Description: A Danny Phantom x Choose Your Own Adventure crossover menagerie.

I started this project years ago as a way to practice story progression and logistics. It got a little out of hand. Within the choices are dangerous situations, new allies, new enemies, ways home, and the possibility of death. Included in some of the outcomes are crossovers with multiple fandoms, everything from Teen Titans to Courage the Cowardly Dog to Doctor Who and more. Anyway, I hope you enjoy controlling Danny's future and fate.

Here is your blanket disclaimer for the story: I don't own Danny Phantom or any of the crossovers in these stories. The original stuff is mine though.


For those of you that have never read a Choose Your Own Adventure book, deprived though you are, here's the basic rules to going through the story. You CANNOT read this story from chapter 1 to 2 to 3 and so on, IT WILL MAKE NO SENSE.

- Read chapter 1 to introduce yourself to the situation and then make a choice as shown at the bottom of the page.

- When your choice is made, go to the chapter listed for that choice using the drop down menu.

- Continue making choices and going on to the corresponding chapters until you reach the end of the story. You'll know it's the end because it'll have bold letters at the bottom saying THE END.

- When you've reach this point, feel free to go back and try alternate choices for a different ending.

Chapter 1: Lost

Danny really didn't have any one to blame but himself. He repeated that over and over in his head every time he felt himself growing angry at his mother, which, given the passing hours, was occurring quite frequently. He should have known better than to take a casual joy-flight outside of their home at quarter to midnight. His parents usually went to bed at eleven but he really should have waited longer before going out to be sure. Between tests, detentions, and never ending ghost attacks over the last week, Danny needed to blow off some steam and flying usually did the trick hence his impatience and negligence.

Danny had only a moment to realize the depth of his mistake when he glanced down at his parent's window to see his mother taking careful aim with the Fenton bazooka they apparently kept under their pillow at night. Then the clamping pull of a portal sucked him into the swirling green before he had a chance to escape. Further evidence of his poor luck, he found himself in a completely unrecognizable part of the Ghost Zone. Danny had no idea where he was or, worse yet, how to get back. He'd been drifting for what felt like forever but was probably less than a few hours. With each passing moment his panic grew as he passed from unfamiliar door to unfamiliar door. He'd taken breaks from time to time on floating rocks to conserve his energy but he didn't know how long he could last just flying in ghost form for hours on end.

The one bright point Danny could see was he hadn't encountered any of his numerous enemies yet. The thought was both comforting and worrying. Comforting since he didn't need to waste the energy defending himself but worrisome that he was so far from his typical area that he couldn't recognize anything. If he found even one of their known haunts, he'd be able to find his way home. As it was, he was stuck wandering around until he stumbled upon something familiar which could take hours, days, weeks even! Danny didn't know how big the Ghost Zone was. If it was true that the Zone was just the corresponding side of reality for the real world then it would be infinite just like outer space. That thought alone made Danny sick and dizzy with apprehension forcing him down onto a free floating rock. He might never find his way home!

"Calm down, Fenton!" Danny ordered himself, turning to his human form to preserve energy.

The cool non-weather of the Ghost Zone raised goose bumps on his bare arms. Luckily, Danny was still wearing his street clothes from the previous day, shoes and all, so he was slightly warmer than he would have been in his thin pajamas. He paced back and forth along the wide chunk of rock, just big enough for one lonely ghost-tree to take root in the craggy surface.

"Jazz'll find out what happened in the morning. Then, she'll tell Sam and Tucker and they'll use the Boo-merang to find you. Problem solved!" He threw his hands in the air to emphasize the point to himself before drawing his arms back into his middle to rub the chilled skin.

The noise of a door slamming and a ghostly cry made Danny spin in his tracks and flash back to Phantom. He stood still a moment, hands clenched into fists, ready to fight or take off depending on which seemed best as he listened to the now eerie silence. Releasing a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding, Danny relaxed back to human, though his eyes still darted around the green landscape.

"Now I just have to spend the night in an unknown section of the Ghost Zone, potential enemies and violent spirits all around…alone and by myself," Danny muttered with a gulp. "Great."

Danny sank to the ground next to the gnarled, slightly glowing tree. It provided a bit of cover from the surrounding area as opposed to the other open and barren rocks floating by or flying around on his own looking for trouble.

"Maybe I should just stay here," Danny muttered to himself. That was what everyone always said to do when you got lost, sit tight and wait for rescue since wandering around would probably only get you more lost and impossible to find. Danny laughed humorlessly at himself, adding, "With my luck, I'll start flying in the wrong direction and it'll take them even longer to find me. If I don't get myself killed before then, that is."

Still, he didn't like the idea of just sitting there, doing nothing, waiting to be rescued. It ran against the grain. He'd been in the Ghost Zone alone plenty of times before, granted those were all in areas he knew for the most part, at least he always knew which direction was home. Just sitting there and not taking the chance to see a new section of the Zone almost seemed like a waste. This was an opportunity, but an opportunity for what? A great adventure or a quick death?


If you think Danny should stay put and wait for Jazz, Sam, and Tucker to find him: GO TO CHAPTER 4

If you think Danny should leave the rock and try to find his own way back: GO TO CHAPTER 10

Choose wisely for there are many perils in the Ghost Zone! And review if you like this, or if you don't, just let me know what you think!