Chapter 6: Dreamer Woes

This wasn't happening to him. There was no way his karma was this good. He couldn't be doing this.

Yet he was.

As Saeko removed her t-shirt—revealing a lacy black bra—Takashi was in the process of removing his pants. Both were standing barefoot on the shoreline of the river that ran through Tokonosu City.

Per their class assignment, Takashi and Saeko had scoured the city for a suitable place to survive the zombie apocalypse. Their first target was the small man-made island that sat peacefully in the center of the southern tip of the city's primary river. Rather than rent a boat, Saeko had casually state they could just swim across. Takashi had reminded her that they would get wet.

Her response was to kick off her shoes and then drop her pants—revealing a black thong of equally lacy material. Takashi had barely been able to contain the blood threatening to erupt from his nose. To his dismay, the red liquid had instead traveled south instead of dispersing.

Saeko was smiling lightly—and blushing—as she jumped into the river. Despite the gathering darkness as the sun began to drop, the view she provided was amazing. Takashi followed her into the cold water and began to swim after her.

"Wasn't that better than renting a boat?" Saeko questioned as she slid up onto the shoreline across the river belonging to the island. Takashi emerged a few seconds later, soaking wet and shivering slightly.

"Just great," he assured her as he rubbed his arms rapidly in an attempt to stay warm.

"You look cold," the kendōka had a sly look on her face as she slid towards the raven haired man, "I should help you warm up."

Oh man.

Electric blue met stunning brown once again as purple and black intertwined. Takashi didn't care that his back was being shoved into the cold and dirty earth below him. All that he cared was that Saeko was on top of him and he was kissing her. Their lips were creating such heat and static energy that he wasn't even concerned about freezing to death.

They traded soft and gentle kisses—and several harsh and spicy ones as well—while their hands became adventurous. Takashi and Saeko spent very little time examining the island itself that night...





The dark haired slacker's head shot up from its previous position on the wooden surface of the table and came face to face with Busujima Saeko.


"You fell asleep again," Saeko said, smiling as she gestured at the pool of drool on the table.


"It's fine."

Saeko was sitting across from Takashi at a table in the rear part of the academy library. The two had been there all afternoon and were still trying to decide on a plan to present to their teacher tomorrow morning. They had covered everything from a market square to a military installation. There was simply no realistic way to survive a zombie apocalypse.

"I take it we're scraping the island idea?" Takashi asked sheepishly.

"Yes," Saeko agreed with a teasing twinkle in her blue eyes. She slid her foot forward and lightly tapped Takashi's ankle, causing him to stare at her in surprise.


"Did you know that you talk in your sleep on occasion?"

Takashi's face colored to the same shade as a very ripe tomato. She couldn't possibly-

"Ooooh harder Komuro-kun!" Saeko parroted softly—they were in a public place after all—as Takashi felt his face flush even harder than before.

"S-Saeko I-I c-c-can-"

Saeko surprised him by leaning over the table and boldly placing her mouth mere inches from his ear. "Would you like to go swimming sometime with me, Takashi-kun?" She whispered softly as her eyes now sparkled delightful temptation.


"Shhh," Saeko said softly as she leaned forward to kiss him.



"Takashi." Saeko still had that tempting look in her eyes and her lips were all but on his own lips, yet she repeated the statement again in an irritable tone.


Oh crap...



"AAAAAHHHHH!" Takashi shouted in shock as he was jarred awake yet again by a waterfall of H20. Falling out of his bed, the dark haired teen was then greeted by the sight of Hisashi and Kohta laughing themselves to death.

"Very funny!" Takashi snapped at them as he shook his head furiously in a vain effort to get the water out of both his black locks and his eyes.

"Dude, you've been out cold," Kohta said breathlessly.

"Class starts in ten minutes!" Hisashi added before he and Kohta made a hasty exit.

"Ten minutes!?" Takashi shouted in shock.

While he wasn't one to obsess over being at class in general, much less on time, Takashi had promised Saeko he would be there today for their project. While Saeko had compiled all of the data, Takashi was supposed to talk about everything to their classmates—something admittedly more up his alley than hers.

The only problem was that that presentation was in ten minutes.

Saeko was going to kill him...