Title: Domesticity
Author: tromana
Rating: PG
Notes: Written for Little-Firestar84 in a livejournal meme. 100 words exactly.
She stresses the last syllable of his name as she speaks. The Doctor turns to face her and smiles. Romana brushes down the skirt of her maid's uniform and pouts.
"We have to get out of here."
"Patience, Romana, patience."
"Why are humans so impractical? Housework, indeed."
"They don't have our technology."
A bell rings and Romana groans. This is practically slavery and it's the Doctor's fault they're here. We need to investigate, he said.
"Your master is calling, Romana," the Doctor says. "Hurry along now."
She scowls and continues counting down the seconds until she's released from duty.