Warning: AU, Pseudo-Historical Romance, PG-13, Ran/Ken.

Author's Note: Well, this is it. The last chapter. I somehow managed to make this one thirteen chapter as well. Anyway, please enjoy!

Disclaimer: Weiss belongs to Takehito Koyasu and Project Weiss.

Once I Was Loved

Chapter 13

Just as Ran and Yohji came barreling out of the house Ken, Omi, and Aya rode into the yard. The Earl was seized with relieve upon seeing his lover and servant alive and well. But it was replaced with a livid anger when he saw his sister seated behind the Duke.

As they reined in their mounts Aya saw him coming. She jumped down without assistance and ran to intercept him.

"Aya, what the Hell were you doing? Ken...," Ran demanded, his face dark.

"This was not Ken's or Omi's idea. It was mine," she stated firmly.

"Aya," he growled in warning, trying to get past her.

"Listen to me! Ken accompanied me and Omi followed us. It was my idea," she said insistently, attempting to force the information into his enraged mind.

"Is that true?" Ran asked harshly, focusing on the Duke who had dismounted and was coming up behind Aya.

"Does it matter?!" Ken asked just as harshly.

Omi and Yohji stepped up in case they needed to separate the two. It wouldn't be the first time they'd come to blows, although that incident had been before they were a couple. Aya stood her ground before her brother. Her eyes demanded his attention and respect.

"I told him I'd go regardless of whether he accompanied me," she stated, "and I meant it."

Ran backed down a bit and looked at her searchingly.

"What? Why?" he asked.

"Because I knew we could do it," she answered. "I knew it would work without the risk of either of you getting shot."

Ran stared at her as if he didn't know who he was looking at. Aya grasped his arms and squeezed.

"You and Yohji would've ridden out there armed to the teeth and confronted them. And to what purpose? It would've been four to two, Ran. What then? Chances are either or both of you would've been seriously hurt or even killed," Aya said, tugging on his sleeves.

"Or nothing would've happened and everything would be fine," Ran countered, feeling less angry but more frustrated.

"But why risk it when a simple diversion would suffice?" Aya persisted.

"You don't need to prove anything," he said, perceiving the real reason for her actions. His eyes slipped over her shoulder to meet Ken's. "Either of you."

The Duke dropped his gaze and frowned guiltily at the gravel of the yard.

"At any rate, my plan worked. They followed us. Did everything go smoothly here?" Aya inquired in an attempt to change the subject.

He glared down at her.

"Yes," he said, although it was more a frustrated growl than an answer. "What happened? Exactly."

"They followed us to the marsh," Aya said and the pride was evident in her voice although she strove not to show it. "We led them a merry chase. Ken is an excellent rider. He's more skilled than anyone has a right to be. I could hardly hold on. They did catch us in the end, but Omi came to our aide and all is well."

"What happened?" Ran asked Ken, losing his patience with his sister.

Aya released his arms with a huff and stepped aside pouting furiously. Ken moved up beside her. He was still frowning, but faced Ran evenly.

"We were caught. Reginald came and ordered his men to kill us, then he left. Omi got two of them with darts and one with an arrow. I threw one over our horse," Ken answered succinctly.

"Reginald...ordered your deaths?" Ran asked stunned. Why? Why would he? The Earl couldn't believe it. He understood that Richard's brother was desperate, and that the Count disliked him a great deal, but enough to murder his sister and lover in cold blood?

Ken read everything in Ran's eyes. His expression changed to one of sorrow and concern.

"There's more," the Duke said softly. "He said...," he glanced at Aya who returned his worried gaze. "He implied that...well...it sounded like he said that he murdered his brother."

Yohji started and Omi gasped, but Ran became very still. He stared, almost uncomprehending, at Ken.

"What?" he asked quietly.

"I'm sorry," Ken said sadly.

"That is a very serious accusation," said Mr. Bartholomew from behind them.

