Reviews for The New Teacher
George1892 chapter 47 . 6/29
That was a good fic although I missed the more teachery bits from earlier on.
ALLREMS chapter 42 . 6/15
So i know its written but it would be kind of nice for x23 to stay at the Parkers. She can help protect MJ lol.
ALLREMS chapter 20 . 6/7
Wow im going through this fic so fast, loved the game and additional bodies so had to stop to review. Great story so far.
ALLREMS chapter 2 . 6/6
Wow great so far and hes not even hired yet...loved Logan's laugh, i could almost hear him. Lol
StoneTheLoner chapter 21 . 11/24/2019
Oh. Sorry bout my reviews. I hadn't noticed how old this story was. I can't expect a story from a different time to meet the expectations modern fanfics give. There's different storytelling trends now. I really thought this was going to be a "Peter goes to school, we see him bond with his students like he was GTO guiding students through various difficult life lessons, and playing a game of cat and mouse between the kids and his other identity". Cuz if a story like that showed up today that's totally what it would be about.

StoneTheLoner chapter 20 . 11/24/2019
I'm stopping here. I thought this would be a fic where he interacted with the students considering it's name. I thought they would be the focus and the ones he'd have to worry about finding out his identity. But come to find out it's more about MJ, Kitty, and apparently now Rogue too. I... don't really give a sht about any of them?... They feel like distractions. I mean, you don't even show the classroom scenes anymore.

Should've named it "The New Peer" or something like that. At least it's more accurate. The new teacher sounds like the story should be from the students perspectives.
StoneTheLoner chapter 18 . 11/24/2019
Do you know you've only described Peter doing his job once this entire story? When are we going to see him in a classroom again?
StoneTheLoner chapter 16 . 11/24/2019
Since when was this MJ's story? I'm skimming.
StoneTheLoner chapter 12 . 11/24/2019
The first reveal of the story was a letdown. You didn't build up to it at all and that kind of ruined the anticipation of waiting to see who would be the first. You just layed it on us all of a sudden. Same chapter as the bad guys are introduced some rando finds out.
StoneTheLoner chapter 11 . 11/24/2019
Oh come on...
StoneTheLoner chapter 10 . 11/24/2019
... I kind of doubt Logan would swing by like this. Felt like it came out of nowhere.
TippyToe Zombie chapter 3 . 8/5/2019
Why doesn't Bobby know who Peter is. Bobby is one of Peter's best friends.
temporalandreaty chapter 27 . 6/21/2019
I'm glad that Peter didn't show the insane side of the spider-sense all that much, as having it cover threats to your wallet is a bit insane but considering they're his friends you did the right thing and didn't have it activate. (side note: in the comics, he's banned from his friend's poker games because he doesn't tell people how his powers work, so they think he'd auto win with it)
MatrixOfWumbo chapter 3 . 8/20/2018
I've only just started but I like your writing style.
Otaku-neku chapter 8 . 8/1/2018
Fun story! Mini rant incoming:

UGH. "How could you know what it's like to lose someone?"

Well, excuuuuse me, Scott; I forgot that you are the only person on earth, nay the universe, to EVER lose someone. No one could possible understand or sympathize. *hard eye roll* This is one of the reasons why you're not very well liked, Scott!

Haha, the "no one understands" trope can be very unlikable in a character for me. Although, it is something that tends to be a trait in X-Men characters and is not your fault, haha.

Great story so far! And I like the Peter's server identity wasn't immediately revealed like in some stories.
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