Author has written 16 stories for Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Wars, Chronicles of Narnia, Heroes, and Harry Potter.
'Ello, everyone. Now, I could be one of the many other writers here that has some huge, giant, overblown profile page that offers you every detail on them in existence. Me? I choose to take that time to write instead. Thus the scant profile.
Here're the basics:
I'm 19.
I've been writing stories for since April of 2006.
Anything pre-2007 is pretty much crap, and I'm hideously embarrassed of it, but I've left it on, because I feel I should own up to my failures.
Anything pre-2008 isn't great, but I can live with being associated with it.
I find that Jo Rowling has provided for us one of the best sandboxes to play in for the ages, and I can't thank her enough for basically giving us permission to do so. Want proof? Here's the link: http:///2/hi/entertainment/3753001.stm
Favourite Authors: (These people are GOOD. Which is why I'm telling you: READ THEM. DO IT.)
Derek Metaltron
Writing, reading, playing and enjoying music. I try not to be overly complicated.
Upcoming Projects:
Harry Potter and the Legacy of the Chosen One Tentative Title, Will Probably Change
A project that I am slowly developing with Kuroraikou off of an idea she had. Set around 110 years after the events of the series. Multiple chapters over multiple books. A long time in coming.
After being raised in seclusion from the Wizarding world for eleven years, Harry James Potter II begins attending Hogwarts. While at school, he tries to keep out of the spotlight, but the legacy of his name, along with his own prodigious abilities make this practically impossible. He begins to search into Harry Potter’s past escapades, trials, and the things his friends and classmates saw from outside his world. Modeling himself after the original Potter as he acquires bits and pieces of knowledge about him, Harry struggles within, wondering if this is a man whose shoes he can fill...or if he really should.
Not the One
Harry Potter; oneshot, possibly to become chaptered.
Nineteen years after the defeat of Lord Voldemort, Harry Potter's life is calm, centred, whole. All is well. Twenty years after the defeat of Lord Voldemort, his life has been destroyed. With his best friends, he tries to piece it back together, growing closer to one in particular. She's not the one for him. He's not the one for her. But they try to work through anyhow.
Harry Potter and the Dangers of Time
My attempt at a much more realistic, much less nonsensical story involving Time Turners. Multiple chapters over multiple books. Will take some time.
At the end of his 3rd Year, Harry Potter had saved the lives of two innocent beings. But at the cost of their freedom, a Professor's job, and the escape of a rat, he feels it wasn't enough. He rashly chooses to ignore warnings, and proceeds to meddle with Time. The consequences of this are many and dangerous, and as the story progresses, Harry begins to fight against losing his own mind while Time spirals into madness too.
Of Scum, Villainy and Unsung Heroes
Harry Potter; Eight chapters, counting an Epilogue. Will be a while.
Professor. Villain. Monster. Git. Snivellus. Coward. Murderer. Traitor. Over the last seven years of his life, Severus Snape was called many things, but never a hero. And never a man. His thoughts, his motives, his inner turmoil have never been explored, never considered. Until the Boy Who Lived calls him 'hero'. An introspective into the broken heart, shattered soul and wounded man that was the Potions Master, the Half-Blood Prince.
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen; modernised. Multiple genres, including (obviously) LXG, Alias, Torchwood, Ultimate Marvel, Bionic Woman, Heroes, Dexter, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the Bourne Trilogy.
After a series of unusual events hint at the coming of a global catastrophe, the League of Extraodrinary Gentlemen is reformed, and seven heroes are called; a scientist, an immortal, a hunter, a rogue, a beast, a spy, and a vampire. Facing a dangerously cunning villain and his mystifying plot, the League must first face the demons both standing next to them and inside themselves.
Five projects, four of them easily going to be enormous volumes of work. All that, plus college, jobhunting and attempting a stable relationship. This is going to be interesting.
Catch you all on the flipside!