A/N: Update Chapter,

Ladies and Gents, the Second book in this series has Begun, Harry Potter, Righteous Fury.


Rather than address them individually i figured i would attempt to address them as a whole. Thank you all for your positive feedback. As this is my first story and it has been well recieved, i have been spurred on with the second. I will be publishing chapters one by one as i complete them and make sure the editing is more up to speed.

As umbridge is a horrible character, i would hate not to write her into the next story so she will be there, but i will not have any spoilers about it.

I will not say anything about the power of the two and who they will fight, it will spoil too much of what i have roiling inside my head right now.

Enjoy the Holidays, i will try to keep the updates as frequent as i can without diminishing from quality.