Hey guys sorry took me so long to update this story. Been putting out others. Anyway time for shout outs.

Animaman- If you mean Return of Namikaze then I see the resemblance. I will try not to copy it, even if tried I would fail that story is way to good.

DRAGON- First off I'm happy you like my stories. Second I am introudicng Soul and the others but not as weapons. Third I'm not adding Kako or Kurama. Just Yusuke.

And I know it's Ren but I watched the English dub and they called him Len. So if I like introduce Zeke I will call him Zeke not Hao.

Fourth is about Sekirei. All I can say is google it and watch the show. I can explain it to you but it will be to long and troublesome. Anyway keep reviewing!

Luckybro1029- Sorry. Here is the update!

Chapter 9: Missions

It was the next morning after Sakura tested her genin. She was currently standing in front of Tsunade with Taiken. She wondered how Taiken was able to use techniques like that and asked Tsunade if she knew.

"So Taiken, Sakura tells me you are able to use jutsu without hand signs?" Tsunade raised a brow. "Hai. It's a secret art my father taught me and my siblings when we were kids. I have to trace the element in the air and if there is a source it will work. I still use regular jutsu but I need to get better." Taiken explained.

"What is this technique called?" Tsunade asked. "Ki release. I channel my chakra around my surroundings and cast the element." Taiken answered. "Can you give an example?" Tsunade asked. Taiken nodded before tracing the Suiton symbol with one hand.

He touched Tsunade's cup and it instantly filled with water, pure water. "Amazing." Tsunade breathed. "Is it difficult to use during battle?" Tsunade wondered. "Sometimes. I have to be very familiar with the signs. For example when I was fighting sensei I was able to summon earth spikes to try and impale her." Taiken informed.

"You said you needed to get stronger what do you have in mind?" Tsunade wondered. "A Ki blast. One with so much condense chakra and power it will erase my enemies." Taiken smirked. "I see. Well I would like to know your progress once in a while. Sakura you wanted to talk to me about one of your other students correct?" Tsunade stated.

"Yes Shisou. I wanted to talk about Musubi Sekirei." Sakura said. "Yes what about her?" Tsunade wondered. Taiken stayed wondering what his sensei had planned for his teammate. "Well her taijutsu is perfectly Identical to lee's when he was that age and I was wondering if I could teach her what you taught me." Sakura explained.

"Are you sure Sakura? You aren't by any chance playing favorites are you?" Tsunade smirked. "No. I would not forget about my other students! I was gonna ask Sasuke if he could help train Taiken and Len. It's just that I have some kind of connection with Musubi." Sakura said. Tsunade nodded. "Alright Sakura. You can train her but don't…" "I won't trust me." Sakura grinned before she and Taiken left.

"Sensei did you really mean it?" Taiken asked. Sakura glanced at him and smiled. "Of course Tai-kun. I don't like playing favorites unless it came to Naruto-kun. I will also train you and len the same thing as Musubi." Sakura grinned. Taiken looked at her shocked. "What? But I thought…"

"Well you thought wrong. Musubi is great don't get me wrong but she seems to have surpassed you and Len. I want you all to be the same level." Sakura grinned. Taiken smiled happy that someone actually showed good interest in him.

Naruto was currently getting scolded by his genin about being late. "Don't make it a habit sensei!" Maka scowled. "Yeah! How are you gonna teach us if your always late?" Soren demanded. Yusuke grunted in agreement. "Sorry. I broke a couple mirrors this morning on accident. So I had the bad luck to take the really long way." Naruto lied to tell the truth he just didn't feel like getting up.

After their scolding Team Naruto walked in the room to hear a loud mouth similar to Soren complain. "That's not a good enough mission for the almighty black star! YAHOO!" Black star nodded. "Black star would you shut up?" Kiba growled.

