Notes: Here ya go! Part 17! Enjoy J Normal grossness, by the way J

Hell Of A Long Way Home

By: Emmy

Part Seventeen


This body was something so real, something so great. But it seemed to startle my friends. I didn't blame them. The spider-like being was planted on my torso as one, we walked. Its six legs were embedded deep into my chest, piercing through my body, retracting into my back as a metal base. We were now one and the world faded away.

It was cutting, spanning out like metals winds that carried me so high in this insane madness!

"He's partially mechanical now. I will help him make this change; I know it all too well." Kenshin stated, coming up from the rear.

I laughed, how ridiculous.

"There is no comparison. You were made from man-made materials and parts... but this...!" I stroked my hand along the circular mass gripping into me. "This is me as a God. I created it, I conquered it!"

Aoshi looked over to Saitou for some kind of answer. Of course he didn't have one, the bastard didn't have anything. What was he expecting? A Key of his own?

"Sanosuke - Battousai, Kodachi and myself are going to be out next to the river, we need to clean the new bodies out - You get some rest and we will discuss our strategies from there." Saitou stated, and exited almost immediately. The robot and Aoshi were quick to follow, trying to vacate the room as soon as they could. Fuck, it wasn't as if those fucking corpses were going anywhere. I frowned. How anti-climatic was that? What the fuck was wrong with them?

"Sure. Whatever." I hastily commented and turned my back. Whatever. I was going back to my room, those bastards didn't know what I had become, they were jealous. I was so much more than them...


I was in my room, sleeping, that was until I heard a knock sound at my door. Well, I should say I had woken up before the knock, I felt my chest clench as the Key gave my heart a squeeze as some sort of alarm. I was out of bed, and at the door in a flash. I was just that good. Heh.

I pulled it open and was greeted with a scowling face. But this bastard was always scowling...

"I thought you had bodies to trash." I stated like a smart ass, hands on my hips, refusing to vacate the doorway.

"You idiot, that was three days ago." He growled.

I flinched. "Don't fuck with me! I'm not that fucking stupid!"

"I'm not saying you are, but I AM saying that your body isn't taking this as well as your haughty attitude. You needed rest, you needed to get back the health you lost, and you're lucky! It took Battousai a complete month to accept his parts." He shot right back.

"Whatever! I'm not Kenshin! I'm better! I am amazing!"

"And that's what we need to talk about."

I froze. What was he talking about?

After taking that extra moment, I flinched and brushed it off. "Yeah, I know it's pretty cool and I know yer pissed off because you're not the top dog around here anymore, but deal with it. Up yours, fuck you, man!" I snapped, and at that point, he shoved me into the room, slamming the door shut behind us. What was he doing?!

"Sanosuke. Listen to me, and listen to me good. That damn thing might have been created within you, but it's not who you are. It's creating chemical imbalances in your brain, just like Battousai, but instead of insanity, it induces aggression, and you can't go on like this! You need to gain control of yourself and move forward, you can't fight the Trilogy as a crazed, blood-thirsty killer. That what they are, that's it! They couldn't control the Key, it controlled them! Is any of this getting through to you?!"

I glared, furious, "How the fuck can't I hear you?! You've been ranting and raving for too long, you idiot! I can't get through to say shit! You don't know what the fuck yer talking about! I AM in fucking control!" He was so goddamn stupid! What the hell!?

The next thing I knew was the man knocking me down to the floor, but the claws from my back retracted to catch my fall, metal hissing as it snagged up against the stone floor. I growled, kicking my feet up at him, but I missed.


How could I fucking miss?!

I glared up, him pinning me to the ground.

"You're still nothing, do you understand?! And if you chose to be an fucker, then we don't need you as the chosen one, I will personally kill you."

I had never heard him talk like that, he almost scared me.


"Get off me now, you sick asshole."

"You're not worthy of the Key."

He swiftly moved off me, and left promptly.

I laid there on the ground, heart racing. Why was I bothered?! He couldn't touch me!!

... then why did I let him...?


