Sorry it's taken me so long to update. I know I've told people that I'd have posted this a couple weeks ago, but I've been busy and writer's block is a cruel mistress. Anyway, I'd like to give special thanks 1-winged-slacker for giving me the suggestion of the final scene in this fic. And I'd also like to extend thanks to all those who've been reviewing. I've really appreciated all reviews, even if I didn't reply to every single one.


When Kim woke up, everything just felt surreal. She was finally graduating. After so many years of being in school, she was finally getting her high school diploma. She'd thought about it several times over the past few years as she was going to high school, but it had always seemed like something that would happen eventually, and yet never occur. Kim rushed to the bathroom so she could take a shower and take care of all her hygenical routine.

When she was done, she quickly made her way back to her room so she could find something that she could wear. She didn't usually care what she wore, but this was one of those times where she wanted it to be perfect. Unfortunately, she didn't have Ron around to ask him his opinion, since she had always relied on what he thought in these kinds of situations. After all, he'd always been a big help in that department.

After a while, Kim finally decided on her teal shirt and black pants. Mostly because she couldn't think of anything, and just decided to go at random. Not exactly the best method, but it worked. Kim made her way downstairs, and was surprised when she found out that she was the only one up. After all, who could sleep on a morning like this?

Pushing that question aside for later contemplation, Kim made her way around the kitchen, fixing herself a bowl of cereal. When she finished it, the house was still silent. Where was everyone? They should be up by now. Kim shook her head. Yeah, her brother's would probably want to get as much sleep as they could; she was sure they weren't as excited about her graduating as she was. But her parents should at least be up. If anything, she had expected them to be up long before she was. Kim shook her head as she made her way to the living room.

"Kim? Is that you?" Kim's dad asked, as she passed the stairs.

Kim looked up at him. "Yeah. Why aren't you and mom up yet?"

"Kim. It's five in the morning. Your graduation ceremony doesn't start until ten."

Kim stared at her dad blankly. "So?"

James sighed. "Just take it easy. You'll tire yourself out if you keep going like this."

Kim sighed. Maybe her dad did have a point. Just she felt so full of energy that she couldn't just go back to bed. Heck, she wasn't even sure if she'd be able to sit down calmly right now. "Um, dad, then why are you up right now?"

"I was using the bathroom when I heard someone down there, so I thought I should check."

Kim sighed again. Now that she thought about it, she realized that time was probably going to be torturing her right now. Not something that she was probably going to enjoy.


Shego was bored. Even though she'd been promised to have attempts made at making a deal, she still wasn't happy with all the paperwork that she was required to fill out. Yeah, she agreed to do it, but that didn't make it any less tedious. Although, how many copies of a written request for this did she have to write by hand until she was done. Of course each were slightly different because of the different people they were supposed to get sent to, but that still didn't make it any easier to get them done.

At least I'm on the last one, Shego thought to herself, glad that at least the end was in sight. Although, she wondered if what they'd do with her until the results came back if a deal could be made or not. Allowing herself to take a break from what she was supposed to be doing, she leaned back in her chair. Maybe I should have waited a week before doing this, Shego mused. At least then she'd have been certain that she'd be able to see little Kimmie's graduation. She was sure that her being there would have made it so much better for her favorite redhead. But there wasn't anything that she could do about it now, except hope that somehow she'd be able to attend, when she knew that it wasn't likely that she'd be able to even catch the smallest glimpse of it. Maybe one of Kim's parents was video recording it. It wouldn't be the same as being there in person, but at least it'd be something.

Another sigh and Shego was back at work. Adding the finishing touches on the document that she was working on. Even though she really didn't care, she knew that she had done her best. Because if she was to have the best chances of making this work, then she couldn't afford anything less than her best effort. Shego sighed as she added the final bits. Then as she leaned back, Will Du entered.

"Everything okay?" Will inquired.

