Disclaimer: Not mine.
Well, we all know I'm the world's worst updater, so I won't say anything about that. But umm…I hope this one's ok. It's short, but I am so fed up with it that this is just how it's going to be. I had the most amazing idea for this scene originally, but I just couldn't write it. It wouldn't come. So I had to give up and try something else.
Fiyero blinked the rain out of his eyes for what seemed like the thousandth time; it would help if he could actually see what he was doing. Gripping the ladder he'd dragged half a mile from the stable to the castle, he squinted up at Elphaba's window and shifted his means of breaking and entering until it lined up with the glass. He leaned all of his weight on a waist-high rung, driving the base of the ladder into the soggy grounds in the hope that the thick mud would be enough to secure it.
Finally, convinced that there was nothing else to be done, he set one mud-caked shoe on the first drenched step and began to climb. When he reached the top, he peered through the water-blurred window to see a green-and-purple lump in the middle of the bed. Bingo.
He jiggled the bottom of the window till it popped free of the ledge, and eased it upward, thanking Oz that it didn't squeak—the last thing he needed on top of a ladder was an awake and angry Elphaba. Climbing inside would be a bit more difficult, but that too went smoothly, until—
Thump. He lost his footing on the slippery top rung and went crashing from the window seat to the floor of Elphaba's bedroom. He squeezed his eyes shut, listening for movement.
Nothing. Elphaba was still asleep. Fiyero dropped his head back to the floor in relief and groaned.
"Ouch." He'd dropped it a little too hard, apparently.
The sound of creaking mattress springs made him freeze. More creaking, and then soft footsteps padded across the floor. He raised his head a few inches to see two green feet about a foot from his head, and then followed the long stretch of purple silk up to Elphaba's groggy but stern expression. He slowly pushed up to his hands and knees and stood.
"Elphaba, I can explain."
"Then do. Explain why I just found you kissing Glinda after you begged me to give us a chance."
"It wasn't what it—"
"Wasn't what it looked like?" She gave a derisive laugh. "Please."
Elphaba turned to stalk away, but Fiyero grabbed hold of her forearm. She whirled on him with a sudden vengeance and let her left hand fly. Fiyero staggered backwards and she followed him, pounding on his chest as angry tears began to fall.
"You jerk, how could you—"
"Elphaba! Elphaba, please, just listen to me." He caught her wrists and wrestled her hands into stillness. She jerked from his grasp and stood back from him, crossing her arms over her heaving chest.
"Fine, explain. She kissed you, right?"
Elphaba snorted. "Do you think I'm that stupid? I'm green, yes, but I assure you my coloring has no effect on my brain."
"Just LISTEN to me!!" Fiyero exploded. Elphaba blinked, stunned, and he took advantage of her silence. "Glinda got drunk and made a scene, so I had to take her outside. She asked me to close my eyes and I did, and she kissed me. I didn't expect it, I didn't want it, and I swear I was about to pull away when you saw us."
"But how can I believe that, Fiyero? How do I know?"
"Elphaba, I love you."
Her jaw popped open slightly, and it took him a moment to remember that he'd never told her that before; it seemed such a natural thing to say. He watched her intently, until she finally looked away. "I believe you." She swiped her palm across her cheeks and met his eyes again. "So what happens now?"
Fiyero sank down onto the window seat and tried to slow his pounding heart. "Well, that depends. Have you made your decision?"
"Yes. My answer is yes."
He gave her a crooked smile. "Then in that case, Miss Thropp, what happens now is that you suddenly realize that I am so irresistibly attractive that you just can't help…"
"Can't help what?" She inched closer, fighting a smile of her own.
"Well…kissing me, for starters."
Elphaba stopped right in front of him and cocked her head. "Can't help it, can I?"
"No, you can't." He grabbed her hand and tugged her down to his level, gathering her thick curtain of hair in his free hand and moving it from his path.
"You're soaking me, you realize."
Fiyero pulled back far enough for her to see his raised eyebrows. "Do you care?"
"Not really."
"Didn't think so."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Some time later, the two of them were comfortably settled on the hearthrug in front of the fire, cocooned in the downy comforter from Elphaba's bed. Fiyero's shirt hung to dry on the mantle.
Shadows danced on the walls in the near-dark, and the glow from the fire lit on the drowsy couple. There was no sound in the room apart from their breathing and the soft crackling of the flames, and the whisper of skin against fabric.
Neither of them heard the door swing open, and neither of them saw the tall blonde woman cross the room to where they lay. She stood over them for a moment, her long black cloak a stark contrast to the warm glow from the fire.
Quickly but silently, she dropped into a crouch. A thin hand emerged from the folds of her cloak and brushed across Fiyero's brow. He didn't stir. "Fiyero."
His eyes flickered open. "Fiyero, look at me." Fiyero's gaze darted upward to lock with hers. There was no question of looking away. Lamia held a finger to her lips. She stood and beckoned to him. "Come."
My happily-ever-afters are always a little too easy….so I think we'll shake things up a little this time. :D Anyways, if you guys are still reading, reviews are always much appreciated!