My mind for the next hour was overcome with thought and one-way conversation. I hated this, I was tired of being powerless, and now that I had finally done something about it, he was there to stop me. I couldn't deal with it!

I was tired of Hajime Saitou being treated like he was so untouchable!

I was sick of it! And it would be up to me to do something about it.

I made up my mind and began to plan - this wasn't something I was going to take lightly, this was absolute…


I planned from the morning to the middle of the night, and it was then that I figured out exactly what I was going to do. I knew their agenda day in and day out, I was so familiar with everything that went on around here, it was uncanny.

I made my way, utterly silent, though the hallways, my senses sharper than they had ever been before. But something that caught my attention was a loudly pounding heartbeat in a shadow very close to me.

I followed it, and was lead to a bed, matted with dry blood, and an equally bloody girl lying atop it.

Hm. The assassin. So she was still alive? That greatly surprised me. I moved closer, only one candle in the room to show a shallow figure, but it was enough. Sinking down on the mattress, I brought my hand up to the side of her face and stroked her cheek. Poor girl. Even though she had come here to murder me in cold blood…

I chuckled aloud. "Shoulda killed her when I had the chance."

I stopped, my mouth falling slightly agape.

Did I just say that?

Her eyes opened as I was attempting to figure out these things in my head.

She watched me for a moment, eyes dull and strained. Man, the Key really fucked her over. And now it was inside me.

It took her a moment to register, but when she did, her eyes ignited with pure fear.

I laughed as she screamed a hoarse, raspy sound, and, without warning, I clasped my hand over her mouth and nose, suffocating her slowly. It was so amusing to watch her twist and try to kick, eyes wide and screams muffled.

Her teeth aggressively gnawed at my hand, but she couldn't hurt me. No one could.

Her eyes rolled back, her body limp, and her struggle ended, I removed my hand and began to stroke her pale skin, right where I had been before her eyes darted open.

Killing that girl was entertaining. I loved having life to lend at my fingertips. Now to do what I came here to do. Take care of business.

I walked down the hall, smell of death in the air.

I walked right for Saitou's room, still trying to muffle my laughs. Everything was hilarious!

His door was unlocked, like always, I thought to myself just where that cockiness was going to get him. Dead, I knew that much.

I didn't need a weapon; my entire body was a weapon, and the most deadly thing I the world was inside me right now. I pulled open the door, my eyes flashing around in the black room. I didn't care if he knew of my presence now, what I wanted more than anything was more blood.

"What is it you're doing out of your room so late, Sanosuke?" A voice asked from the other side of the room, where I wasn't looking.

I turned around and slapped my hands on top of my thighs. "Well, shit! Just thought I'd take a little walk, why ya gotta be so damn bitchy?"

"You're in my room. I was just asking a question." He fired snidely.

"Whatever, you shouldn't be so paranoid. What if I just came in here to fuck, or something?" I said with a huge laugh. The thing that worried me is the face that he didn't come back with an immediate snap. In all honesty, he looked almost anticipate.

"Woah! What are you?! A sick freak! It was just a fucking joke, ya know what this is, right?! Fucko!" It was me that immediately retorted to my own joke. What was with this guy?! Crazy!

"What are you here for?"

I advanced, wasting now more time, snatching him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him forward. "I want to see your blood pour everywhere." I roughly jerked him closer and clamped my mouth down on his ear, sucking in all the sweet, sweet liquid. He hissed and pulled me away, but I moved too quickly and grabbed a fistful of his hair. I jerked his head down right onto my knee, and smiled as it hit with a force that should have cracked it. I was expecting brains to be leaking out at any second.

He fell backwards and flat onto his spine, teeth clenched, and head bloody.

I chuckled, "Damn, thought that woulda killed ya. Guess I'll have to try harder."

I lunged down to the floor, straddling the man with my elbows digging into his chest and my hands around his throat.

He didn't move for a moment, his eyes on me.

I just smiled and tightened my grip, until no more breath flowed from his throat, growling out, "Don't look at me, you sick bastard…"

His body fell limp.


End of chapter