Shego nodded. "I've finished the torture you wanted me to suffer through."

"It's hardly torture," Will commented, not understanding how paperwork could be torture.

Shego smirked for a moment. This guy was a real piece of work. She could have had such fun with him. After all, he was too serious for his own good. Anything that she could have done to him that would have been harmless would probably have gone straight over his head. Something that she probably would have really enjoyed doing. Shego chuckled for a moment before asking, "What now? I've finished all that paperwork you guys wanted me to do."

"I'm to escort you to the person who'll be taking you into their custody. Dr. Director chose the person who'll–"

"I get it," Shego interrupted. Even though this guy was constantly serious, it could easily become annoying. "I'm just wanting to make sure that you're not going to have me come back here to fill out something that you people forgot about while I was here."

"You realize you'll probably still go to jail for some time," Will commented.

Shego looked at Will calmly. "I wouldn't have done this if I hadn't thought everything through."

"And you'll probably lose all the money in your bank accounts."

Shego sighed. That was one thing she had planned on happening regardless of if she'd been able to make a deal or not. So, she merely nodded.

Will shrugged. "Just thought I should ask." Silence reigned for a few moments aside from Shego straightening out the papers that she had filled out until Will broke the silence. "Why did you decide to do this, anyway?"

"I have my reasons," Shego answered flatly. There was no way that she would tell anyone except Kimmie her reasons. Kim might tell others, but that was up to her. Besides, Shego doubted that Kim would say anything unless someone asked, and the only people that would probably think to ask her would be her friends and family. And she wasn't even sure that Kim would tell them then. "Is there anything else you want me to do?" she asked before Will could come up with something to say.

Will shook his head. "No."

Shego got up and walked towards the door. "So, if it's all the same, I think I'll get something to eat."

Before Will could respond, Shego had already left the room, searching for a cafeteria or a vending machine. Anything would work right now.


The morning was slow torture for Kim. She had tried to get some more sleep after talking with her father earlier, but she hadn't been able to. Everyone that she knew seemed to be much more calm about this. Why couldn't anyone else be this excited, Kim wondered, wishing that there was something for her to do that would occupy her attention for a while at least. As it was, the time was nearing 10, and the ceremony was about to start. Dressed in her blue graduation gown, Kim wasn't sure if anyone else was as apprehensive as she was right now, but it seemed like she was the only one. Kim looked at her Kimmunicator to see what time it was. A whole minute had passed since she had last looked. Everything just seemed to be going so much slower. It was driving Kim nuts!

Kim sighed. Aside from time going too slowly in her opinion, she had yet to catch sight of Shego. If she was going to be here, Kim wanted to at least spend a moment with her. She knew that Shego might be watching the ceremony much like she did Ron's funeral, from a distance, but she would at like to spend at least a few moments with Shego here. After all, this was one of the most important events in her life. She needed Shego to be here.

Everything was just taking too long. Besides, would Shego manage to make a deal? Kim was sure she had plenty of information that she might be able to use as leverage, but would that really be enough? Kim wanted to know at least how Shego was doing if she wasn't going to be able to make it, but Wade hadn't even been able to find anything. Whatever was going on with Shego was certainly well secured. That was the only thing dampening her spirits. Although, she hoped that it didn't show. After all, if Shego WAS watching, then Kim didn't want her to wonder what was wrong.

Suddenly the ceremony started. And as Kim watched it, her mind wandered to thoughts of Shego. She just couldn't get her out of her mind. Even when she joined everyone to get her diploma, she knew that she put on a good front of being excited. After all, she was excited about graduating, but she couldn't help but continue being preoccupied with Shego. It was almost as if her having feelings for the thief was starting to affect her in other ways than she had thought might happen.

