Disclaimer: I recognise the story that I have written is based on the rights owned by Tolkien Enterprises, Marvel Comics and Studios, Warner Bros Entertainment and Walt Disney Studio Motion Pictures. I have no creative rights over the characters and places you can identify in this story and have no way profited from this work.


Chapter 1 – Introduction

Hi everyone.

Some readers have suggested I write other Marvel crossovers besides with Tolkien's works. I decline to do so for a couple of reasons. First, some of the suggested universes I'm completely ignorant about or have no interest in. More importantly though, I feel I've hardly scratched the surface in terms of crossover plots from the Marvel Tolkien Cinematic Universe. Which leads me to my latest work.

This crossover is set in The Hobbit. In a way, this was inevitable given the film trilogy's release. But the growing number of Earth-199999 Avengers also provides plenty new ideas to explore. Particularly in times and places of Middle-earth my previous works have only alluded to.

So why is one Avenger holding centre-stage this crossover? First, I wanted to have an Avenger with no prior experience in Middle-earth. Second and more importantly, because that I find Scarlet Witch-199999 a fascinating character.

Wanda's an emotionally sensitive individual with great psychic power at her disposal. It's an intriguing mix that often played out in Age of Ultron. Wanda's sense of justice makes her an incredible force for good. On the other hand, that same sense is a potential trapdoor for her becoming a telepathic monster. The use and abuse of power is a central theme in Tolkien's works. To my mind, The Hobbit offers the opportunity to explore that theme in relation to Wanda.

The main points about this story:

1) Except for the first bit of Chapter Two, this story takes place on the Earth-199999 timeline between the Battle of Sokovia and the opening of the New Avengers Facility.

2) Like my previous works, the answers to plot mysteries won't always be revealed at once. Including if other Avengers besides Wanda join the Quest for Erebor.

3) Some events and scenes from the film trilogy remain unchanged. They're not repeated in this crossover unless absolutely necessary.

4) Evil characters used the Black Speech throughout the film. To keep things simple, the Black Speech dialogue in this crossover should be considered the 'sub-titled' version.

5) No correspondence will be entered into about time travel, Grandfather Paradoxes, multi-verses etc. This story's fiction not a Physics dissertation.

6) Readers are correct in assuming there's no coincidence with the title. After all, this isn't the first titular character with the initials SW to encounter 'dwarfs' (no comment on the version that 'Thor' appears in).

As always, I look forward to your reviews and comments throughout.

Dr Matthattan

July 2016