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![]() Author has written 4 stories for Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Doctor Who. I have not been writing new fan-fictions here as I have been working on my own original science fiction. After more than a decade of writing I made the jump into self-publishing and have my book completed. Cries of Battle: Selstra is now finally available for purchase on Amazon and soon to be Barnes and Noble. I will be getting a digital link soon for the Kindle, Google and iTunes. Updated: 2-3-2020 With my second fanfic completed, Harry and Ginny have been given the chance to continue their adventure and have been told a planet that would take them to a doorway and give them the same chance as before. As of right now, I'm in the middle of writing number three set during the events of Halo 1. I don't know if I'm just going to do that one with part three, but I apologize ahead of time for those waiting because I'm currently working on getting my novel published (well, looking for an agent that will help me get a foot in the door for a publisher) as of 11-22, I'm working on a revamp of the novel on paper and will later type it out. A couple notes on the various series that I like...Harry Potter is one of my favorite here because the fan fiction is so much better than the real series. I mean, I hadn't gotten into the fan fiction until after I read the whole series and I had thought that she had done a great job in the writing until I found this site. I agree with the Harry/Ginny completely. There aren't really too many other choices because I hold onto the view that Hermione is considered very much the closest thing to a sister that Harry has and it was very obvious that she was written to be in a relationship with Ron. The only other 'ship that I consider interesting is adding Daphne into the mix. She is the only interesting Slytherin in my opinion, mostly because of the name, but what else do we really know about the Slytherin females? I have deleted my rants of the Potter Verse, but my opinions have not really changed. Stargate doesn't need a rant because that series was great. Starwars, well, let's just say I'm a fan of the pairings given in the series and there are a few that can get downright weird. That also includes KOTOR Bastila/Revan (good Revan). Starwars is also great for the Crossovers, the crossover that I wrote is evidence enough right? Wizards of the Force - Harry and Ginny have lived a full life to over a hundred seventy-five years, and they're given a chance to have a different great adventure than the one Dumbledore was talking about. They step through the arch and find themselves in another galaxy on the verge of a galactic war. Jedi of Magic has been completed for a while and I've enjoyed the reviews, what few there have been, but thanks anyway to those who have favored my stories and actually reviewed them. While I tried to keep true to the stories, I did vary it a little in that the rebellion was a little more active and better equipped. It begins just before A New Hope, the Jedi have been laying low and rebuilding their ranks and preparing for a second showdown with the Emperor. Harry and Ginny continue to produce clones revolutionizing the Jedi and their Code, citing that if it had not been for them, the Order would have been wiped out. With Anakin and Padme's support, the Potters and Skywalkers face off against at least one Death Star, more Sith and alot of Star Destroyers. Pairings - H/G, A/P Halo Potter - working title is where Harry and Ginny have stepped through the veil once more and end up in the middle of the Pillar of Autumn as they're unfreezing Master Chief. It will cover game one and some of the books with the other Spartans on Reach. No spoilers, but hopefully, there can be more survivors by the end of the "game". Character deaths? Don't know...No extra pairings aside from the obvious H/G. Note: both are still powerful and they have toys from the SW verse. I do have two other SW characters at some point in the story, but I don't know if I'm going to keep them. This story is actually on pause for the moment. I got stuck during the Silent Cartographer as I was trying to decide is Anakin and Padme were going to be in the story, just on Reach with the other Spartans. Basically, I over complicated the whole story and couldn't figure out what Padme would be doing there since she isn't a Jedi and she isn't powerful unless one is in politics, something that doesn't happen for the Spartans in the war. I'm stuck but...(11-22-15) I published another short, it's a SW/DW (Doctor Who) that is a fun short of a date night with River and The Doctor and they end up in the middle of the Jedi Council just before Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan return from Naboo with the Queen and Anakin. Not much action as the Doctor wouldn't really do anything in the middle of a battle, he isn't one for the action of a Jedi, and there aren't too many puzzles to solve for him in the middle of the Trade Federation. I got some good reviews on my first SW/DW crossover, and on a whim sat down and spewed out another of that mini-series. Thanks for those who think that my writing captured the Doctor's personality and I hope that those who think I missed it can forgive me. I'm more of an action writer than an intellectual writer so putting out theories and massive quantitative equations or problems aren't exactly a strong suit. I have to rely heavily on the Who'verse when it comes to those kind of factoids. The additional crossover that I'm working on is a solo potter in another verse story, so I'm jumping out of my typical H/G and writing a Potter that came from an AU into a new galaxy (that should be a hint on where he ends up). Of course I don't do the normal thing when it comes to writing and I hope that his arrival will alter the universe just enough to have him make an impact but not change the course of the verse so drastically that he wipes out the antagonists with a simple swish of his wand. He will be a matured Potter, a war weary soldier that just beat Voldemort but is hit with a dying ritual by the bad guy. It's a repeat no doubt, but there are only so many believable ways of sending two universes colliding and I didn't want to reuse the Death Arch again. Smallville was a great series until they kept putting off Clark's flying until the end though I understand the reasons behind it (don't have to like it). I don't mind the occasional Clark/Chloe when they're well written (not many). Honorable mentions - Firefly, great show and it's sad that they cancelled it (great for the movie though). Gears of War, there aren't too many fan fics of this out there, but now that they finished game three, there might be some more, though I'm not in with the series enough to write something myself. I'm currently 35 years old, achieved my Bachelors in English. Yankee fan (whole life), Floridian by birth though I am now in Arizona. My fifth child is due this month so my time is going to be juggled between at home with the family and work wishing I was writing more. They all take up so much of my time but I am writing book two and hope that it is written by the end of the year. Constructive criticism is more than welcome and I did alter some of the first fanfic as some suggestions were quite good. I have tried to come up with good combat spells, but in the end, you should remember that there's a reason the combat spells are the way they are, complex spells take too long to cast and it can get a person dead regardless of how cool or unique the results are. |