This update was a little late,

I'm afraid I've been busy with my Naruto story. It has my attention, and it is getting someone decent reception. Sadly, SoA hasn't gotten the feedback I was hoping for. So I'm going to give his chapter a deciding factor. Depending on the feedback, I will most likely be dropping SoA into once a month updates. This will allow me to focus on my poetry, and my current Naruto story. For anyone interested in that fandom, it's a fairly good fic. I personally think it's got a plot to rival the anime (but i'm biased). It's possibly better written than SoA, as well. It's called Naruto: Kurashio (N:K from here on out).

This chapter was standard length, but nearly all action. I hope you like it. Virtra kinda takes a backseat after this chapter, and we start to focus on other parts of the galaxy... and we still have to see if Sylir gets off of Abregado-rae. Yes... everyone is probably wondering about that. XD

Well, I don't have anything else to say except that you should review. Yep, because I reply to your questions. Also if you review, I may just come over to one of your stories and give you a review too. (I give good reviews, or so I've been told. :P) Love you all, my readers! Especially you shadowy folk. Virtra sees you! O.o Until next time,


Chapter 12 - Trial at Midnight

It was dark... the peak of the night hours.

The trial had been placed together as quickly as possible, haste being the key factor. No one wanted to hold onto Darth Virtra for longer than necessary. The verdict was already in—this was just… good publicity. It would give the Republic strength and fairness… and it was a mistake. If people could not see this, well... An'ya had no pity for them.

"You think she'll know that I'm in here?" Bicara asked. An'ya didn't know if the Sith Lord would know their secret or not, but, if Bicara knew what was best for her, she'd be quiet and lay low until Virtra was disposed of.

All of the senators were gathered. The Rotunda was set and primed for the appearance of the defendant. It was a sham. They should get rid of Virtra now, while she was still downstairs, but it wasn't going to happen. The Jedi would guard her, and they would hopefully be able to contain her. An'ya would do her best to make certain that things weren't going to go wrong.

"What are you doing here, Master Kuro?" Dain's voice came from behind her.

An'ya turned slowly and leveled her gaze with his, "I'm here in case something goes wrong. You can't have too much security at this."

"You're still looking for something to go wrong? you need a reason to fight so badly?" the Grand Master shook his head, "I'm sorry but the security detail has been taken care of. You will return to the Temple. Master Bilaba will be waiting to greet you for the evening meal." As he said this, Jedi Masters Jeta Brier and Zallar came around the corner. Dain was begging her to protest, but An'ya would not give him the satisfaction.

"Very well," she said, bowing out, "I will await news of the verdict… at the temple." She gave a polite bow to Zallar and Jeta before she departed.


Jeta gave a sorrowful look which followed her master's departure, "Was that absolutely necessary, Dain?"

The man nodded, "I'm afraid so. We can't afford to have her kill Virtra during the trial, or Virtra using her as a liability. No, until we determine Master Kuro's future… it's best if she stay out of the public eye."

Zallar didn't say anything, so Jeta kept her opinion to herself… now was not the time. Personally the small Jedi would have felt better with An'ya present. Jeta knew her former master was brash and sometimes walked on the edge, but there was no denying that An'ya could hold her own. The Dark Woman was a Jedi to be admired, even if they didn't want the padawans to emulate her.

"It's time," Kyle announced, rounding the corner to look at the other Jedi masters, "The Senate is convened and they are bringing Virtra up."

The four Council members nodded to one another and took their places on the four major access points of the Senate Rotunda main floor. They each had a particular advantage of the proceedings, and they would be able to hold Virtra off… if she managed to escape. Other Jedi were posted at various levels and entrances, not to mention the two Jedi who were with Virtra: Master Viola Stark and Knight Tano Vass had the next scheduled shift to guard Virtra… they wouldn't let her go easily.