They all turned to the attorney who stood in the entrance way with Lady Fujimiya, the Countess Misekake, and a very annoyed looking Reverend Haze who was still wearing his napkin tucked into his shirt front. Ran locked gazes with Eriko.

"It can't be true," the Countess said breathlessly.

"Rumpold informed us of your return," Lady Fujimiya said sharply. "We were quite intrigued since none of us had known you'd left." She directed her words at her daughter, but Ken felt them as well. The two of them blushed, although Aya's expression was a bit less contrite and a bit more defiant.

"What exactly did Count Misekake say to you?" Mr. Bartholomew asked.

Aya repeated his words exactly. As if she had them written before her on a piece of paper.

Ran turned his startled violet eyes back on his sister then looked hard at the ground. He was slowly beginning to seethe. Reginald had already gone too far by threatening his own family, this was too much.

"That is troubling indeed," Mr. Bartholomew muttered.

"The man I hit with an arrow rode toward Asataiyo," Omi said. "He's probably informed Reginald by now. I wouldn't be surprised if he came here himself."

"He'd hardly come here and confess to attempted murder," the lawyer said incredulously.

"Begging your pardon, but the Count is not in his right mind," Aya stated. "He appeared quite mad to us."

She looked to Ken for confirmation, but he was watching the Earl with growing concern.

Suddenly Ran turned on his heel and headed toward the stables.

"Ran, where are you going?" demanded Yohji.

"To confront him," came the terse reply. The Earl neither looked back or paused in his trek across the yard.

"No!" Ken cried. He bolted after his lover and caught hold of his left arm.

Before Ran could react the sound of approaching hoof beats attracted everyone's attention to the end of the drive. A horseman emerged from the woods. Those in the yard stood frozen, watching his approach.

It was Reginald.

Ran stiffened next to Ken and his right hand settled on the hilt of his sword. The Duke tightened his hold on the tall red-head's arm.

Reginald reined in his horse and peered down at the gathered company with a superior sneer. When his eyes fell on the Countess he mock bowed.

"Hello, Mother," he said. "I see you've found your way into another iniquitous den."

"My Dear, my Dear," cried the Countess piteously, taking a tentative step toward her son. "Please tell me it isn't true."

"Tell you what isn't true?" Reginald asked, his tone bored.

"Tell me you didn't...harm your brother," she begged, her eyes desperately searching his face.

Reginald's face darkened slightly and he glanced toward Aya and then Ken.

"Of course I didn't," he spat at his mother. "Wherever did you hear such a ridiculous tale?"

"What do you want here?" Yohji demanded loudly before the Countess could answer.

"I've come to see my sister, and to officially acknowledge her marriage," he answered, then glanced around. "If married she be."

"Indeed, Count, your sister is wed," the Prince replied. "Although, at present the Count and new Countess are busy preparing for their journey to Town. Mr. Bartholomew here is to accompany them."

"I see," Reginald said. "Then please give her my regards and send my apologies for...missing the wedding."

"We shall," Yohji answered and bowed slightly. "Good day to you."

"Good day," Misekake replied, inclining his head. He glared at Ran and a nasty little smirk touched his lips, then he turned his horse.

Under his grip Ken could feel Ran shaking with suppressed fury. When Reginald smirked down at him he could almost hear the Earl snap. The enraged red-head tore free of his lover's grasp and latched onto the Count's coat with an angry cry.

"Ran!" Yohji commanded, but the Earl seemed not to hear him.

He yanked Reginald from his saddle and held him against his horse by his collar. The animal whinnied and backed away.

"Tell me the truth," the Earl demanded fiercely.

The Count glowered at him and shoved him off roughly.

"What truth?" he cried. "That I had a sick man put out of his misery? That his pure, untouched soul was set free of his twisted, diseased body?!"

"Oh, no...no...no...," pleaded Eriko weakly.

She looked as though she would swoon. Her heavy frame swayed and Reverend Haze and Elinor came to her aide.

"Come away, dear Eriko," Lady Fujimiya said softly as they maneuvered the fainting Countess toward the front door of the house. "Aya, come in at once," she called back over her shoulder.

