Harry Potter was a young wizard who had known a great deal of hardship in his life. He grew up without his parents, with the worst muggles imaginable and without friends. Life had been tough for him growing up, what with being treated like a slave and being bullied by his cousin Dudley.

But that had all changed when he went to Hogwarts, the school of witchcraft and wizardry. He had entered a world he belonged in albeit with a bit of unwanted fame but nonetheless he belonged. But most importantly, he had found friends in Hermione and Ron and a family with the Weasleys.

The three friends had gone on numerous adventures together trying to save the wizard world from the feared Voldermort better known as 'who-must-not-be-named."

In the previous year, Harry had learnt that he had a Godfather in the infamous Sirius Black. Of course they had thought that Sirius wanted to kill him when he escaped from Azkaban but they couldn't have been more wrong.

So by the end of the year, Harry had been delighted in knowing that he would get a chance to live with someone who actually cared about him.

Unfortunately for him, Dumbledore, his headmaster had insisted on him going back to Privet Drive for the summer. When Sirius and Harry had both insisted that they would go on the run together for the summer he had implied that he would turn Sirius in for Harry's sake.

And so it was because of this, that Harry Potter had been angry ever since he got to his relatives house.

Harry was still lying on top of his bed one morning silently fuming. He didn't understand why Dumbledore refused to let him stay with Sirius. He understood that Sirius was a wanted man but surely Dumbledore could do something. He was after all supposed to be the most powerful wizard alive. And Sirius had said he had a house. Harry was sure Dumbledore could put up protections for Sirius' house if he wanted to.

"Oh Hedwig I really thought we were leaving this place for good", Harry told his beautiful snowy owl. Hedwig nipped Harry affectionately and ruffled his feathers.

"BOY! GET DOWN AND MAKE BREAKFAST!" came a shout from his uncle. "Merlin, I can't wait till I get to the Burrow. And it's still the second day…Damn," Harry muttered to himself.


"I'm coming uncle Vernon."

Harry made the breakfast like he was supposed to and ignored all the occupants of number 4 Privet Drive. He waited until they served themselves and ate the measly helpings they left for him.

For a few days Harry had been thinking a lot about the wizarding world, Dumbledore and especially Voldermort. He couldn't help but feel that Voldermort was coming back to power especially after the dream he had of the man who was killed. He had decided to work more at his school work and give a bit more effort. He was used to not doing his best because he always punished for doing better than Dudley when they were younger. The habit had carried on even when he reached Hogwarts. So at night Harry picked the cupboard that he once called his room and took all his books.

Harry still had two months to go at the Dursley's and he had finished reading all his books including all previous years. He was bored now and so decided to go to Diagon Alley to look for books. So when Harry finished his chores for the day, he covered himself with his invisibility cloak and left for the wizarding world.

He didn't think his relatives would notice that he was gone. And of course he was right.

Harry went to Gringotts first since he had no money. Luckily for him he saw Griphook first who he knew was his account manager. "Hello Griphook. I came to get money from my account." "Hello Mr Potter. Of course you must follow me. Though I thought you came to look at your family vault. Come to think of it I thought you would've looked at it a long time ago."

Harry was wondering what Griphook was going on about. He was never told about a family vault. Plus he thought he had more than enough money already.

"What vault Griphook? I was never told about a family vault"

"Well you do have one Mr Potter and you are extremely wealthy. Your guardian was supposed to tell you about it. In any case I'll show you your family vault and tell you all you want to know about it."

To say that Harry was surprised would be an understatement. From what he had been told goblins never went out to help humans but from what he was seeing now, they definitely did. He briefly wondered why Griphook went out of his way to assist him.

He wasn't complaining though and he definitely wouldn't do anything to change Griphook's mind.

"You said guardian Griphook…Who exactly do you mean? Because I know my aunt and uncle would never want anything to do with this. Plus I can just see them spending all my money with lavish gifts to Dudley."

Harry was beyond confused at this point and his furrowed brows were a huge indication of that fact.

"Your guardian Mr Potter…"

"Please call me Harry."

"Okay Harry, your guardian is Dumbledore."

'DUMBLEDORE,' Harry thought to himself surprised.