Jeta took her position at the back of the Senate. She had a good view of the Chancellor's podium as it rose up from the floor; she could see Wilhelm Evreux, the man beaming with triumph. To his left and right stood the Speaker of the House and the Minister of State… both aliens from different planets. Jeta didn't know exactly who they were, but they had been elected by the people—that was all that really mattered.

"Senators of the Republic!" Wilhelm called out, holding his hands up for silence. The chatter dimmed to a dull murmur… and then there was silence.

"We have gathered tonight because of a grave occasion," the Chancellor continued. "A shadow from the past has returned, and it is our duty to dispense justice. The perpetrator has been alleged with crimes against sentient kind, war crimes, treason, conspiracy to commit revolution, anarchy, attempted genocide… it is a long list, my friends, and I urge you to view this case without bias. It is essential." He turned to look at the Senate Guards waiting in the wings, "Bring in the defendant."

Jeta watched with baited breath. They had chosen to do the trial at night because the Jedi and the Senate Guards believed it would diminish public interest and cut out some of the media attention… that hadn't worked out as planned. What it did accomplish was create a time where people wouldn't have their proper senses about them. This felt wrong to the Jedi master; Jeta could feel tremors building in the Force as a hovering Senate box took to the center of the Rotunda, circling the Chancellor's podium.

The box held five figures: A senate guard holding a Ysalamir sat in the back; he was the first security precaution. Virtra stood in the center of the box, tall and impertinent with her hands bound behind her back in security binders; she showed no signs of fear or caution, rather she stood among a throng of her captors with a smug look of regality. Jeta couldn't make eye contact with the Sith without feeling sick. She didn't know how the three Jedi in the box were managing… wait—there were only supposed to be two Jedi, yet Maris Brood stood to Virtra's left, both of her tonfa-styled lightsabers gleaming at her waist. Standing in front of the Sith, blocking her from the Chancellor, stood the Twi'lek Jedi Knight Tano Vass, who had just recently been knighted. His saber skills were exceptional, and Dain had proclaimed him capable of the task… the final Jedi was Master Viola Stark, the human from Alderaan; she'd been a good friend of Bail Organa—and for good reason: she'd been a Padawan in the Clone Wars.

"Why is Maris in the senate box?" Jeta whispered to Dain in her comlink. They'd all brought one in order to keep contact throughout the trial.

"Zallar wanted extra precaution… Kyle and I agreed. It was last minute, but we felt it was better if a Council member were guarding Virtra."

"Good call…" Jeta didn't like being kept out of the decision, but it was one that should have been made… good thing they caught it at the last minute.


I can hear the beating of hearts… the rapid increase of blood to the lungs; that warm liquid rushing through weak and frail bodies. Panic… fear… I don't know why people allow such things to be so apparent—all I know is that I can cause them. Fear is a surprising weapon when used properly. It makes people do things they normally wouldn't do. For example: the Senate normally would not hold a trial during the long hours of the night, but out of fear… they wish to do this quietly. Such are the strange workings of the human mind.

The Jedi fear the dark—that much is easily seen, yet they willingly throw themselves into it if it means ridding themselves of their fears. It is faulty logic: brave your fears in order to remove them. I'm afraid that is not how it works. A wise human once said: "You have nothing to fear, but fear itself." He was right. You should be afraid… because fear, once it is in your heart… will make you mine.

"Virtra Thrad, otherwise known as Darth Virtra of the Sith Brotherhood... you have been brought before the Senate to stand trial for numerous and outrageous crimes," the Chancellor speaks with a strong voice, "How do you plead."

He is a weak man, even by human standards. He commands power over this mass. Thousands of senators and delegates from hundreds of worlds all look to me, whispering and talking... some old enough that they can remember the whispers from their ancestral stories perhaps? Then again no one remembers. It matters little in the scheme of things. As far as I am concerned I'll make them remember the present.

I can feel the smile twitch at the corner of my lips; it cannot be helped. In times like these I can only contain my laughter. The Jedi, the Senate… they don't understand; they have never understood. It's not my job to educate them. The best lessons are learned from mistakes. If one survives.