"No, I must watch," the young woman answered staring trance like as the Count and her brother drew their swords.

"You have harmed me for the last time," Reginald spat at Ran. "First aiding and abetting my brother in his horrible disease. Then the attack on my person by your detestable bedmate. The ruination of my fortune by your interference is the last nail in your coffin! I demand retribution! I'll have your heart for it!"

"I'll have your's," Ran hissed, and they launched themselves at one another exchanging a furious number of blows. The clang of steel meeting steel filled the courtyard.

Omi reacted instantly, grabbing Ken and dragging the wild eyed Duke to the edge of the yard before he could rush in to stop the two enraged men.

"I want it duly noted that the Count began this affair," the Prince stated sternly to Mr. Bartholomew while they watched the intense duel.

"Agreed," the lawyer replied.

"Ran," begged the Duke, unable to pull his eyes from the furious battle, "don't die."

"He won't," Omi said assuredly.

"Did you kill Richard?!" Ran demanded harshly, slicing his sword toward the Count's exposed side.

Reginald countered and cut upward, making the Earl jump back or risk losing his nose.

"I didn't, but its amazing what you can get people to do with a few measly promises. Everyone has their price," the Count sneered, gaining the upper hand and forcing the Earl back once more.

"Who was it?" Ran asked darkly, blocking a well placed thrust.

"A parlor maid," Reginald replied, sounding almost casual. "She had a keen desire to be the next Countess."

Ran growled and swept his sword toward the Count's legs, making the man jump and stumble back out of his range. He caught himself and glared fiercely at the Earl.

"Death was infinitely preferable to the life he was living," he said maliciously. "It was easy to convince her of that."

"Poison," Ran spat with certainty.

"She was supposed to kill you too, but lost her nerve," Reginald said, catching Ran's blade against his own and sliding forward until they were face to face. "Poor thing met with an accident. I've always regretted that you were left alive, but now...well, I must admit that I'm finding this much more satisfying."

Ran's eyes burned into Reginald's.

"You will die," he promised and threw the Count backwards.

They stumbled apart once again only to renew their attacks. Each furiously slicing at the other. Each looking for an opening. Ken hissed when Reginald's blade caught Ran in the upper left arm, drawing blood even through his heavy coat. Ran ignored it and pressed on.

"Did you hear all that?" the Prince asked Mr. Bartholomew.

"Quite clearly," the lawyer answered, looking pale and drawn.

"Ran, finish this," Yohji called loudly.

The Earl responded instantly. He dropped his guard, allowing Reginald a thrust directed at his chest. As the Count's blade came toward him Ran raised his sword, sharply swatting Reginald's blade skyward. Before the Count could recover the Earl swung forward. Cutting the Count deeply across the chest. There was a sickening tearing sound and a horrible splash of blood across the gravel.

Reginald took one staggering step back before Ran thrust forward, piercing his heart and killing him instantly. He yanked his blade free and watched the Count fall.

"Fetch the Reverend to deliver the Count his last rites," Yohji called back to the servants who had quietly gathered to watch the duel. Several of them jumped and dashed back into the house.

Ran felt himself sway unsteadily. His whole body felt numb and his vision was swimming. He turned, seeking the one he wanted most. He felt strong arms wrap around him and someone took his sword. The Earl leaned into the one holding him and breathed in the man's familiar, comforting scent.

"Ken?" he called softly.

"I'm here," a strong voice answered next to his ear, then his world slipped into darkness.


It was the cool touch of damp cloth against his forehead that dragged him from his slumber. Someone was wiping down his face and neck. The material felt good against his hot skin. Sighing contentedly he opened his eyes.

He was in his room, in bed. The drapes were drawn and there was a fire crackling away in the fireplace. The deep rich red of the walls and bed curtains felt warm and comforting and familiar.

"Hey, you're finally awake," came the Duke's voice from beside him and he turned his head to see his lover's smile, and warm brown eyes. Ken was seated on the bed to his right still dressed in his clothing from the day. "I thought you'd sleep all night."

