![]() Author has written 32 stories for Star Wars, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Marvel, Spider-Man, Avengers, and Fantastic Four. Hey, my name is James and I come from the 'sunny' (in inverted commas) shores of the United Kingdom, and I'm a former Post Graduate student living at home searching for work, primarily in the Heritage Sector. My primary interests are History, reading, computers, Paintballing, TV and music. I enjoy writing stuff for the Whoniverse (Doctor Who, Torchwood and Sarah Jane Adventures), Star Wars, Marvel Comics (I swear that I come up with so many 'What Ifs' for Marvel, that if Utau needs a vacation I'd be glad to take over for the week), DC Comics, Dragonball and occasionally original fiction. Anyway I love reviews of any of my stories, so if you want to please do so, it always helps to know what I'm doing right and what I can improve on. Favourite Pairings (Updated!) Doctor Who: I am firmly of the opinion that each Doctor has his own respected Pairing and personality, and that across the years certain female companions might have suited him as a love interest if needed. The ones which immediately strike me as logical are probably Three/Liz, Three/Jo, Four/Sarah, Four/Romana II (I find her second incarnation to suit him more than the first), Five/Nyssa, Five/Tegan, Five/Peri (Six/Peri isn't quite as belivable as a pairing - they're a great companion set though), Six/Evelyn, Eight/Grace, Eight/Charley, Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose (to a lesser extent, the Doctor was right a to what he said in Journey's End, Rose suits the battle scarred Doctor better, no matter what several zillion fangirls think to me) and Ten/Martha (Yeah, I said Ten/Martha. A lot of Rose Fans seem to hate her which is incredibly harsh as she's such a great companion for the Tenth Doctor and can be ok as a pairing to me). There's also a couple of one-shot characters like Astrid, Renette, Christina and Joan Redfern which make for nice if bitter sweet interests for the Tenth Doctor. As far as companion/companion pairings are concerned I like Ian/Barbara, Ben/Polly, Jamie/Victoria, Liz/Brigadier, Hex/Ace and Rose/Mickey. To be honest it occurs to me that there's not many occasions where the Doctor has both a male and female companion in the TARDIS anyway. Update: In the Eleventh Doctor Era which has become full flow since I last updated this I utterly adore fics with Amy/Rory or Doctor/Idris as the focus. Clara is a interesting companion but I wouldn't say I ship her and Eleven, nor he and River Song. Vastra and Jenny are a great duo and I really hope they get their own show someday! Torchwood: Pretty much most of the ones the show has made or at least hinted at; Jack/Ianto, Jack/John, Jack/Jack, Ianto/Lisa, Tosh/Owen, Tosh/Tommy, Owen/Diane and Gwen/Rhys. Personally if I had to pick my favs I'd go for Owen/Tosh and Gwen/Rhys - Owen/Gwen as shown never really worked well, and I've got a soft spot for Rhys and cheered when the show actually let him know about Gwen's job. Owen/Tosh is probably my favourite set, and like most I was gutted to see them go but felt they at least got a cracking sendoff. Jack/Ianto is ok - I'm not Gay and am never fond of slash fics but as the show has it established I'm ok with it, though like writer Marcus.S.Lazarus states in his own pairings, I felt the relationship seemed to occur a little too quickly, kind of like Owen/Gwen to an extent really. It felt better written in Series 2 and Children of Earth though. And also, thought it barely happened in the series, I would love to see more Jack/Tosh fics. They're my two favourite team members and I like to see some of that in fanfiction. Gwen/Jack is quait, but it was always the flirting sort of thing that Jack tends to do, though I do like the relationship these two have, I have mostly preferred Jack/Ianto and Gwen/Rhys as the ways things are right now. Update: Not much to say about Miracle Day, it was very meh. Glad to see Gwen and Rhys still firmly together though. Really miss the old days in any case. Star Wars: Ah, the