"For the sake of formalities… and appearance, Chancellor," I look at the Jedi to my left. I probably killed his master once upon a time… the look he gives me all but confirms such a happening, "Not guilty."

The roaring murmur at my announcement is easily ignored—I don't care what they think. The truth is that the verdict was decided long ago: they all want me dead. They want to cement power—Power for the Republic, to cow Vader in his boots; Strength for the Jedi, proof they can destroy their enemy; but I can remember a time when things were different. What am I saying? I can remember hundreds of times that were different. It all washes by the wayside sooner or later.

"Very well… you will submit to questioning then?" The Chancellor is mildly stumped… probably didn't plan this far. Then again he is a brilliant orator—not a thinker.

"I will."

Of course I will… I'm waiting. Ask your questions… I have time.

"The first question comes from the Chair of Alderaan," Bail Organa's box shoots forth… and his pretty little daughter. I wonder why she's here. Bail always struck me as a smart man… To bring such a beautiful child here… it seems foolish to me. The brat is barely seventeen years old. I survey her carefully, and she does the same. Her eyes are knowledgeable—that is why she's here. She can see me just as clearly as I can see her, even before her father steps between us blocking my view—I cannot help but wonder why the Jedi have not taken her for themselves…

Bail speaks, "Darth Virtra, are you not responsible for the massacre on Sullust?"

Ah… I can remember Sullust. The burning, the screams… I built such a force from those ashes. I must do something like that again—perhaps with a better background? As I look Bail Organa in the eyes, his once dark hair now graying with age, I think Alderaan would make a lovely setting for a slaughter. No… it wouldn't even be a challenge. I'm done with slaughter and easy carnage—no, I've planned something… something far more impressive for this galaxy. I can see Bail physically cringe as I contemplate his question. I must have that look on my face—the one where I actually look happy for the briefest of moments. I imagine it is quite a disconcerting look.

"I am."


Dain watched the questioning with disgust. Virtra was completely controlling the floor… she had the Senators mesmerized. It wasn't because she had them bewitched; the situation was simpler than that. These were normally weak beings, people who fought with words and bureaucracy, and they had one of the most powerful people in the galaxy at their whim… they felt true power for the first time—and they were intoxicated by it. Maybe not all of the Senators, but definitely the majority as the Grand Master was quickly noting.

"The Chair from Malastare," A Gran took the floor from Bail. The alien's three eyes were looking everywhere but at Virtra, and he looked to be sweating. "I have concerns about the rumored attack on Coruscant. While I can understand your assassination attempt on Palpatine during your war… how do you answer for your attack on the people?"

"Why not ask for her opinion on the new public works bill?" Dain screamed inwardly. He couldn't believe that this was actually happening.

"A message had to be sent… to the galaxy, not just Palpatine," Virtra's red irises came to look directly at Dain, and the Jedi master froze, "I sent my best operatives to the main power reactor plant. I staged the assassination on Palpatine personally… and while Imperial forces were occupied with hunting me—my operatives knocked out power to twenty percent of Coruscant."

Dain, of course, knew this already… he'd seen the holo-vids. It was one time when Palpatine hadn't been able to contain all the information, or cover it up with propaganda. Coruscant had been in chaos for weeks… in which time Virtra had slaughtered the Jedi on Ambria, and she had leaked information which led Vader to Degobah. She had been responsible for those death as well, even if Vader had done the deed. Dain watched silently, becoming more and more disillusioned with the proceedings as each Senator asked their questions. His interest did get caught, however, when Senator Garm Bel Iblis came forward.

"If you'll take a moment to look towards the center podium," the Senator of the Corellian Sector, with his gray hair and beard, motioned to where a small hover table appeared before the Chancellor. On the table, also projected onto a large screen so all could see, were two, identical, black cylinders… Dain knew what they were immediately. Garm continued, "Could you tell us what these are?"

"Lightsabers," Virtra said plainly, "Mine to be specific."

