![]() Author has written 14 stories for Yu Yu Hakusho, Weiss Kreuz, Get Backers, and Gundam Wing/AC. I'm alive. Really. http:// olivia-yuymaxwell. deviantart. com/ people, THIS is the url that leads to the awesome Weiss Kreuz (ok, RanKen) fanarts of Olivia. View them, and be amazed. Yeah, I'm a shameless plug. (looks embarrassed for a second... then shrugs) ... Just copy and paste the link (minus the spaces) and go comment on her wonderful fanarts. My favorite is the RanKen diary 4. (nn) Um... I'm 22 and I am thanking the guy who made the calendar 'cause I'm not the same age as my beta anymore. Hehehehe... I''ve been in college for three years now, a devoted yaoi fanfic reader, and I am now going insane writing two fics (mutliparters at that) at the same time. I now have my very own copy of the mangas Golden Cain, Only the Ring Finger Knows, Legal Drug (1 &2 , AND I NOW HAVE VOLUME 3! MWAHAHAHA!) and I have volumes 2-12 of Gravitation and just bought volume 2 of Passion. Watch me burst into genki bubbles. Although... I'm waiting for Embrace of Fire (Not really sure about the title; it's the translated version of Haru wo Daite Ita, or that's what one site says... another 9 mangas to collect, darn). I'm not into slash though, although my best friend and Elana-chan try... Your efforts are in vain, girls! Nyahaha! I am now in love with the sasunaru (Naruto) pair and I am scouring the net for doujinshis and good (preferably finished) fics. Elana-chan tries to convert me to kakairu but, well, whatever. Okees, so here are my favorite pairings (gonna type them as I think them up, so they aren't in particular order): kurama and hiei of Yu Yu Hakusho (Wheee! The pair who started it all! Err... They're just meant to be!) ran and ken of Weiss Kreuz (Need I say more? WAI! I love Kenken!) yohji and omi (Um, well, since they graciously left ran and ken alone... Well, they're cute together so...) ban and ginji of Get Backers (Wai! They are such a cute couple! Wait. Did I just say that? Weird...) kazuki, juubei, AND uryu (Whee! They could work, ya know! They need each other! Go OT3! Err, that stands for one true 3some. Got it from my bestfriend) saitou and sanosuke of Rurouni Kenshin (yep, they are SO meant for each other: an ahou and a wolf!) ryuichi and tatsuha of Gravitation (why do I feel like there are only a few supporters of this beautiful pairing out there?) eiri and shuuichi (Wai! The pairing that started my love for ryuXtat! Err... wai!) hiro and suguru ( ... don't give me the she's-crazier-than-a-beaver look...) sanzo and goku of Gensomaden Saiyuki ( Such a sweet pairing! Ignores the "She's crazy! Run!" stares... ) gojyo and hakkai ( Them too. But my love for them kinda fizzled out in favor of the above pair... Ehehehe...) tatsumi and watari of Yami no Matsuei (WAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIII!) +dies of ruptured... spleen+ muraki and oriya ( Muraki is an idiot. He doesn't see the love that is so freely, urk, I mean viciously lashed out to him. He is such an idiot. Let the canon pairings be and take a serious look at your Kyoto beauty, man! Geez! Did I mention that he's an idiot?) tsuzuki and hisoka ( Awwww...) +melts into a puddle of disgusting, purple, heart-shaped goo+ heero and duo of Gundam Wing (. . . need I say more?) +smirk+ trowa and quatre (THE ULTIMATE CANON COUPLE! MY PARENTS! THE PAIR WHO SPAWNED ME, SUMIRE WINNER-BARTON! Err... don't ask...) rukawa and hanamichi of Slam Dunk (awww... another ahou and a fox this time. The tensai really is a tensai to acknowledge his feelings for Rukawa. SO CUTE!) hasunuma and mitsuo of Eerie Queerie (err... maybe I should type it the other way...+sweatdrop+) (WAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIII+deep breath+ WAAAAAAAIIIIIIII! Oh, and ICHI IS NOT GAY! He's just...confused.) shino and itsuki (The sweetest, angstiest pair in EQ! Err, they're the ONLY angsty pair in EQ! Rather, they're the ONLY angsty pair I acknowledge in Eerie Queerie/Ghost. Elana-chan likes the mikuniXkanau pair... He's a ghost! Geez. Shino is drop-dead gorgeous!) nakago and tomo of Fushigi Yuugi (Err... Yeah. I TOTALLY ADORE THIS PAIR! I read a fic, "The Kindness of Strangers" forgot the author. GOMEN! and they are totally meant for each other!... I keep on saying that...) momoshiro and echizen of Prince of Tennis (My bestfriend says that they're only good as best friends. Since she watched the whole series, and I only watched eps 80-99, I still don't believe her! They're good for each other I tell ya!) mizuki and yuuta (As they say... yummi is yummy! Although... I like Mizuki as seme better... ) sendoh and koshino of Slam Dunk (WAI! I'm still into Slam Dunk yaoi... again... So it's better to say that my love for SD yaoi has once again resurfaced. Especially this pair! Wai! Demo... the support for this pair is noticeably dwindling... sobs) Iason and Riki of Ai no Kusabi ... (Waaah! My virgin eyes! Oh well... Riki's SO DARN CUTE! They are SO in love with each other! Too bad they ... I won't spoil you... (-.-") Raoul and Katze (aww... those that're left behind should definitely be together! Oops, I think that's a spoiler...) Sasuke and Naruto of Naruto (wai! angsty pair #2! wai! so cute! I love a naive Naruto and a frustrated Sasuke! Nyahaha! Sasuke is MINE!) Yup, just those few... (-.-") Still no improvement with my writing skills so... Nya. (n.n) |