"What time is it?" Ran asked hoarsely.

"Evening," Ken shrugged. "Around seven. A maid brought dinner up to me about an hour ago."

"I killed Reginald," the Earl stated softly, allowing the memory to wash over him. "He killed Richard."

Ken nodded.

"What happened after?"

"You collapsed. Yohji thought you were in shock from the...fight, but Elinor thinks it was the amount of blood you lost. We carried you in here and she stitched and bandaged your arm. Its pretty bad, but she thinks it'll heal okay. You have a slight fever, but she told me not to worry. Said that's what happens with injuries," Ken answered. He swabbed Ran's forehead again as he continued. "Yohji and Mr. Bartholomew went to Asataiyo to demand the keys from the butler and give instructions to the staff that're allowed to stay there until the lawyers come from Town. Omi accompanied Reginald's body to the village with Reverend Haze to have it prepared for burial. Bastion and Kate left for Town but will be back for the funeral. The Countess is in bed and Elinor is looking after her. And Aya is writing her memoirs."

Ran blinked up at him, letting the information soak in. Most of it he didn't want to think about. It seemed too heavy for him. But one item did peak his interest.

"Aya's writing her memoirs?" he asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Well, taking notes," Ken amended. "She's 'gonna write 'em when she's older so she can be famous."

"Is that what she's up to? That explains quite a bit," Ran said, sighing, settling further into his pillows. "How'd you get it out of her?"

"She owed me after she came into my room and...," the Duke stopped talking abruptly and turned bright red.

The Earl blinked up at him again.

"Alright, Love, out with it," he commanded gently.

Ken deflated and looked almost frightened.

"S-she snuck into my room a-and...crawledintobedwithme," he said so quickly that Ran felt his head start to spin again. Before he could respond the Duke gushed on as though a flood gate had been opened. "I thought she was you and said your name and she figured it out but then you came in and she hid and she saw she saw everything!"

"Everything?" Ran asked in confusion, not comprehending.

"Everything we did...that night...night before last," Ken answered, his eyes very wide.

Ran felt his own eyes go wide and his cheeks burned with more than fever.

Perhaps it was the strange and terrible events of the day, but just as he was seized with the full force of embarrassed horror the absolute absurdity of the idea of being featured in his sister's memoirs struck him. Ran threw back his head and laughed. He laughed so hard he cried. Stunning Ken with the image of his red-headed, stoic lover choking with merriment.

After several long moments he had to stop as his movements were paining his injured arm. He heaved a relaxed sigh and lay chuckling softly up at his lover who was staring at him uncertainly.

"That's not how I thought you'd take it," Ken said. "Maybe it's the fever."

"How did you think I'd react?" Ran asked still smiling.

"I thought I'd be a...," he stumbled to a verbal halt, then muttered quietly, "...a dead man."

Ran felt his smile fade as Ken's eyes slid from his to the damp cloth he was still holding. The Earl raised his right hand. Brushing his fingers over the Duke's lips and bruised cheek.

"You didn't tell me how you've been," he said softly.

"I've been here with you," Ken answered, meeting his eyes once more. "I was so afraid you'd die. Then when you killed him...I was relieved, but...did he have to die?"

"He confessed to murder," Ran said. "The law would've hung him."

"Was it easy to kill him? Did you want to?" Ken asked, watching Ran carefully.

"No, it wasn't easy. And...part of me wanted to, part of me didn't. Part of me wished we'd never come here," Ran answered, meeting Ken's gaze squarely.

The Duke sighed softly and leaned forward, planting a long kiss on the Earl's forehead.

"I'm sorry Richard was murdered," he whispered, brushing his lips over the Earl's sweat moistened skin.

"Thank you," Ran whispered back.

Ken sat back and resumed mopping Ran's brow just as a quiet knock sounded from the door. It opened and Aya peeked in at them. When she saw Ran was awake she smiled brightly in relief.

