Wormholes Meteor Showers

Been a long time. Had PC and health issues then general lack of interest in writing spending a LOT of time reading.

Now, with the state of the world, I'm going to try to get back into writting, but not sure how it's going to go. At home, only a laptop and I just can't type properly on those for some reason. Luckily, a lot of down time at work right now, so try to sneak in a bit of writing now and then until there's a relaxation of the situation and work gets back to normal.

Original of this chap was similar but was lost years ago with PC breakdown.


Clark winced as he heard the sound of shifting stone above his head. He was currently holding up a massive stone that had cracked off the cliff face while about 100 feet below him, the archeological spelunking team scrambled to collect the samples and save as many of the precious artifacts as they could. His back was pressed against he rough facing of the stone. The weight, while quite a mass to try and hold in place was not the issue, it was the odd shape and balance of the mass he was holding. He judged from previous experience with similar sized and weighted objects that it was likely about 250 tons of stone that he was holding if not more.

"Hey Clark, how you holding up?" he heard from below and glanced towards the speaker, a grad student working for Dr. Baines and who was Clark's thesis advisor.

Clark twitched his jaw, activating the mic to his radio. "I'm okay, Helena. This is no where near as heavy as some of the things I've had to deal with. Biggest problem is trying to balance the weight. How much longer does the team need to be ready to evac the site?"

"Jason and Jack say about another hour to finish cataloguing the items and then an hour to move them out before we are ready to leave. So 2, 2 and a half hours. Is that going to be a problem?"

"Nah, just getting bored. Mind turning on the radio? Give me something to listen to other then the sounds of people swearing and Dr Baines moaning about having to close the site and not being able to save the murals after that quake."

"Well Baines can get over it. If you weren't here on site working, that chunk of the ravine you are holding up would have killed all of us and destroyed everything here any way. We have the high res digital photos and videos of the site, as well as teh old school shading and imprints taken so we have to do what we have to do. Save as much of the portable stuff as we can before you have to set that down. He might hate you can't just move it up and away, but he understands that trying to do so would just cause more damage to the ravine walls and cause the rest to cave in on the site any way. Better to save what we can then have you lower that down in place here, were it won't cause any environmental issues with the river and the wildlife in this area." Helena was not talkign into her radio, knowing that even from this distance and speaking in a normal volume, Clark could hear her as well as if he was only a few feet away. She moved over and switched the radio on, but received only static. "Sorry Clark, looks like we aren't getting a signal down here. Want me to pop in a CD or something?"

"Might as well, but none of that weird hard stuff. Just something light to pass the time." Clark replied. He was going to continue but a distinctive beep from a secondary communications equipment he carried interrupted him "Sorry Lena, just got another call." He stated, before twitching and turning off the radio. "Superman go." He stated, activating the high tech gear.

"Clark, this is Daniel." came the familiar voice of one of his supervisors from the SGC. Oddly, Daniel was speaking in a mostly obscure dialect of Egyptian instead of his natural English.

"Yes Dr Jackson." Clark replied respectfully in the same dialect.

"We've just received word from the Tok'ra. One of the Goa'uld has found the location of a Kryptonian colony and a store of Kryptonian ships and weaponry. The Tok'ra say that the Goa'uld is trying to gather others to aid him in raiding the planet as he is a minor figure and doesn't have the manpower or technology to be able to disable Kryptonian safeguards. They are calculating less then a week before the Goa'uld finds at least a couple of others to join him. SGC needs you and a team to head out that way as soon as you can. We know your location and situation and are sending in a group to fill in while you make your way to the moon base and SG's 6 and 12 who are on standby. The Justice League is sending one of the Green Lanterns, I think Stewart with your team, and Rainer is heading to your current location along with Shazam and Mary Marvel. They can take over for you. Between the three of them, they should be able to hold the cliff in place until the archeological team is out of the area and safely set it down."

Clark sighed. He hated having to pass on this task to someone else. It was HIS team and work down there that he was essentially being forced to abandon. But he had greater responsibilities then documenting the history of an ancient pre-Mayan tribe and the mystery of their demise. A distant boom heading from the direction of the orbiting Justice League Watchtower reached his ears. "I'll need a few moments to explain about the best way to handle this hunk of stone, but I should be at the base in no more then 20min. I can hear the JL team burning through the atmosphere now. They are only a few hundred miles away and it shouldn't take them more then 2-3 minutes to reach here. Has their approach been cleared with the local government?"

"Yes, Sam O'Neill alread cleared their entrance into the airspace and the nature of their mission. You are also cleared to leave their airspace from your current P.o.D. I'm enroute to the base from P3G2X3. I'll be joining your team as well."