The surprise was short lived though and quickly turned to anger

Dumbledore knew about his family vault but said nothing? Harry was losing more of his trust in the old man. He didn't think their relationship would be repaired if Dumbledore continued to act like this.

"Why didn't he tell me?" he asked himself more than the goblin next to him.

Griphook didn't normally take a liking to humans but there was something about Mr Pot…Harry. Plus he didn't think Dumbledore had the interests of everyone at heart. Or maybe he just looked at the bigger picture and forgot all about the minor details. He wasn't very happy with him and he wasn't the only goblin that felt that way.

"I do not know Harry but my guess is that he wants you to be in his control and doesn't want you running to one of your houses instead of being with your relatives."

"I'm inclined to agree…wait? What? Houses?" he asked perplexed.

"You have quite a few houses Harry. Your family knew just what a good investment property is. You have the cottage in Godric's Hallow and some houses outside the country like Greece, Spain, Italy and elsewhere."

Harry looked at the goblin with his mouth hanging wide open. "Wow! I have houses outside the country? Wow! Can I have a file to look at? I really want to go shopping at the moment."

True to his word Harry had gone shopping after receiving the file.

He had a lot to think about with regards to Dumbledore but he decided to deal with that later.

While shopping he bought many different books on different things. He had also gone shopping for clothes that actually fit. He bought robes at madam Malkin's and potion ingredients because he wanted to brew some potions during the summer . Harry was satisfied with all he had accomplished that day.

But what he was happier with was not wearing glasses. He had gone to a magical optometrist to get new glasses. Instead he was given the option of wearing contacts. He had not known that he had that option. He had wondered why wizards wore glasses but the owner had said most couldn't afford them or in pure bloods cases, they didn't want to wear stupid muggle things. Harry had been more than happy to buy them but had expressed the desire not to wear anything on his eyes. Mr Gryit (the owner) had told him that there was a potion but it was very expensive and extremely painful.

Harry had bought it immediately and drank it right there and then. He had experienced the worst pain imaginable but it had all been worth it. His beautiful eyes now shined brightly, without being hidden by ugly glasses.

Harry's relatives didn't notice him when he turned up but they noticed his new clothes the next morning.

"Boy where did you get those clothes?" Uncle Vernon was already turning purple.

"I got them from Sirius" Harry knew anything related to his godfather scared the daylights out of the Dursley's and he wasn't opposed to using that line.

Uncle Vernon became pale than purple then pale again and quickly told Harry to make breakfast.

Harry smiled to himself and continued to do his chores. It seemed like this summer was not going to be half as bad as long as he kept bringing in Sirius's name and doing all his reading.

Harry had studied most of his books and while he was reading in his room, he found a way around the trace in one of the books he had bought in Knockturn Alley. After that, Harry enjoyed his summer more and more. He made his room more comfortable, practiced spells and curses and brewed some potions. He actually felt like a wizard for once during the summer.

He had felt his magic improving and even his body was improving. He had been running in the morning and doing some exercises. He had also tried calling Dobby and was quite pleased when Dobby agreed to bring him food constantly. Dobby wanted to make Harry Potter happy ever since Harry had saved him in his second year.

Harry decided that this was the best summer he had ever had at the Dursley's as he didn't feel helpless and bored. He had more work to do. He had done all his homework and read all his books for fourth year. Dobby was doing most of his chores so he had a chance to improve his knowledge. He refused to be taken advantage of and to prevent that he had to be able to take care of himself.

So when Arthur went to fetch Harry, he was surprised at the changes he saw. Harry looked healthier, he was taller and he didn't have his glasses. The glasses were definitely a major change.

"Hello Harry, you're looking great."

"Hello Mr Weasley. Thanks."

"How's your summer been so far?"

"It's been one of the best actually. Using Sirius' name scared the hell out of the Dursleys. So I didn't do a lot of chores since they mostly ignored me. Since they are pretty scared of my criminal of a godfather, I can get them to do lots now."

Harry didn't mention the fact that Dobby usually did the chores for him, or the fact that he could do magic now nor the fact that he had been to Diagon Alley.

"Am I going to the Burrow?"

"Yes Harry. Go and pack your things lad"

Harry packed quickly and they took a portkey to the burrow. Harry couldn't wait to see his friends and the rest of the Weasleys.