The entire ceremony was over before Kim knew it. It all seemed surreal, like it was just a dream. Kim half-expected someone to come up to her and say, "You're right. It is just a dream." And then she'd wake up, with more time before she'd either graduate or before this ceremony. She just hoped that it wouldn't be that way when she next saw Shego. That was just one thing that she didn't want to happen. To have to dream of being reunited with her love only to find out that it was all just a mere fantasy, with the harsh reality crashing down on her that she might not get to see her again.

However, as Kim and her family were getting ready to leave, not quickly enough for her brothers, Kim caught a glimpse of something that she was CERTAIN that she had just imagined. Besides, why would GJ be here at her graduation ceremony. If they needed her for something, they knew that they could talk to Wade and have him contact her, or they could just whisk her away like they've done so many other times before. Then she saw Shego. Her heart definitely skipped a beat. Oh how she hoped that she wasn't imagining things now. They probably had just escorted Shego here, but Kim hoped that there might be more to this.

Making a quick excuse to her parents, much to the Tweebs' dismay, Kim made her way over to where she had spied Shego. However, Shego didn't stay still. Kim found that out when she nearly ran into the green woman halfway from where she had seen her. Kim stared for a moment, before throwing her arms around Shego. Kim felt her love tense up, but she didn't mind. The fact that she was there and real was enough. Kim didn't even notice everyone around them taking notice, staring, and whispering to each other.

"Kim, you're making a scene," Shego whispered harshly.

Kim reluctantly let go. "Sorry. I just got a little carried away."

"I'll say."

Quickly Kim changed the subject before she started to get embarrassed. "What're you doing here?"

"I came to watch your ceremony, doy."

Kim giggled at that. Definitely Shego. No one could pull that remark off quite like her raven-haired beauty. "No, I mean, I thought you'd be working out a deal with Global Justice."

Shego sighed. "We'll talk about that somewhere else, okay?"

Kim suddenly realized how many people were actually listening in to what they were saying. "Oh. Okay."


Shego was not amused at Kim's antics. She was truly and utterly embarrassed by the redhead's actions in the middle of that crowd. Yeah, she probably had had a hard time emotionally over her going to make a deal like that, but she could have, at the very least, restrained herself a little better. But that wasn't really an issue. After all, she had long since decided to accept all that comes with the redhead. Even embarrassing moments like those. However, that didn't mean that Kim wasn't going to get an earful later on.

Shego had convinced Kim to come with her to a van that Global Justice had brought her in. After all, they both knew that Global Justice knew about them, and it wasn't likely that they were going to say anything that they cared if Global Justice heard or not. Shego was more concerned about how Kim might have reacted in that crowd. In front of a few people, it wouldn't be quite as embarrassing, but in front of that crowd, she was sure she would have been mortified. Especially since one of the reasons she decided to become a thief was because of how thieves could move without attracting notice. While, Kim just called out for attention in that crowd with suddenly embracing her like that. Either that, or it was just her imagination. But, she certainly drew everyone's attention there no matter the reason.

At least in the van, they had some relative privacy. Shego got in the van ahead of Kim and sat down. She wasn't surprised when Kim sat next to her and leaned against her. Shego figured that Kim was just taking in her presence, the same way she was taking in Kim's. "So, what happened?" Kim whispered.

Shego absently put her arm around Kim as she replied, "Well, right now Global Justice is working with the DA about making a deal with me, and they want me to be in your custody until things are decided."

Shego was a little irritated when Kim moved away so she could look at her. She just consoled herself that Kim hadn't pulled out of her arm then. "What? They want me–"

Shego silenced Kim by placing a finger over her mouth. Smiling mischievously, she said, "Why ask them to change their minds? I'm sure Dr. Director has her reasons why she wants me in your care. Let's just take in all the time we can together."

Shego pulled Kim back up against her as Kim thought about it. "What about when I go on a mission?"

"I'm sure they've already considered that when they decided on you, pumpkin." Shego said as Kim slid her arms around Shego. Although, Shego did have to admit, it was a good question. But, it wasn't something she really wanted to point out, especially if they really hadn't considered that.