"And can you tell us just how many people have been killed by these weapons?" Garm asked.

Virtra actually let out a laugh. The sound was a quick, harsh, echoing sound of disbelief. Then she looked back to the Senator, "You're serious?" With a sharp nod, Garm Bel Iblis stared down the Sith Lord… and he did not look afraid, not one ounce of uncertainty was in his stance or features.

"Oh my…" Virtra breathed, "You know I actually stopped counting…"

"A rough estimate then."

"Well, roughly… I'd say in my lifetime I've killed… ten thousand easily. I'm probably selling myself short, and I'm only counting death I personally inflicted, but… that's a big enough number for this reaction," Virtra slowly turned her gaze to enjoy the appalled uproar from the Senators.

"This entire preceding is ridiculous," the senator from Toydaria, a squat flying alien with emerald green skin, took to the center of the forum. His little wings were beating so rapidly that he almost came out of his box and flew towards Virtra. "If you were truly Darth Virtra… why would you even be here?"

"You captured me… well not you, but the Jedi located around here are partially responsible," Virtra replied innocently, "The rest of the credit goes to the Senate guards… but you can have the credit for all I care."

"Don't mock me, woman," The Toydarian flared his trunk-like nose, "I think you are a fraud! You are a sick individual who is attempting to incite panic and fear for the sake of gaining fame for herself. I think there are many questions that have been pushed under the rug. For one: we know for a fact that a Jedi or a Sith would never willingly give up their lightsabers. Why then would Darth Virtra, self proclaimed powerful entity, willingly give up her weapons?"

"Because…" the Sith smiled viciously, "I needed them to be somewhere else…"

The response didn't seem to register. Dain looked from the Sith to the Toydarian senator with confusion… the same confusion that was mirrored on the Senator's face. Then chaos broke loose faster than Dain could blink.

One moment Virtra was standing perfectly still; the next she had leapt backwards, head butting the Senate guard who was holding the Ysalamir. As the guard flipped backwards over the edge of the Senate box, Virtra looped her binder clad hands around the Ysalamir's neck… killing the creature with a sickening snap. The moment the Force immune creature died… Dain could sense the danger: Virtra was definitely not drugged.

The three Jedi in the box were drawing their lightsabers, Maris at their head. When Virtra's hands came from around her back, brilliant electrical energy arced from the Sith's fingers, flaring brightly through the air and striking the Jedi before they had even cleared their weapons. Maris and the others went flying, their bodies soaring over the edge of the senate box and falling to the Rotunda floor below.

"All Jedi! Move to cover the exits!" Dain shouted into his comlink, drawing his lightsaber and watching the bright blue weapon sing to life.

Virtra wasn't moving to escape.

Dain realized this in seconds… but he was too late to do anything to stop it. The Sith Lord ran to the front of the now empty hover box, leaping with elegance and grace only attributed to the Force, and she went soaring towards the Chancellor's podium. Virtra threw both hands out, and her lightsabers slapped to both palms as if they had been waiting, primed and ready. Crimson blades snarled to life, batting away blaster fire from Senate guards who had manage to get a shot; Virtra came down like a bird of prey. Both saber blades pierced Wilhelm Evreux in the chest, and the Sith swung her arms wide, decapitating the Speaker and Minister…

Dain was frozen to the spot, eyes fixated upon the Sith lord— Virtra perched upon the podium with her arms out wide; she looked like a violent dragon with its wings spread wide, while the heads of two ignorant politicians bounced down to meet the Jedi who had fallen to the floor before them. That one momentary second, as it hung frozen in time… suddenly sped up—and Virtra was a blur of darkness and crimson. The Sith deflected the Senate guards' shots effortlessly, without any care as to where they ricocheted. Screams erupted from the senators and there was a roar of chatter on the comlink; Jedi were rushing to cover any exit where the Sith lord might go… but Virtra's red eyes locked upon his, and Dain knew just where she was headed.

