Author's note: I do not own Harry Potter, J K Rowling does.

Chapter One: Finally taking control.

It had been a month since the Department of Mysteries fiasco and Harry was still stuck at the Dursley's. Dumbledore kept saying he would take him somewhere else safe soon but he kept putting it off.

Harry was sick of being treated like a child, hadn't he proved he was stronger than that? More mature than that? Okay so he was probably a little rash but he learnt his lesson. It took the death of the only person left in his family to teach him that lesson.

So Harry knew that the only thing left to do was to take matters into his own hands. This was the reason why Harry was currently walking up Diagon Alley towards Gringotts Bank at 9am. He entered the bank and walked up to the nearest free goblin whilst removing his invisibility cloak.

"Greetings Sir!" Harry greeted the goblin. The goblin just raised his eyebrow at the teenager.

"I want to speak to the Manager; I have a meeting scheduled at 9am."

"Your name?" The goblin snarled.

"Harry Potter."

"Very well this way." The goblin climbed down and walked away, Harry following closely at his heels. The goblin led Harry through corridors of offices till they reached an ornate door with the word 'Gringotts Manager' inscribed on it.

The manager will be with you shortly, Mr Potter. So Harry sat down and waited. He waited 10 minutes before the manager finally came through the doors.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr Potter. Now what can I help you with? You were rather vague with your request."

"Yes, I apologise but I can't have the entire Wizarding world know my every move. Basically I've heard that I have a family vault but no one has actually confirmed that, or given me a key for it."

"Well, yes I can confirm that there is a Potter vault, but I must insist that you prove who you are before I give you access to it." The manager said.

"Understandable, what do I have to do to prove my identity?" Harry said.

The goblin stood up and went over to a filing cabinet and pulled out a rather old looking piece of parchment.

"Place 3 drops of your blood onto this parchment and it will confirm your identity."

Harry did as he was told. The parchment began to write in a dark red colour.

Harry James Potter age 15.

Father: James Potter.

Mother: Lily Potter nee Evans.

Godfather: Sirius Black.

Head of the Potter and Black House.

Vault numbers:

Potter Vault: 387

Black Vault: 449

Gryffindor Vault: 3

Properties: Potter Manor, Black House in London ,Cottage in Scotland, holiday house in Bahamas, Penthouse in London, undeveloped land in Romania, cabin in Sweden, Hotel in Egypt.

"Hang on a minute. It says one of my vaults is the Gryffindor vault that can't be right?" Harry said astonished.

"The parchment never lies Mr Potter. You are the heir of Gryffindor, congratulations we were afraid the line had died out. You are therefore the richest man in Britain. The interest that vault collects is astronomical." The goblin said shaking his head slightly at the figures. He stood up from his chair and gestured to the door.

"Well, shall we proceed to your vault?"

Harry nodded faintly and they left the office and got on a cart to travel to the underground vaults.

They reached the Potter vault and the goblin told Harry to place his hand on the place where the handle should be.

There was way too much money in the vault Harry thought. Half the vault was piled to the ceiling in galleons, and the vault was bigger than an average vault, it probably could easily fit number 4 Privet Drive inside rather comfortably. Harry wandered in, on the other side of the vault; there were shelves of books and objects. Harry saw that these books were very rare, he had never heard of any of these titles, he picked up a few of the interesting ones to help pass the rest of the summer for him, and Hermione would appreciate these books as well. He took his bottomless lightweight bag that Hermione had given him one Christmas and filled it with lots of galleons. He left the vault and they made their way up to the surface again.

"Just one more question, when do I get full control over the vault? When I turn 17?" Harry asked.

"Well Mr Potter you have no direct magical authority as you are an orphan, so with reasonable usage you may have access to the vault as I have already taken a few things. But each time you visit the Potter vault I must escort you, as for the Gryffindor vault the law does not control it since it is so old so you may do with it what you wish. Would you like to visit it?"

Harry couldn't resist it. So they went on an incredibly long cart ride, going past the enchanted waterfall, as well as the dragon. Finally they arrived. This part of the bank was a lot older Harry thought as he looked around. The vault themselves seemed to be more like caves.

The goblin walked up to the cave-like vault. "Mr Potter, please come forward you must cut your palm and place it on the stone covering and say aloud 'I am the heir of Gryffindor and seek what is now mine' and the covering will disappear, you and only you can go inside so I shall wait in the cart for you." The goblin said handing Harry a small dagger and he went back into the cart pulling out the Daily Prophet to read.

Harry done as the goblin told him to and saw the stone covering simply disappear, he walked through and saw he was in a tunnel, he carried on walking till he got to a cavern similar to the Chamber of secrets with many side tunnels and chambers it was also bigger than the Chamber. The entire chamber was completely empty. Funnily enough Harry was relieved that there was nothing there and that Gryffindor probably took his money before he died or something. Just then a figure seemed to emerge from nowhere; it had the same pale quality as the whispers of souls that came from Voldemort's wand when the priori incantem spell happened in the graveyard. The figure was of an elderly man, around Dumbledore's age in majestic robes and a pointed hat. The figure saw Harry and spoke.