Clark grinned. Having Daniel around would make for an interesting change. The man rarely took the to field on mission any more and it was always a treat to watch the awe of the newer SG teams as they realised this nearly 50 year old archeologist and linguistics expert could likely out last them all with his endurance and military experience. "I'll be glad to have you around Dr Jackson. See you soon, I can see Mary and Shazam now- and there's the glow of green for the Lantern. Superman out."

The comm unit clicked to indicate it was powered down and Clark took a moment to shift slightly as his load was rocked by the breeze.

'Well, another offworld Kryptonian ghost hunt.' he thought to himself. 'Hopefully nothing really dangerous out there.'


Lex Luthor stared impassively as he watched yet another experiment fail. The explosions of the equipment in the lab didn't cause so much as a flicker of emotion to cross his face as he stood stock still, watching several hundred million dollars of equipment and hundreds of man hours of work destroy itself around him. A slight motion from his side caused his head to turn to his assistant/bodyguard/personal assassin.

"What is it Mercy?" he asked in a cold tone of voice. His eyes locked onto the blond's daring her to question him.

"Mr. Luthor, shouldn't we be getting you out of here before any of this gets any worse? You mentioned that some materials could potentially have megatons of explosive potential. I calculate that it will take at least 5min to get you to a safe distance." At 6'2", shoulder length blond hair, startlingly blue yes, the woman in the feminine version of a classic chauffeur's uniform looked like she'd be as at home parading the catwalks of the Paris fashion shows as she was standing in a mile deep bunker with loud, sparking explosions happening around her.

A small smirk crossed Lex's face. "Concern, Mercy? That's unusual for you. But you should know by now, that even in failure, Lex Luthor always has a plan." He strode confidently to the wall and pressed a seemingly random section of the wall.

With a hiss, a pressure seal released and a hidden side room was exposed. The interior of the room was a perfect recreation of Lex's office from his former penthouse office at LexTower. He stalked over to the desk, Mercy moving to follow but pausing at the door. As he sat at the desk, he motioned for her to enter. As she did the door resealed behind her.

"In case you didn't notice, this is a sealed and protected room. The walls can surive multiple direct strikes from any Earth based weapons, including an estimate of a 50 megaton nuclear strike. There is a tunnel that leads to a underground river system that has a direct line to a base about 175 miles from here. It would take something on par with the Kryptonian or Darkseid to breakthrough the material forming this chamber."

Mercy quirked an eyebrow. It was rare that Lex didn't let her know about any escape plans for their various bases. He trusted her as much as he trusted anyone, especially when it came to his protection. "Was there a particular reason, Mr Luthor, you did not inform me of this location? By not being aware of this, it could have lead to my failure to perform my duty in keeping you safe."

Lex waived a hand as he took out a cigar from the humidor on the desk. "I don't tell you all my plans and options Ms Graves. You are one of my most trusted employees, but in the end, the only person I can fully trust is myself. There are people who could corrupt even you from my service." He turned in his seat and with one hand undid his belt and fly. "Now, Ms Graves, I have a more important task for you to do." he stated calmly, while inhaling on the expensive cigar.

Mercy nodded and moved forward, dropping to her knees before him and beginning the task before her with enthousiasm.

Lex leaned back in the insanely expensive chair, letting out several smoke rings as he relished the power he had over the woman on her knees before him. She was a significant investment in time and effort to turn her into his perfect service. 'Yes,' he thought 'it was well worth the effort to capture and brainwash this amazon whore. Plans within plans,' he thought again as the woman intensified her work. 'My own personal amazon whore and bodyguard/assassin to counter that damned Amazon Princess. If I could just get my hands on the Kryptonian's brat cousin or that female Green Lantern and corrupt them...'

"Mercy, take note when you are done." he stated causing the woman to pause for a second in her task before she continued. "I need to contact one of the Lantern core's enemies. Sinestro, or a Manhunter. I think it's time we seriously look into the mechanics of a green lantern ring and possibly sway one of them to my side. Preferably that newest one, the young woman? Or possibly get a hold of Guy Gardner. He seems to be someone who would be easy to sway to my side."

There was no reply from the woman who was far to busy to risk pausing her work for a verbal reply, but Lex knew the woman would remember and begin her next task once she was finished her current job.

'Life is good,' he thought even as the room shook slightly as the outside chamber destroyed itself in a fiery explosion of volatile materials.


Well that's it for this chapter. Long time no write. Hope you enjoy this reminder I am still alive and still looking for chances to write.