"How long will we have?"

"I can't say," Shego answered, her hand rubbing Kim's arm a little, while her other hand started stroking Kim's hair. "But, at least we'll have it together, right?"

Shego felt Kim nod into her. Shego would have preferred to have remained that way for a little while longer, but that's when Will Du entered the van. His first reaction when he saw them together was to blush furiously as he turned around. Shego couldn't help but start to laugh.

"What?" Kim asked, turning her head to see what Shego found so funny. Shego pointed at Will and Kim started to giggle a little at him.

"Are you two done?" Will asked, sounding very uncomfortable.

"Relax, officer. We weren't doing anything," Shego said.

Will turned around, then quickly looked away, his face a bright red. "You've already told her?"

"Yeah, I told her what you guys decided on while we wait to see how much of a deal I can cut."

"Are you willing to take this responsibility, Miss Possible?"

"Of course!" Kim answered gleefully.

At which point, Kim lifted her head and pulled Shego close for a kiss. Making Will Du's blush deepen as he turned away again.


Kim's parents were surprised at the news to put it lightly. However, they agreed to discuss the matter about Kim being in charge of Shego when they got home. Which made for a tense and very quiet drive. When they got there, Kim had already thought of several problems that might occur. Although, she couldn't think of what might happen if those problems came up, but she knew that everything depended on this. She had refused to let go of Shego's hand on the drive over, because she wasn't sure if she'd be able to later on.

As they got out of the car, Shego whispered to Kim. "Relax. If everything goes wrong, I have a solution for us."

Kim looked at Shego, wondering what the older woman was planning. Not really sure if she'd actually like to know. Ever.

Sighing, she walked with Shego into the house that she had considered home for all her life. The home that she wasn't sure would be able to withstand her relationship with Shego. Again she found herself moving towards the kitchen table so they could talk with her parents while her brother's went to do whatever they were working on currently.

Kim wanted to be the first one to speak, but she couldn't think of anything to say, which caused her to hesitate long enough for her father to say something first. "Now, I know I won't be able to change your minds, but are both of you sure you want this?"

Kim was taken by surprise. She had anticipated a reaction far different from this. "Y- yeah," Kim stuttered, not really sure what else to say. Kim saw Shego merely nod her response. Kim hoped then that all the problems that she had envisioned wouldn't happen.

"But we will need to set some boundaries while you live here," Kim's mother said flatly.

"Wh- what kind of boundaries?" Kim asked, dreading what they were going to say. Especially since she hadn't considered this possibility.

"First we want to make certain you're not just jumping into this relationship because Ron died and she was the one who helped you thorough it," Ann answered. "So, first we need both of you to sleep in separate rooms for a while."

That was so bad, Kim thought to herself. She hadn't planned on doing that for a while anyway. "Is that it?" Kim asked, hoping that it was.

"We also need both of you to let us know where you're going when you go off together," James answered. "That way we know you're not going off to a motel behind our backs."

Kim felt Shego's hand tighten on hers. Had she thought of doing that? Kim wondered. "And when you do start sleeping together, we'd appreciate it if you didn't do anything when your brother's are around."

Kim smirked. "Why? I think that they're old enough to not get traumatized by knowing what we're doing," Shego asked, not really understanding.

"They'd probably try to watch," Kim offered Shego. "I think it's more for their safety than them being traumatized."

"I thought it'd be for your comfort," James commented, hesitantly.

Kim shook her head. "Yeah, I'd be uncomfortable with them watching or anything, but I think that Shego would probably do something to them if she found out they were watching."

Ann looked at Kim with a level gaze. "Kim. Please. We both know how many times you've threatened your brothers. I don't think that this would turn out any different."

"As much as I hate to agree with your mother, Kim, I feel I have to right now," Shego spoke up. "I've heard you complaining enough about your brothers that I'm sure you would do something to them." Kim looked at Shego in shock. "Hey. I'm only saying what I think. No matter how many hallow threats you've given your brothers, I think that if they did something like that, I'd be the least of their worries."