"We thought we heard you," she said, stepping into the room and moving toward the bed. "Mama sent me to check. Are you hungry? How do you feel?"

"My arm hurts a bit, and I am a little hungry," he answered, smiling up at her.

"Good. Then the soup I just asked to be sent up won't go to waste," she said, stopping by the bed next to where Ken was perched. "Mama says your arm will be fine, but will take a while to heal. He cut deep into the muscle."

Ran nodded.

"You were very brave," Aya stated, beaming down at him with great affection.

"I'm sure it'll make an exciting addition to your memoirs," Ran smirked.

Aya's eyes grew wide and she blushed prettily.

"You promised!" she cried, lightly smacking Ken on the arm.

"Sorry. I tell him everything," the Duke smirked, then cast a significant look at Ran, who smiled back in silent promise.

"Humph!" Aya pouted, turning and marching to the door. "I was rather hoping you wouldn't," she mumbled. "It is so convenient having something to hold over someone's head."

With that she left. Ken looked at Ran.

"Your sister scares me," he said.

"She's starting to scare me as well," agreed the Earl.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Aya said, poking her head back inside the room. "The Prince has returned, as has Omi. Yohji says when you're feeling up to it he'd like you to go to Asataiyo with him," she added then closed the door and was gone.

Ran looked at Ken and shivered slightly.

"Don't go anywhere tonight," he pleaded softly.

"I already had Rumpold move all my stuff in here," the Duke answered smiling gently. "No offense to your mother's decorating, but I'm never staying in the Blue Room again."

Ran couldn't stop the smile that spread across his face.


A few days in bed saw the end of the Earl's fever, although his arm would need to be held immobile in a sling for quite a while longer. Mr. Bartholomew collected statements from everyone who'd witnessed the duel and headed off to Town to make a full report to the King and the high court. He didn't foresee any complications, but asked Ran not to leave the vicinity of his estate until the verdict was brought down.

By the end of their third week Ran felt fit enough to travel and the four companions took a carriage over to Asataiyo. The weather had remained cold and their breath made white clouds in the air.

Mr. Bartholomew had placed the Prince in charge of the neighboring estate until Reginald's lawyers could come and conduct a full account of whatever assets the Count had there. Since he'd been in debt the estate and its contents would need to be sold to pay off his creditors. Including the elusive Mr. Hedley Pilkington, who'd been Kate's intended groom, and who had mysteriously vanished from Asataiyo sometime after her liberation.

"I'd like you to walk through and identify pieces that belonged to the Countess, if you can remember," the Prince said on their ride over. "Bartholomew was concerned at her inability to remove personal items before she was forced out."

Ran nodded, and they spent the better part of an hour moving from room to room on the first floor. He pointed out what he knew to be Eriko's and Omi compiled a list. Ken wandered beside him, looking at each room and wondering what Ran's life had been like living in the great house.

On the staircase to the second floor they all paused before one of the many portraits covering the wall.

"That's Richard," Ran said softly to Ken. "That's how I remember him."

The Duke looked up at a much larger, much sterner version of the tiny painting the Countess had shown him. In this portrait he could see that the long silver hair hung in gentle waves to the man's waist. And despite the Count's expression his eyes looked kind and a little sad.

"He had long hair," Ken stated, staring up at the slightly frowning visage.

Ran chuckled.

"Yes, he did," he said, looking at Ken fondly.

"How tall was he?" the Duke asked as they turned together to continue up the stairs.

"You have a preoccupation with height," Ran stated, ignoring the question.

"Because he's short," the Prince said from behind them.

"Yohji!" Ken cried in warning.

"At least you're taller than Chibi here," Yohji said.

"Hey!" exclaimed Omi.

"Richard was Yohji's height," Ran said, rolling his eyes.

"Figures," muttered the Duke dejectedly.

They moved slowly down a hallway on the right until Ran stopped before a set of double doors. The others paused.

"The Countess's rooms were three doors down," Ran said not taking his eyes from the closed doors before him.