"Greetings my heir. In case you have not figured it out I am not a memory nor a ghost I am an imprint of my soul. Waiting here till I can deliver a message. If you are truly my heir then I have a task you must complete. This task will prove your bravery, your courage and your skills. If you fail the test you will be banished from the cavern until a more worthy heir claims his heritage.

'Heritage? What kind of test?' Harry thought. Before his eyes Gryffindor disappeared and a stone appeared it was rather large and square, on the top of it a beautiful sword jutting out.

'Sword in the stone? I thought that was Merlin?' Harry thought to himself. 'So the test must be to be like Arthur to prove that I can pull the sword out.'

Harry walked slowly over to the sword in the stone and paused a foot away. He could do this he thought. He was supposed to be the saviour of the Wizarding World; he can prove himself worthy to be the heir of Gryffindor right? Pushing aside any insecurities Harry instead drew on the feeling he felt when he held the sword of Gryffindor that he pulled from the sorting hat. He placed his feet slightly apart for better balance and grasped the sword with both hands. He took a deep breath and pulled sharply at the handle. The sword can out fairly easily and Harry held it up in the light. 'I've done it' he thought.

A moment too soon as well as to Harry's left a knight shimmered into view he wore full metal armour and carried his own sword. It seemed as if he walked straight from the round table to duel Harry.

Harry moved away from the stone. 'This is part of the test, courage and skill' he thought.

Harry stood in a defensive stance and waited for the knight to strike. And he did he swung his sword to the left and Harry countered. He brought his own sword up to block the attack and pushed the knight's sword away. They exchanged a few swings, until the knight showed his superior swordsmanship and twisted his sword, causing Harry's sword to swing away from his body as the knight swung back in for a cutting blow to Harry's thighs. Harry cried out on pain and fell to the floor. There was no blood or injury but his leg felt like it had been cut. The knight swung again this time down to Harry's head. Harry barely managed to get his sword up to fend him off.

He got to his feet after the knight staggered a few paces back and Harry jabbed at the knight causing him to fall back a few more paces. The knight and Harry exchanged more blows and again the knight used Harry's sword against him and slashed this time against his arm and chest a little. Harry staggered away a few steps; he had to regain feeling in his arm to fight back.

The knight instead closed in on Harry much like a predator onto its prey, and slashed at Harry's partially exposed back as he tried to get away. Harry cried out again and fell to his knees. 'I can't do this' he thought. 'Everyone who counted on me to end Voldemort and instead I die in a cave by some sort of ghost, who will revenge Sirius? Prove I'm not some pathetic boy like Snape thinks I am.'

Anger started to build up in Harry against all those who pitied him, who ridiculed him last year, his relatives for never caring if he lived or die, for his cousin denying him every childhood friend he tried to make. His godfather for dying and leaving him alone, more for Bellatrix Lestrange who killed him, who took his only family from him, Voldemort for killing his parents, forcing him to live at the Dursley's. 'I can do this' Harry cried as he got to his feet swinging hard at the knight pushing his sword wildly to the right, kicking him in the chest making him stagger backwards wildly. Harry brought the sword down mercilessly against his chest.

Cutting at his knees causing the knight to buckle to his knees and finally driving the sword into his chest. Harry took a step back in case the knight got back up sword still in a defensive position. Instead the knight disappeared and Gryffindor came back.

"Congratulations heir of mine. You are the first successful candidate for this test now as per your reward you will be endowed with my greatest treasures and heritage. Do not be alarmed everything will become perfectly clear within the next few days. Remember that which led you here. Courage, bravery and skill, the traits of my noble house, remember the past as it gives us cause to learn from mistakes made, and also gives us inspiration for what we can learn. Such as my little test here, from the noble arts of Merlin himself. So my heir, go forth from this chamber and enjoy." With that the imprint of Gryffindor disappeared and a slight hew grew in the air. Suddenly there was more light. The once dimly lit cavern had lights coming from the chamber up ahead.

Curious Harry went forward to find out the source. He walked onto a huge chamber filled to the ceiling with golden coins. Harry breathed out 'wow' there must have been so much money here. Looking to the left he saw another tunnel leading to another chamber, so he went over to it and saw that this chamber was about half the size of the money chamber but filled with mountains of precious stones. Rubies, emerald, diamonds, sapphires, topaz.

Every stone existing was there in abundance. Harry retreated to the money chamber and saw another tunnel leading off to the right of the chamber, so again he followed it and walked into a huge library, at least three times bigger than the Hogwarts library. There were also a lot of old tomes on banned subjects. Harry was over in his head with all this. He sat down at the base of the nearest bookcase and took a few breaths.

He looked at his watch, it read 10:45 he'd been in the bank nearly 2 hours. He stood up and pulled out the enchanted bag that the Goblin Manager gave him to carry some things out, he picked a few of the most interesting titles on defensive magic and one on the power of the founders, seeing as it likely that he may receive one or two gifts it seemed prudent that he know what he may face.

He went back into the main chamber and stared at the money mountain again before sighing in disbelief and walking out the cave-vault. He found the goblin furiously concentrating on the crossword puzzle on the back of the prophet. He didn't notice Harry get back into the cart.