"Soul!" Maka called. Soul turned around wearing a yellow and black jacket with buttons going down the front. Around his head is a prominent sweatband that had a sticker with his name on and a round logo featuring a red-lipped mouth bearing pointed fangs surrounded with the letters 'E-A-T.' He also wore a pair of maroon pants, and yellow and black sneakers with a pattern on the soles resembling his teeth. His hair was just as white a Soren's and he had red eyes.

"Hmm? Maka, What are you doing here?" Soul asked. "SOUL!" Soren called running to his friend. "Soren you too? This is so not cool." Soul muttered. "Hey what about me? Come on! You have a star right in front of you!" Black star pointed being ignored by everyone.

"Hey soul! Guess who our sensei is!" Soren jumped excitedly. "Who?" Soul asked curious. "Its him!" Soren pointed to the wall facing soul with a grin on his face. "You mean the stud that is making out with the pink haired hottie?" Soul asked.

"Yeah hi… HEY SENSEI!" Soren yelled. Naruto pulled back from Sakura looking annoyed at Soren. "What? Can't you see I'm busy here?" Naruto snapped. "Well we got a mission to do! Stop making out with her can come on!" Soren shot back. Naruto rolled his eyes before kissing Sakura one more time then leaving to his team with a certain loud mouth Baka.

"Okay what crappy mission do we get first Baa-chan?" Naruto wondered. "Well Naruto it seems after all this time Tora still has escaped. But this time he has pals." Tsunade smirked. "This is gonna be a pain. Hey Kiba!" Naruto turned to the Inuzuka who had a headache from black stars constant ranting.

"What?" Kiba wondered. "How about my, Sakura-chans and your team go on this mission together?" Naruto asked. "Fine but… Hey where did kid go?" Kiba asked looking around to see a boy in a black suit gawking at his handy work.

"Ahh, everything is perfectly symmetrical now Hokage-sama now you can sleep with ease." Kid grinned. Kiba sighed. "Only you would care about that." Maka, Soul, Black star and Soren muttered.

"Come on you runts, we got a mission to take care of. I'll be happy to join your squads." Kiba smirked. "Great!" Naruto grinned. "Sensei do we really have to work with them?" Len asked. "Oh come on Len-kun! It will be fun! Lets go!" Musubi cheered. Taiken smirked following his teammate outside.

2 hours later in the forest 3 groups of genin were spread outside the forest.

"This is white star, have any of you found the target?" Soren asked in his communicator. "Nope. No sign. Soul over." Soul replied. "YAHOO! I FOUND HIM! COME HERE!" Black star screamed into the microphone. "Damn it black star we can all hear you!" Maka scolded. "Kid are you near black star? Kid?" Soul asked.

"This forest isn't symmetrical at all. I counted a total of 289 that's an odd number! We need to plant a tree as…" "WOULD YOU GET OVER IT?" The genin besides Black star yelled. "Guys! He's headed towards the village!" Black star reported. At that moment every genin besides the traumatized Kid gave chase for the demon cat.

After another two hours a clawed up Black star and Soren were pouting in front of Tsunade. "That was a complete waste of time!" Soren complained. "Yeah! Us stars need better missions! Give us an S-rank or something." Everyone besides Naruto and the two genin busted out laughing. "I don't get the joke." Naruto said.

"Baka! You did the same thing before we went on our first C-rank." Sakura reminded him. Naruto thought about it before remembering but still couldn't find out why that was funny. He was dead serious at the time.

"Your asking for a higher mission now? You just got back from your first mission and look at you two!" Tsunade scolded. "Now wait a minute Granny. I heard that Teme's genin have already done 7 D-ranks today and are scheduled to go on an escort mission tomorrow. How is that fair?" Naruto asked.

Tsunade narrowed her eyes at the Hokage to be. "You want to make a bet brat?" Tsunade smirked. "Yeah! How about this. If my team can get in at least 50 D-ranks in the next two weeks then you give us 5 C-rank, 4 B-rank and 1 A-rank. Deal?" Naruto smirked.

