Reviews for I Prefer to Text |
Guest chapter 1 . 6/27 Such a beautiful, amazing story. I loved it so so much |
Guest chapter 1 . 9/27/2018 Fun & sweet! |
Angela.Qrow chapter 1 . 5/11/2018 Beautiful. |
LillyMayFlower chapter 1 . 6/28/2017 This story is fantastic. You're a really talented writer to weave such a beautiful, slow burning romance while keeping John and Sherlock so perfectly in character. I love the way Sherlock couldn't find the words to say what he felt until it was through a screen, and then finally he was brave enough to admit it out loud! |
Stardustcanfly chapter 1 . 6/15/2017 This was amazing, I absolutely love it, you're an amazing writer! Xx |
ReynardinePotter chapter 1 . 6/5/2017 So cute |
Phylomedusa chapter 1 . 5/14/2017 This is the most amazing Johnlock fic I have ever read. I just love this s o much. But I can't help but wonder, did Mycroft have a tap on the phones? Okay you can't convince me otherwise that Mycroft is a Johnlocker |
leetah.evee chapter 1 . 1/23/2017 SIIIGHHH! Favorited... so I can read again. Oof. So lovely. LOVED it. |
Eliz chapter 1 . 7/6/2016 Wow, I love this fic! I'm starting out making podfic, I was wondering if it would be alright with you if I did one of I Prefer to Text? Please let me know! |
MiaGhost chapter 1 . 7/1/2016 I love this every time because i think it's so utterly Sherlock. I must have read it a dozen times before i made an account and i have to say i love it every single time. It's fantastic and clever and so in character. |
MrsMetta chapter 1 . 5/14/2016 Thank you for this well written, interesting and touching story. The part where John misses even Sherlocks criticising comments quite moved me, among other parts. This texting thing is a good idea, and helps to keep Sherlock IC, that is not an easy task to accomplish. Thank you! |
The-221b-TimeLord-of-Hogwarts chapter 1 . 3/19/2016 This was so adorable and amazing and I loved it so much I read it twice! 3 Thank you for such a great story :) |
Nevrandil chapter 1 . 2/21/2016 *SQUEAAAAAAALLLL* This was so precious...and adorable and naaaaaw... :D iCome to the door. You don't have to open it. Slowly, he walked to the door. From what he could see through the crack, John was sitting on the floor. He kneeled beside the wooden piece separating them and waited. "Please, Sherlock," John whispered, "I need you to say it. I need to hear it."/i Break my heart, why don't you ;) Fantastic work. Nev |
Argon.847 chapter 1 . 2/9/2016 AWW |
Lilybud chapter 1 . 1/26/2016 Cannot possibly express how great this story is, so will write a list I made while reading of all the said great things: 'how people in general prefer John (and the way you said it-ha!) 'how Sherlock has arms like tentacles (true, but at least they're fit) 'how Sherlock's "cloak" swishes like Batman 'how Sherlock must always get the last word, even in texts 'how Sherlock (wow there is a lot about him in this list) has to know that John is alright because at night he can't talk to him and fears that him being alive is just a dream 'the different variations of how Sherlock writes John's name with caps and punctuation, all in vain 'I G.E.T. S.M.A.S.H.E.D. How did you even figure that out? Great scene, and even funnier that Sherlock had to look it up rather than just know it off the top of his head like he does most things. 'how John's gift of socks was not only unexpected (and so sweet and thoughtful), but how they fit Sherlock to a T: functional, somewhat fashionable, and also strange like him. 'how Sherlock can only convey his emotions through text, until John comes up to his door, and how John understands him implicitly. 'how Sherlock thinks that he can define love through tests or questions. If only it was that simple! ' John's "puzzling code." 'just how neat, thought out, and vivid your writing is! Absolutely wonderful story! |