The Grand Master raised his lightsaber blade in a ready stance, the Sith lord moving to come straight for him… and she leaped. Dain had been expecting Virtra to come barreling for him, after all, he had covered the best escape route—but the Sith exploded into the air with an awe inspiring height, soaring up to the highest levels of Senator boxes and far beyond Dain's sight. From where he stood under the alcove, he could not see Virtra, but he heard the screams.


Jeta had a perfect vantage point to see the gruesome murders. She also saw exactly where Virtra had leapt and was now fleeing—if you could call a steady walk fleeing. The Sith disappeared from sight, causually pushing back Senate guards as she made her way towards whatever her goal might be. Jeta didn't hesitate, pulling her comlink out, "Virtra's on the eleventh floor, northern corridor… I think she may be headed for the roof."

"I understand," Zallar's voice came in over the other chatter, "I am headed in pursuit."

"Don't go alone!" Jeta called after him.

"I'm not… I have Tano with me and two others are headed in her direction from the east," Zallar then cut the communication but it was quickly replaced by Dain's concerned voice.

"Jeta! Jeta, are you alright?"

She took a deep breath and began heading for the Rotunda's floor, "I'm fine. How are the others?"

"From what I know… Kyle got to Maris. She's broke her leg, but other than that she's fine. The guard is dead and Master Stark is unconscious… but I think that is the least of our worries at the moment." Dain sounded haggard, like he was running.

"Where are you?"

"I'm going to meet up with some of the other Jedi… we have to capture Virtra and end this now!"

"Dain!" Jeta shouted, hoping to get him to pause, "Zallar is already headed after her!"

There was a long pause where all she could hear was Dain's breathing. The Grand Master's thoughts could almost be heard over the communication channel. Finally he spoke, "Where?"

"Eleventh floor… northeast corridor…" Jeta hadn't even finished before Dain had canceled the transmission. The only thing she could think to do—was to send a silent prayer after him… with that done, Jeta hurried to aid the two injured Jedi below.

The floor was littered with the slashed, charred bodies of Senate guards, about twenty of them… and Zallar could hear the shouts, screams, and explosions of fighting up ahead. The Wookiee Jedi put on a burst of speed and hurried to catch up with the Sith. The Twi'lek to his right, Tano's orange skin looked pale and a grim determination was set on his face. They did not have any time to waste as they ran, their Jedi robes flapping violently as they poured on speed. Zallar's blue lightsaber was held at his side for ease of running and Tano mirrored his posture, yellow bladed ready for action. The two Jedi almost ran directly into two other knights as they rounded the corner:

Knight Jerrica Than was a human from an outer rim planet, perhaps Tatooine—she didn't talk much of her past, and Yoda had never said much. She was an average woman, from what Zallar knew of the human species. Her companion was a Bith Jedi, a squat male with honed muscle… he was called Troth. As Jedi came, he was a simple entity… but he had grown up in a harsh climate that had made him fight… and he would fight today.

"We didn't run into her," Jerrica said obviously.

Together the four Jedi looked to the only corridor that branched off from the main one and they all said it at once, "The roof." Moving as a single unit, Zallar and Tano took point with Verrica and Troth holding the flanks as the Jedi took to the stairs. They exploded out onto a large balcony, overlooking the sky lanes of Coruscant's night—only to see Virtra dispatching Senate guards left and right.

Zallar leapt into the fray, his white robes pooling around him as he spun, his blue blade colliding with red.

Virtra whirled with her parry, dispatching the last Senate guard with the same strike as her second blade came straight for the Wookiee's torso. Luckily Tano's gleaming yellow blade intersected with red—just protecting Zallar from death... but Virtra was already moving, dancing away from the two Jedi and engaging Jerrica in a rapid series of slashes and parries. The speed of the Sith's lightsabers was astounding… she made Vapaad look like amateur work, and she pushed the Jedi to their limit—but all they would need was one opening. The four Jedi constantly moved as a unit, working full pace to cover one another's back—while Virtra just keep the feral smirk on her lips.