Yohji nodded and motioned Omi to follow him down the hall.

"This was Richard's room," Ran said in almost a whisper.

"Do you 'wanna go in?" Ken asked.

Ran nodded and turned the nob, allowing one of the doors to swing inward. He gasped in unchanged," he said.

Ken glanced around at the fine furniture. A large four poster bed, not unlike Ran's, was set against the far wall and flanked by twin tables. On the left a large fireplace with two delicately carved chairs before it. On the right a large chest of drawers with various personal items strewn about the top. The carpet and wall hangings seemed modest compared to what Ken had seen throughout the rest of the house.

"Looks nice," he commented, following Ran as he moved into the room.

"No, you don't understand," the Earl said, casting his eyes from one side of the room to the other. "Reginald told me he'd burned everything. He said he'd had the walls and floor scrubbed...with lye."

Ken glanced around again. The room was spotless. Obviously kept very clean, but the air lacked the distinct odor that accompanied lye. The Duke would recognize it in a heartbeat, and it wasn't there.

"He lied," he stated as he watched Ran move along the dresser scanning the items on its top then cross to the bed.

"Nothing has changed," the Earl said, perplexed. "Everything is exactly as it was."

He paused by the bed, noticing an impression in the bed clothes covering the feather mattress where Richard used to lay. Someone had been sleeping there. Quite recently.

Ran shivered.

"Why do you think he lied?" Ran asked Ken as the Duke joined him by the bed.

"Apart from his bein' an ass?" Ken asked. He paused and studied the bed. "Maybe he felt guilty. Maybe he really loved his brother, and had regrets. We'll probably never know."

"Let's go," Ran said, studying Ken's face tenderly. "I'm finished here."

The Duke smiled at the Earl's affectionate gaze and took his hand. Together they walked from the room. Closing the door behind them.


Kate and Bastion had returned for the funeral and stayed on along with the Countess. The mood in the house had remained somewhat somber since Reginald's burial, and the removal of the Countess's things from her former estate. Finally Aya couldn't stand it anymore.

"Show us the latest dances from Court," she commanded Kate and Bastion as everyone was lounging in the music room one evening. "Are there any for more than one couple?"

"Indeed," Kate answered readily. "There's a lovely country dance done in groups of four couples or more. We can show you the movements."

The new Countess dragged her husband out into the space they created in the center of the room. As the young couple demonstrated the steps to the strains of the music played by the Countess Misekake on the pianoforte, Aya paired up her mother and Omi, and asked the Prince to be her partner. Then she cast a significant glance at her brother.

"There's only three couples," Ken pointed out as they all moved into the open area. "How're ya gonna..."

He faltered when he realized everyone was looking at him. He looked nervously at Ran who was approaching him with a peculiar look in his eyes. The Earl stopped beside him, smirking.

"Dance with me?" he asked.

"W-what?" Ken asked, stunned.

"Dance with me," Ran repeated, his smirk firmly in place.

"In-in front of everyone?" the Duke stammered.

"Yes. You're not afraid are you?" Ran asked, a definite challenge in his eyes.

"What about your arm?" Ken asked.

"It'll be fine," Ran answered, his smirk stretching into a smile.

Ken smiled back and took the Earl's right hand.

"Well, okay, but don't blame me when you're limpin' around tomorrow," Ken chuckled, dragging the unresisting Earl into the center of the room where the others were waiting.

"Limping?" asked the Earl just as the Countess began to play.



Author's Note: That's it!!! The end! I know, you wanted me to write the dance! Well, if I wrote the dance I'd have to write what came after the dance and this chapter would grow exponentially, and have no logical ending. So, you'll have to use your little imaginations. But what'd ya think? Please, please, please review! Oh! And don't forget to include your email addresses so I can reply to them! Thanks!

P.S. I'll be posting the first chapter of a new fic next Monday or Tuesday. It's a fantasy and it's a bit darker and less fun, so I don't know how many of you will be interested, but if you are please check it out! Its Ran/Ken...sort of...hee-hee-hee!