"Alright but if they fail they have to take all the D-ranks till the Chunin exams and without complaining. Deal?" Tsunade asked. Naruto looked at the determination in his students eyes. "Discount the weekends and you got yourself a bet." Naruto grinned shaking hands with Tsunade.

After they left the tower the 3 genin were looking at their sensei curiously. "What's wrong guys?" Naruto asked. "Sensei why would you do that? You know we can't do that many missions we'll crack." Maka stated. "I don't want to admit it but I think we can't handle it either." Soren said. "Were not ready." Yusuke said simply.

"Yeah if you were normal genin. But your not. You three are being trained under the future Rokudaime himself! You can do it. In fact you will do it because the whole time you will be training. Come by my house tomorrow morning. I have something to give you guys." Naruto said before flashing off leaving the three genin.

The next morning as ordered Team 7 walked to their sensei's large mansion like house. Maka was about to knock when she noticed that the door had a dent. (Remember? =P)

The door swung open to show a fully dressed Sakura smiling at them. "Come on in guys. Naruto is outside in the back." Sakura smiled leading them through the house. Once they finally got outside they saw Naruto meditating while a large orange fur foxed watched him. The genin noticed a light orange hue coming from Naruto but Sakura saw orange chakra surrounding him like an aura.

"Alright kit, that's enough for now. We will continue later." Kyuubi said. "Thanks Kurama." Naruto smiled getting up. He walked to his genin and handed them white beaded bracelets, necklaces and ankle bracelets.

"These are gravity weights. Once I activate them your whole body will become heavy. You will spar, train, sleep and do anything with these on. They will turn a different color telling you are getting stronger. Once the beads turned red then I will take them off. Are you ready?" Naruto asked. The three nodded.

"Activate!" Naruto chanted. The loose beads around them started tightening and getting smaller around them till they fell back with a thud. "Heavy isn't it?" Naruto smirked. "Ya think?" Soren growled being barely able to contain his anger. "Alright once you can walk easily then we will go start how missions." Naruto grinned finally following his team.

The next two weeks were hell for Team 7. They had to finish 50 ranks in less than two weeks. Not to mention the beads. After 4 days their beads glowed blue. But that meant more training. On the weekends Naruto had them spar, climb trees, walk on water all in one day!

He woke them up at 4 in the morning to start the training. Maka being the genius she is was able to master tree climbing and water walking in no time flat earning her beads to glow green. Yusuke and Soren took a day for them to finally start mastering it. They sparred with Taijutsu or ninjutsu. It seemed Maka had a talent for genjutsu and made note to send her to kurenai.

By the time the two weeks passed team 7 completed 65 D-ranks straight. But their beads only glowed yellow and that was for the longest time. Naruto smiled at their progress and allowed them to train even harder than before.

Naruto did the best he could to help Yusuke with his spirit gun and canon. He taught Soren various seals and jutsu while he and Maka studied ninjutsu and Taijutsu. Maka was really good with her scythe so he saw no reason to change it.

Once in awhile they would run into fellow ninja and spar with them. But for some reason Naruto barely saw Sasuke around. He thought he should check up on him after their A-rank mission they were going on.

They were escort a priest to demon country and guard the princess their. For back up Sakura was sent with them. As of now they were at the gate ready to depart. "Alright team Naru/Saku! Lets go!" Naruto cheered.

In a dark cave mysterious astral figures appeared. "The sealing of the 4 tails is done. Now what do we know of the nine tails?" The leader asked. "We don't know much besides that he is on a mission heading for demon country." Zetsu answered. "Is he alone?" Leader asked. "No sir. He has two genin teams with him and Sakura haruno." Zetsu replied.

"Fine. I will be sending you two to retrieve the jinchuriki. Kill anyone who stands in your way is the clear?" Leader ordered. "Yes sir!" the two men replied fading away. On a near by mountain top sat Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki. "I will do this alone." Itach stated. "Okay but what do you have to do?" Kisame asked fading away.

"I have to take care of family issues."