classics. Han/Leia, Anakin/Padme, Luke/Mara. Anakin/Ahsoka always make me sudder if I ever see it. She's his apprentice, people. Marvel: Spider-Man/MJ is probably my favourite couple in the Marvel Universe, no matter what a certain Editor-In-Chief thinks. Gwen Stacy and Black Cat are interesting but don't come close to our delightful readhead Mary Jane, who's sheer history with Peter gives her the top spot. Ugh, stupid Marvel writers have really ruined such a lovely pairing thanks to OMD and a deal with the Devil haven't they? Outside Spidey, I like Jean/Scott (Scott/Emma is alright but I'd trust Jean a million years more anyday than Miss Ex-Hellffire Club and current Evil Illuminati Member), Kitty Pryde/Pitor (Colossus), Gambit/Rogue, T-Challa (Black Panther)/Storm, Reed/Susan, Ben Grim (Thing)/Alica Masters, Captain America II (Bucky Banes)/Black Widow I (Nastasha), Jessica Jones/Luke Cage, Dr Strange/Clea, Captain America I (Steve Rogers)/Sharon Carter, Hawkeye (Clint Baton)/Mockingbird, Hulk/Caiera the Oldstrong and the odd other one which escapes me. Hey, there are zillions of characters in Marvrel and I can't be expected to recall them all at the drop of a hat. They're my main favourites, in any case. DC: (To be Added) Stories Being Worked On The User Guide to Spider-Man (Spider-Man) Ever wanted your own Spider-Man Unit? The Merry Marching Marvel Society thanks you for your purchase, please read the information within to get the most out of your webhead. A User Gude for Peter Parker/Spider-Man with both Comic and Movie References. DWC: Smith and Jones (Doctor Who) - When Martha Jones met the Doctor she knew her life would never be the same. But suppose instead of a lonely wanderer, she'd encountered the Second Doctor and Jamie on their latest mission for the Time Lords? AU Smith and Jones, 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Martha. Avengeance: Heroes Among Us (Avengers) When tragic events affect the lives of millions, decisions undertaken by a few for the greater good will lead to conflict on a terrible scale as Earth's Mightiest Heroes find themselves on opposing sides and the line between hero and villain is blurred. An adaption of the 'Injustice' DC Video Game featuring the Avengers. With some Tony/Pepper, Bucky/Clint/Natasha, Peter/MJ, Carol/Peter and Daken/Sin elements among others. Spider-Man: Ravencroft Origins (Spider-Man) Christmas Eve, and a still fresh Spider-Man finds himself and the citizens of New York a target when crime boss Mr Negative places a fifty million dollar bounty on his head. By the end of the evening Peter Parker will face his greatest challenges yet as he has his first encounter with the insane Green Goblin amid the confines of the Raft. A reimagining of 'Batman: Arkham Origins' featuring Spider-Man and a host of his allies and deadliest foes. Trinity of Captains (Avengers) Captain America, Bastion of Liberty. Captain Britain, Protector of the Kingdom. Captain Marvel, Warrioress of Sky and Stars. These three heroes each help to defend Earth amid the realms of the Super Criminal, Supernatural and Cosmic. But when circumstances which threaten all their domains rise, these three very different people will need to ally together to stop a deadly threat to Earth! Featuring Sharon Carter, Meggan and Spider-Man/Peter Parker. Inspired by the DC Series 'Trinity' and the DC Novel 'Last Sons'. A Hundred and Twenty Tales of the Avengers (Avengers) Sixteen Heroes. Alone they are extraordinary, together they are the Avengers! A series of one shots using the Hundred Theme Challenge (and a few extra) with an array of Avenger Duos including Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Spidey, Wasp, Captain Marvel and more! Cold Science (Batman/Spider-Man) When Victor Fries learns that a possible solution to curing his wife Nora might have been found by the 'late' Otto Octavius, his travels to New York City puts him on a collision course with the Superior Spider-Man, but their scientifical minds will be put to the test when they discover a mysterious - and deadly - alliance between the corporations Alchemax and Gothcorp! A Mr