However, it was Jerrica who gave an opening to Virtra. The Sith lord feinted expertly: Virtra looked as if she were stumbling, and the Jedi woman took advantage of the false opening—her reward was a lightsaber through the heart… which Virtra twirled elegantly into and clashed blades with Tano. With Jerrica no longer there to hold her own weight—Tano was bisected before either Troth or Zallar could cover the discrepancy.

With a deft double parry, Zallar and his Bith companion were thrown backwards like children, Virtra standing before them with her blades held loose at her sides. It was another ploy—she dared them to attack. Zallar wasn't going to fall for it; in less than a second this Sith had halved their numbers… he couldn't make a risky maneuver.

"Very well, Jedi…" Virtra whispered. "I'll come to you."

The Sith lunged, covering the gap between them almost instantly. She struck like a viper, the Force slamming behind her strokes with immense power. Virtra was fast, twirling and flipping through their defenses and it took all Zallar's capability to keep up with her. One, four… no, five near misses! Her crimson blades scored smoking, black marks along his robes… signs that he was slowing down. Zallar blocked and pushed with all his effort, the Force erupting in a shock wave—Virtra backed off. For a brief moment, Zallar received a much needed second to breathe—but it came at a terrible cost. To his left the Wookiee heard a choking noise and watched horrified as Troth collapsed beside him… a brilliantly glowing hole burned into his throat.

Zallar now stood alone against the Sith, and he had a horrific last thought: she was just toying with them.


"Where are we going?" the boy asked.

Dain looked at him as a boy, but he had just been knighted… barely nineteen. Still, he was one of the few Jedi Dain could grab with the short notice he had. If he could get there with Zallar… they would have seven. That should be enough to take down Virtra.

"Calm yourself, Zak," the Grand Master cautioned, "This is not a training exercise… this is the most dangerous fight you are likely to face."

The words were meant to make the boy wary… but Zak seemed to grow more excited in the Force—while Zallar suddenly spiked. He'd engaged Virtra. Dain poured on speed, completely ignoring turbolifts as they took flights of stair in single leaps. On his left was a Marcus Neil, he'd been on Degobah… a good man who had seen his fair share of war. He was steady… but also cautious. Marcus had seen Virtra's sins first hand, having run across her apprentices at the battle of Dathomir. Marcus had actually been the one to take down Darth Nivaron—at the cost of his arm. Still, Marcus kept up with Dain every step of the way; Zak wasn't quite so talented.

The Grand Master and his posse had to skirt the trail of bodies once they entered the eleventh floor corridor… and the bodies only kept piling up. They got to a particularly large at a branch off which lead to a rooftop balcony… and Dain knew that is where Zallar and Virtra were… along with three other Jedi.

Suddenly pain erupted through the Force, and Dain knew that there were only two Jedi on roof now. He let panic increase his speed, not even bothering to honor the dead—Dain leapt over bodies and blew the door open with the Force. The trio of Jedi exploded off the ground, avoiding stairs entirely as they landed at the top of the flight. They poured out onto the balcony… only to see bodies. Dozens of bodies…

Senate guards were mangled by saber and the Force… crushed, slashed, dismembered… some contorted in ways that were foreign and unnatural—and amid the carnage lay four freshly slaughtered Jedi. Zallar's body still had a twin pair of burning holes smoking from his back, as if he had been struck by a giant serpent. The once proud Wookiee now lay face down against the permacrete… and Virtra was nowhere to be seen.

Dain tentatively took to the Balcony, his sense fully alert and probing the Force for warnings. All he could feel was the darkness and death—the fear in the Senate Guards and the horror of the Senators… chaos ruled the night. Dain had his lightsaber ignited as he made it to Zallar; there was no signature of life from his friend… the Force eliminated the need to search the furry Jedi for a pulse.

