her fist and gritting her teeth to suppress her anger.

She hated him for hurting her friends, her family.

"What are you doing here?" She hissed, anger overpowering her fear of the dragon slayer.

He simply raised a questioning eyebrow, "I believe this park isn't owned by you?"

Lucy continued to glare, unfazed, "Are you going to hurt me here? Just like you did to Natsu? Don't judge me by my appearance; I can kick your ass if I want to Sting Eucliffe,"

He chuckled, "Such language for a young lady don't you think Ojou-sama?"

"You didn't answer my question." She growled, "And don't call me that,"

Their eyes met coldly, clashing to each other.

"Who? Me? I'm simply nothing but a gentlemen, I won't do that to ladies," Sting smirked, and bowed mockingly.

"Gentlemen my ass," She scoffed, crossing her arms.

"And that comes from the heiress of Heartfilia?" A playful smirk was on his face.

"It's none of your business!" She snapped, "Why are you here anyway!"

"To annoy you," His reply was simple, short, and straight to the point, and that irked her. A lot.

"How very straight-forward of you," She mocked, rolling her eyes.

"Same goes for you don't you think? Insulting someone you barely know," He said, an amused expression on his face.


"Wanna go out for some ice-cream?"

"Very random of you don't you think?" Lucy raised an eyebrow, "Considering that we were enemies just seconds ago,"

"You didn't answer my question yet." Sting grinned mischievously.

"... jerk."

She ended up eating an ice-cream with him. Wait, wasn't she supposed to be mad with him?

"You do know that you treating me like this isn't going to change the fact that I hate you?" She said, licking her ice cream.

"I know," He spoke, "But I decided to pity on you and buy you an ice cream,"

"And since when did I need your pity?"

"Ever since I decided to annoy you, just look at your face when I announced that,"

He chuckled at her expression, eyebrows furrowed and a scowl on her face.

"Wanna have some lunch?"

"No." She replied instantly.

"Sorry, but you really have to get some lunch."

"And why is that?"

"Your stomach's grumbling." He pointed out bluntly.

"No it is no-"

As if in cue, Lucy's stomach grumbled; resulting fits of laughter from Sting Eucliffe and a flushed Lucy Heartfilia.

"So will you?" He half-joked.


"I'll take that as a yes," He chuckled, "So shall we go to on our date Ojou-sama?"


Lucy sighed, just how chaotic can this day be? She ended up eating ice-cream and going on a d- *Cough* having *cough* lunch with her 'supposed enemy'. They were now simply sitting on a bench peacefully, doing nothing.

Sting suddenly stood up from the bench and faced the blonde.

"Well then, I'll be going Ojou-sama," He bent down and whispered in her ear, a mischievous smirk on his face.

Lucy flinched at their distance, a brilliant color of red on her face.

"I'll remind you once again, I still hate you!" Lucy shouted, jerking back.

Sting whispered something to her, chuckling and walked away, leaving the dumbfounded Lucy.

Just nine simple words to make her flush really badly for no reason. It wasn't like he was flirting with her right? It wasn't some cheesy quote that Loke always say right? Then why was she blushing?

"I'm going to need some long bath," Lucy muttered, shaking her head before walking home.

'I'll be seeing you in another meeting then, Ojou-sama,'

"So..." Rogue smirked, it was the 'I-Know-What-You-Did type of smirk, one that Sting hates, "What's up with the 'Ojou-sama' and treating her Ice-cream?"

Sting groaned, "You were watching?"

"Of course Sting-kun!" Frosch piped in the conversation.

"We were seaching for you and we came across you treating her ice-cream and lunch," Lector said.

"So? I'm still waiting for an answer?"

He shrugged, "I don't know, she just caught my attention,"

Rogue chuckled.

"And what is so funny if I may ask?"

"I won't be too surprised to see you visting her soon,"


A/N: I'm sorry for it's... cheesiness? I just hope I at least did a decent work here. I really need opinions so please drop me a review!