How could she think Kim would do something like that? Okay, yeah, maybe she would, but still! Shego would also likely try something as well. They just weren't being fair to her! So, she opted to not say anything. Especially since she couldn't think of anything else to say. Okay, well maybe one thing. "Anything else?"

James shook his head. "No, I think that about covers it."

Kim felt her mother's hand rest on the hand of hers that was on the table. "We just want to make sure that you're happy with what you choose to do."

Kim smiled gratefully. "I know, mom. Just it feels like sometimes you don't trust me."

"Hey, there are times when I don't trust you, pumpkin," Shego commented.

Kim scowled at Shego. She was supposed to be on HER side! Besides, what wasn't there to trust about her? She was completely trustworthy. Yeah, maybe she lied sometimes, but she could still be trusted. Right?

Kim sighed as she thought about it. "Don't get depressed, princess," Shego whispered to Kim. "I've just listened in to some of the excuses you told your parents over the past year. Especially the ones where you claimed a mission held you up when you were out late with Stoppable."

Kim was taken aback. Okay, maybe there was some merit to what they said, but she was still trustworthy. After all, there were times where she had been late because of missions. It was only a few times, but that didn't make her untrustworthy.

However, the discussion was cut short when a familiar chime went off. Kim sighed as she pulled out her Kimmunicator. Always the best times Wade, Kim thought with a wry smile.

About a year later

Kim sighed as she stood in front of the grave. She could hardly believe that it had been a whole year since he died. In fact it was a year ago this day that Ron died. She gently paced the flowers in directly in front of the grave before she took a step back. "It's been a while, huh?" Kim whispered. She was aware of Shego standing behind her, and was grateful to her for giving her some space while she talked with Ron here. "I'm sure you know that Shego and I have gotten together. I'm sorry I haven't been around to see you yet, but you know how busy I've always been." Kim moved towards the grave and knelt down in front of it, running her fingers along the stone and lettering on it.

"I wish you could have been there with me when Shego and I got together. I'm sure you'd have been supportive of my decision." Kim swallowed. She didn't want to cry, in fact she had promised herself that she wouldn't, but the tears still were threatening to overwhelm her again. However, right now, they were just under the surface. When she was sure that she had them under control, she continued. "I hope you're not upset with me for moving on so quickly after you died. I know I should have refused to start going out with anyone, but I couldn't help starting to feel that way towards Shego. If you're upset, then I'm sorry." Kim had had a plan of what she was going to say, but now it all just seemed… inadequate. So, she slowly stood up, still looking at the grave, and stepped back. She probably would have stood there for a bit longer, looking at his grave and thinking of what else she could say, but she turned when she heard Shego gasp.

First Kim's gaze went to Shego, then to where Shego was looking. Kim was shocked when she saw Ron. She knew it wasn't someone playing a prank, because of the ethereal quality he had about him, and the fact that he was partially transparent all over. Kim slowly, stumbling a little, walked over to Shego, who wrapped her arms around her when she got next to her.

No words were spoken and none were needed. Ron just smiled after a moment, raised a hand in farewell, and turned to go. Rufus climbed up to his shoulder and started waving at them, as the mole rat would have always done. As they walked, they slowly faded away, his ephemeral presence dissipating as he walked away. Kim couldn't fight the onrush of tears this time, and in truth, she didn't want to right now, because these were tears of joy and relief. Ron was dead, yes, but he still cared about her and wasn't upset about her being with Shego. Everything was all right now. She didn't need to worry about that.

Finally, after staring after where Ron had disappeared, Shego broke the silence. "Let's go home, princess." Kim nodded, and together, they walked towards Shego's car. Both content with each other's presence. Nothing else seemed to matter to the couple while they were together. And that's all that really mattered.