There was a hiss and a spark, and two brilliant shafts of red grew from the chests of his Jedi companions. As Dain whirled around to strike, Virtra nimbly flipped over his head and landed on the balcony's edge—both sabers held aloft with deadly precision. Marcus and Zak's bodies collapsed around him as Dain brought his lightsaber back around, barely bringing it up to block as Virtra launched herself at him again.

Flipping and spinning in a dance of death, Dain and Virtra tore across the balcony. The Sith was everywhere, all around him… burning a heated line across Dain's cheek when he had been less than a second late with a block—Virtrawasn't playing games.

Dain stepped up his concentration, throwing all hesitation to the Force. His cerulean blade slashed out an intricate pattern, cutting and weaving its way through the air as he pushed Virtra back—only to have the Sith nimbly twist away and put him on the defensive once more.

Virtra was calm, her pale face the illumination of night. Her twin blades worked in perfect union; she was never without a defense—always with a counter attack. Their deadly tango escalated as Dain poured shockwaves through the Force. The air between them exploded as Virtra countered with her own—bodies flew, slamming the walls of the entrance and breaking against the balcony's edge… Dain forced himself to stop—the bodies must be saved.

Virtra scored him with Force lightning for his hesitation and goodwill, blasting Dain in the chest. His blade came up to catch most of the stream, but he could feel several burns on his chest, his robes smoking as he breathed in raggedly. The Jedi Master was given no reprieve; Virtra was on him again in an instant.

Was this how Zallar died, fighting this monster?

Dain's fear peaked and he was pushed back, his saber knocked aside as another crimson strike barely missed his head. Spinning desperately, Dain escaped her onslaught and threw a backwards strike at Virtra—the Sith flipped over it again. She landed in front of him, elbowing him in the chest and swiping his legs from under him. Dain hit the ground hard, his back echoing with enough force that he almost expected the duracrete to crack. He rolled just soon enough to miss a stabbing blow that would have skewered his head. Virtra's scarlet bladed bubbled the floor, turning it into molten stone, and her other blade slashed up… scoring another hit on his side.

Upon his feet in an instant, Dain attacked her with furious abandon. Surprise appeared in Virtra's eyes for the briefest moment, taken off guard by the sudden retaliation. She jumped back, putting distance between them and landing on the balcony's edge once again. Now she had height on him as well as a perch…

Dain attacked, chasing Virtra's flight as she skillfully sidestepped and danced down the balcony ledge… her footwork was exquisite. She batted his attacks away, he stabbed and slashed; they forged an intricate cocoon of light—and then Virtra faltered… one of her feet slipped and Dain watched her hands want to cartwheel in order to keep balance, but she still blocked one of his strikes. He pushed the advantage as she fell backwards, stabbing for her heart… but she wasn't in the line of his strike.

Virtra smirked as she flipped over his head. Realization dawned too late, the Grand Master had fallen for a perfectly acted feint. It was brilliant, and Dain marveled at the Sith's skill as her blade scored his upper right arm. The strike rendered his limb useless… Dain could feel the muscle as it burned, crying out with pain, but he still managed to switch hands. His left arm swung up to block Virtra's next strike.

The force of Dain's parry caused Virtra to spin away from the fight, and he thought he could regain his footing—just as the Sith threw another strike at him. It was too far away, they had several meters between them and the blade was only three foot long. Then he saw Virtra's hand make and intricate movement on the hilt, the blade elongated and jumping out at him—the laser cracking towards him like a whip. The strike caught him in the left leg, and it immediately bucked.

Dain dropped to one knee, bringing his good hand up to block the next attack; Virtra deftly flicked her wrist and flung the lightwhip out again, catching Dain's blade and yanking it from his grasp.

Virtra spun, thumbing a button to return her whip back to a normal blade. The other saber stabbed for his heart. Dain threw out a hand in desperation, calling Zallar's lightsaber to him. Relief surged through him as the metal hilt slapped his palm and ignited just in time—blocking the death stroke and diverting it to bury in his upper shoulder. Virtra flowed with the attack; flipping over him and landing with a lift touch down upon the balcony's edge.