Freeze and Superior Spider-Man VS/Team Up. Stories to Come Senator in the Fireplace (Doctor Who/Star Wars) The Tenth Doctor, Rose and Mickey find themselves onboard an abandoned spaceship and killer Battle Droids who seem interested in a seemingly normal nine year old girl from a nice green planet called Naboo... except she's destined to become a Queen, Senator and love interest of the most dangerous man in an entire galaxy. Just what the Doctor admires. AU Girl in the Fireplace. (On Hiatus, to be restarted) Time Switch (Doctor Who) An incident in the TARDIS switches the temporal positions of the Fifth and Tenth incarnations of the Doctor, leading Ten to gain the trust of a uncertain Nyssa onboard a younger TARDIS, whilst Five finds himself stuck on the Starship Titanic with an alien waitress. Fifth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan and Astrid, AU Time Crash, Arc of Infinity and Voyage of the Damned. Contains some Five/Nyssa and Ten/Nyssa elements. (On hiatus, to be restarted) Avengers vs X-Men: An Avenging Phoenix (Avengers/X-Men) Avengers vs X-Men AU. When Tony Stark splintered the Phoenix Force into Cyclops, Emma Frost, Namor and their allies, he set in motion events which would affect the world. But suppose a change in roster on the moon had meant five Avengers had been enfused with the power of the Phoenix instead? How would Captain America, Ms Marvel, Spider-Man, Valkyrie and Captain Britain have handled such incredible power? The results will shake the Marvel Universe in ways you wouldn't expect! Speedy Web (Flash/Spider-Man) A strange temporal incident focused on Barry Allen and Peter Parker reverses their postions, leaving Barry in a very different NYC and Peter in the unheard of Central City. As the two men attempt to return to their respective universes their actions will leave them facing an array of their deadliest foes... Inspired by Dark Phoenix Reborn's Thor/Wonder Woman Crossover, my take on a Flash/Spidey Team Up. Humour is Best Served Cold (Batman) When Harley Quinn gets gravelly injured and left for dead in Joker's latest schemes, Mr Freeze finds her and on impulse takes her to heal her up in his secret lab. Once there Harley comes to see a side to Mr Freeze she never expected, whilst Victor learns the values of lightening up once in a while. Not a Victor/Harley Pairing, this was inspired by an RP session I had some time ago. Some Victor/Nora elements. The Power of Five (Doctor Who) When the temporal incident which saw the TARDIS inside itself doesn't entirely resolve, the Doctor and Rory have to come to live with there being no less than three different Amy Ponds on the TARDIS! An AU series for Season Six and Seven spinning out of the Space and Time Minisode. With Amy/Amy/Amy/Rory and bits of Amy/Eleven, Eleven/Idris and Eleven/River. UNIT 2070: Moonbase (Doctor Who) In another reality Earth and UNIT were able to resolve the differences between them and numerous races of the Solar System, even without the assistance of the Doctor. A hundred years on and the organisation is comprised of Human, Mondasian, Homo Reptilian and Martian forces, with Earth and Mars alike overseen from the security of the Moonbase. But the exiled Doctor, scientist Liz Shaw and a more advanced, relatively alien tolerant UNIT will soon need to fear a new threat from the depths of space. From the darkness, the Cybermen are returning... AU Doctor Who with the Third Doctor, Liz Shaw, the Brigadier and OC's. Red Heads and Their Boys (Doctor Who/Spider-Man) There are many stories of a brave and heroic, if slightly nerdy, young man, and his sexy and quick thinking red haired girlfriend turned wife. The above statement applies to Rory and Amy (Nee Pond) Williams. It also applies to Peter and Mary Jane (Nee Watson) Parker. And this is the story of how their paths cross and, with a little help from a Time Lord, how the saved the universe. Originally part of a larger crossover, now condensed into a more managable story featuring two of my favourite pairings in fiction ever. Set in a universe where One More Day never happened. Amy/Rory and Peter/MJ. |