Mondtanz: Well, how was the showdown? I'm not too keen on my ability to write action, but I guess Reggy's death'll make up for the lack of talent on my part. I tried to have a bit of action for everyone. I think Yohji had the least amount actually. Did you like the bit of role reversal at the end? Ken got to take care of Ran! :) Thanks for reading!

Fiery-icicles: Well, there wasn't any nooky in this chapter, but there was sweet nothings. Will that do for now? Thanks for reading!

Nikki: Hey, that's my sister's name only she spells it different! :) I'm glad you like this series. Yes, I have at least three more story ideas for it, but I haven't started writing the next one yet. Just taking some notes and arranging the plot. Heh-heh, I do so like it when people can appreciate wickedness (but not too wicked wickedness). ;P Thanks for reading!

xXLil Yu JahXx: So, you liked that Omi part? I felt like I owed him. And now you know that they weren't screwed when they got back home. Although, that scene always feels unfinished to me. Oh well. Thanks for reading!

Elfgoddess00: Hey! How were the schools? I've gotta visit your livejournal. Yeah, I think it worked out better Aya's way, although it was two to four anyway, wasn't it? I'm glad you're still enjoying it! Sorry it's the end, but there will be more someday. Umm, its not Englad. It's a made up land based mainly on England and Europe, but I wanted to be able to include the Japanese elements. So, English country manners, French clothing, and Japanese heritage? Maybe not. Hey! If I can write anyone can! Write your fic! Write your fic! Thanks for reading!

Seph Lorraine: Yeah, Ken does like to ride...ahem...his horse. Heh-heh! I just couldn't resist it. They seemed so similar, sort of. And I had to make him good at something besides soccer which doesn't make an appearance in this fic. And the bugnuks probably won't ever come up because they're not assassins in this. Thanks for reading!

Aki no Chibara: Nope. No weapon for KenKen. shakes head I'm the opposite. I love long chapters and long one shots. I wish I could write one of those, but I haven't had any ideas for one. Thanks for reviewing me! And thanks for reading!

Toradoshi: Oh, I'm glad you liked the action. How was the fight? Yep, lots more stories...all written in notebooks. Typing them and editing them are the hard parts. Oh, thank you! I'm glad you think I can keep everyone in character. Lots of rewriting. And I'm glad you like my original characters too! Heh, mostly I forget that there are other characters I could use from the series if I wanted to. Schwarz will be my next challenge in the next installment of this series. I've never written them. Thanks for reading!

Chitoshiya no Tohma: Thanks! Yeah, he's a wonderful rider! I hope you enjoyed the last chapter! Thanks for reading!

Akimoto Kin: Oh, I'm glad you've enjoyed the action. So much of the series is about action (and Side B too) that I felt like I needed to have some. And Ran stopped treating Ken like a sissy and Ken got to take care of Ran! Yeah, Ken is a real guy. I really struggle to remember that because I tend to want him to be sweet all the time when he's really quite surly. Its Ran who's all soft and spongy inside. Now, now, Omi isn't an assassin. He's a marksman. He can hit a bullseye every time. Handy for competitions and betting. wink Thanks for reading!

Hakudoshi-chan: A new pairing? Really? This's been my favorite pairing for the two years I've been reading Weiss fiction. Although, I have read others. And I do have to admit that there is a special relationship between Yohji and Aya which remains undefined in the anime. To me it seems more like a deep understanding, more like a friendship. That's why I wrote them as close cousins. Have you tried other Ran/Ken fictions? There are many, many good ones. Thanks for reading!

LoneCayt: Yay! I'm glad you like Aya! That was my goal. To make her a strong, independent, likable young woman. Exactly, like Ran without the depression. Maybe even stronger than Ran on the inside. I'm glad you're enjoying it! I hope the last chapter didn't disappoint. Thanks for reading!

Ranny Boy: Yep, this was it. I'm glad you're glad you got to read them too! Thanks for reading!

Allis: Where are you? O.O