"Mr Potter!" He cried suddenly when he noticed the grinning teenager sitting next to him.

"Sorry if I took a while." Harry said.

"Not at all, I assume it was rather interesting in there?"

"Interesting, yes. Did you know there are extra security precautions within?"

"Hmm no but it is not unheard of."

"Well it's really good. Anyway a quick detour to my trust vault and then we can go upstairs please."

"Of course" The goblin engaged the cart and they were at once travelling at breakneck speeds to their next destination.

Soon they were back at the main bank again and bid each other goodbye. Harry pulled the invisibility cloak over him before they entered the main chamber of the bank. He left the bank and walked down the alley, he came up to Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes, which was easily the brightest shop in the entire alley, he waited until someone opened the door to go in and slipped in after them before the doors shut.

He made his way to the back of the shop where he saw both Fred and George talking to some customers. He slipped past them to behind the counter and tapped one of them on the shoulder, when they turned round he slipped a hand out the cloak and gave a wave, so no one but the twin saw.

Fred was the one that saw Harry's hand and motioned to go to the back room. He whipped out his wand. "Alright who's there?" Fred said.

Harry pulled his cloak off him. "Why did you come in here alone then?" He asked grinning.

"Harry? What the hell are you doing here? I didn't know you had gone to the Burrow already. Why the secrecy with the cloak?" Fred said as he pulled Harry into a one armed hug.

"No one knows I'm here that's why I got the cloak would appreciate it if you'd not tell anyone you saw me." Harry said.

"As long as you don't get hurt or killed I agree."

"Great! Can you do me a favour? I've got a bit of shopping to do but can't do it in my cloak; can you give me a few glamour's?" Harry asked.

"Anything for you little bro. Hmm let's see." Fred looked at Harry and cast a few spells at him.

"You better not have turned my hair purple!" Harry cried and went over to find a mirror. Fred conjured him a mirror and Harry looked at himself. He was the same height and shape, good thing as he wanted to get new clothes, his hair was longer reaching down to his shoulders and was a lighter brown stylishly covering his forehead, his scar. His eyes were now a sparkling blue colour. He looked so different no one could recognise him.

"Brilliant, thanks Fred." Harry said as he left the back room with Fred.

"Feel free to have a few things on the house." Fred said gesturing to the products on all the shelves.

"Maybe later Fred, I'll come back later anyway." Harry said as he slipped out the shop and went down the alley.

Harry went into nearly all the shops getting things he thought he would need. He brought a wand holster from Ollivanders. New robes from Madam Malkins for school and for casual wear. He brought enough books to make Hermione giddy. He got his potions ingredients from the apothecary's. He wasn't sure he passed his OWL's potions but he still thought he could do some things privately anyways. He wasn't that bad at potions if he didn't have Snape breathing down his neck and with Ron as a partner.

When he finished his shopping down Diagon Alley, he checked all his shrunken packages were secure before leaving Diagon Alley for the Muggle side of London. He went and brought clothes from the nearest department store, getting help from a girl that worked there. 'I need all these clothes, I can't wear Dudley's hand-me-down anymore' Harry thought.

He finished his shopping and went back to Diagon Alley.

"Hey, you're back" Fred called as he saw Harry come back into the store.

Harry grinned and made his way to the twins.

"Sorry who are you?" George asked. Fred laughed.

"Sorry, forgot to mention our little bro came for a visit."

"Bro?" George said confused he gave Harry a piercing gaze. "Ooooh!" He finally said "Gotcha!"

"So, want any freebies?" Fred said.

"Nah, I'm cool." Harry said. "Hey, what are these?" He said as he saw little fluffy things in a cage together.

"Oh, they are pigmy puffs, silly little fluffy pets that girls are supposed to like." George replied.

"Oh, what did Ginny call hers?" Harry asked looking up at the twins. He saw their confused expression. "Oh, I guess you didn't think to give your little sister, your only sister one of these pets." Harry laughed.

"Gin, won't like these" Fred said. "Well she might, we figured we could wait until they come round."

"Well let me have one and I'll give it to her."

"Sure, just take one."

"I'm going to pay."

"No you're not; you gave us the money for this so you get life-time freebies."

Harry just rolled his eyes. He took one of the pygmy puff things out and put it in a box with holes in to give to Ginny later.

"Can you guys do me a favour? I've got a million packages that I've got shrunken but obviously can't use magic to unshrink them. Is there a way you can help me there?" Harry asked.

"Well one of us can escort you home, unshrink your things, and if anyone does find out that you left home for a while we can just say we met up in a town near your home." George said.

"Good idea. You want me to wait till you close up?" Harry asked.

The twins looked at each other for a moment.

"Nah, you go ahead with him George. I've got Alicia coming round for a visit in 10 anyway." Fred said.

"Okay then. Let me get a coat and we'll leave." George took so long retrieving his coat that Alicia along with Angelina had already arrived by the time he came down. He grinned ruefully at his twin and left with Harry to get the Knight Bus back to Surrey.

Reviews please, no flames.