![]() Author has written 8 stories for Tenchi Muyo, Bleach, Gokusen, Lord of the Rings, Avengers, Hobbit, Doctor Who, Naruto, and Rise of the Guardians. Hiya! It's me, Sakura Taichou! Well, as some of you can tell, I took my username from one of my story ideas. I'd been lulling that story around in my head for AGES before I wrote and I just love the concept of it so much I used it for more than just a story. As a matter of fact, I used in in a short comic I did, it featured the meeting of Yachiru and Sakura which is really funny and I plan on including it in the story later. I might even use the picture of Sakura-taichou as my avatar if I ever figure out how to do that. Well, anyway, I have five stories up, but you guys should only read two or three of them. The first one I wrote was an exercise to see if I could still write a decent story and the answer (at least for that one) was a resounding NO. It's considered practice and all those that do not want to make their eyes bleed will please refrain from checking it out. Trust me on this. Stories: The Heiress And Her Choices (Beware! Here they be dragons! It's because I love you that I insist you stay away!) Rosette Taichou (This one is interesting but not updated, I suppose you can call it HIATUS'd until further notice.) Where The Roads Meet Again (Pairing: Who knows evil cackle. Also HIATUS'd, apologies.) Vala of Changing Light (Sakura rules, nuff' said) -holy crap it's taking me forever to update! But I will!- Jokul Frosti (Jack Frost, meet the Avengers. Thor's going to tell them so much about you!) W. C. M. (Give it time, it'll blossom. And be updated and stuff.) Unto The Breach (Dear Bilbo, do I have plans for you *cue evil cackle ) Those are my stories, I update the fourth thru seventh, two and three in the center I'm stumped about but I've not given up yet, the fifth is because I laughed and had to write it all down, and the last two were because I love The Hobbit and I'm helpless against the hurricane that is my imagination. And here's a little about me before I start rambling like a crazy lunatic. I'm 27, I've lived in several places across the country and I am currently in college. I'm a loner by nature but I enjoy hanging out with people on occasion, just don't touch me unexpectedly, makes me twitchy. I'm Native American, full blood (I'm an endangered species!), and I'm an artist of manifold talents; kinda good at all of it but I don't have enough attention to go around to be especially good at everything (who does? *shrug*). Anyway, I hope you all enjoy yourselves and I look forward to where my crazy ass takes me! _ |