Dain staggered backwards, spinning to look at the deadly Sith… ready to defend again.

Virtra did not moved.

She raised her hands over her head until they both touched at the wrist, sabers held above her like a twisted impersonation of justice. Sith looked at the defeated Jedi—Virtra knew she could kill him. He expected death—and just as Dain expected it to come swiftly upon him...

Virtra dived backwards off the balcony.

Dain rushed to the edge in time to see her rip through a sky car, exploding it… as she plummeted to the ground. He heard the explosive shockwave of her landing, followed the alarms of shops and vehicles that were jostled in the waves of the darkside… screams and cries—Darth Virtra had escaped.

No longer able to stand, Dain succumbed to the loss of movement and blood that had escaped through cauterized wounds which opened during the battle… The Jedicollapsed against the edge of the balcony, little strength left to give.


Jeta, Kyle, Viola Stark and a squad of Senate guards poured out onto the balcony to see the littered crowd of bodies: dead guards and Jedi, along with a battered Grand Master who looked on the verge of death.

Jeta could sense despair and fear in all of the people around her, and she had to fight to keep the same emotions from welling up within her as well.

She had seen a flash of this scene in her vision—the dead Jedi, though she hadn't know which ones… she had seen the darkness kill them. She had known Dain would be beaten; she just hadn't know it would be like this… Jeta cursed for not being able to work out these visions, blaming herself as she rushed to his side.

"Dain! You answer me!" she dropped to her knees and she felt Kyle's presence next to her. Jeta could feel hatred—Kyle hated seeing his brother weak, hated to see him defeated.

Kyle Cross was a warrior… a Jedi dedicated to fighting. He and his brother were an even match, having bested each other and even number of times thus far. If Dain was in this predicament—what would that have meant if Kyle had fought Virtra? A defeat to the Grand Master was a defeat for the warrior.

"Dain!" Jeta cried.

The Jedi master shook his head, "Much too loud..."

Jeta practically broke down into tears, hugging the Grand Master tightly, "Oh! thank the Force!"

"Ouch…" Dain muttered pathetically.

"Medic!" Kyle shouted turning back to the crowd of guards, "Someone get me a stretcher or a medic!"

Jeta was relieved. Dain may look bad, but his Force signature was strong.

She poured her own strength into him to make certain, and she knew he would survive this. Amid the sirens, the screams, the terror of the night—even though the Force wept for the atrocities which had taken place in this darkness, Jeta found her one bright point: Dain was alive. He would recover, and they would stop Virtra. They had found a way this far… they just needed time, and, right now, they had it. The Sith couldn't build her base of power as quickly as she had before—and the Republic knew she was out there. There would be a hunt going on—galaxy-wide. Virtra would be found… it was only a matter of time before the Force realigned.

As they placed Dain on a stretcher, Jeta gave Kyle a slight pat on the shoulder, "It's all going to be fine… I know it w—"

Just then she was hit with a vision. It was vague—darkness mixed with blood and surrounded by shadows. She easily saw the haunting visage of the past: a black mask from their nightmares. The figure of Virtra towered behind it in a night which seemed unending—blood flowed like water.

Jeta's vision burred violently before the world vanished. She knew Kyle was looking at her with concern, saying something, but the face she saw was not his. She saw the face of a man that no one had seen in years: the face of Anakin Skywalker looked worriedly at her—it mouthed whispered words of "secrets" before he was taken back into the darkness... then the Force righted itself, and she was once again in the present. Jeta shook her head, blinking rapidly.

"…atter with you?" Kyle's voice was concerned.


Kyle sighed, "What's the matter with you? You were just saying that everything was going to be all right, and then you get all white like you've just had a…" Kyle stopped himself as he realized what he was saying. "It's bad isn't it?"

Jeta looked at him with terrified eyes, her eyes horrified, "Everything is definitely… not all right?"