The Pony Express

By: Atsureki

Disclaimers : Just borrowing them! Don't ask, don't sue.

Warnings : AU, OCC, more warnings in later chapters *W*

Notes : I've moved the Weiß-boys to the Wild West, year 1860 *laff* You see one of my fav. series when I grew up was The Young Riders *still drooling over Gregg Rainwater/Buck* and I just had this idea one night after reading a fic based on the series. Now I will have to look up some info about the Pony express but I'll try to keep to the truth as far as possible. The town Sweetwater was as far as I know not on the route and but well I don't really care. I stole it from the series. *nods* Don't sue please! I also know that they weren't allowed to be over 18 but that I'm ignoring as well! And yes the add one of the guys read is an actual add posted in a news paper back then. Since this is taking place in USA I will have to give the boys new last names but I will let them keep their first names becuase it'll just get confusing otherwise. I'm not sure this will turn shonen-ai or even Yaoi later but with me as the writer that'll prolly happen *chuckles* The paring I have no clue about yet but again this being me most can prolly guess what the most likely ones are ne?

Chapter 1. The Four Riders

He was running, not literally but just the same running. His life was something he just couldn't handle anymore. Carelessly he rolled a few iteams into a blanket and looked around his room. Yes, that would do. He had enough money to keep himself alive for a few weeks. As long as he didn't have to stay there everything would be just fine. With a shiver he remembered the previous night. His uncle had beaten the crap out of him, again, and just as all the other times he had done nothing wrong. He just didn't understand why that man hated him so much. No, he would not stay to allow it to happen one more time. With a stubborn look on his child-like face he walked out, down the stairs and outside. His horse waited for him and he caressed the chestnut animal with love. Daisy was the only living thing he could count on, the only one who loved him. He mounted the horse and as fast as the four strong legs could carry them they left the run-down town behind them. A new life waited for him out there and he was going to make it! He had to. Not really knowing where he was headed the young man stormed over the dusty ground. He needed a job and since the only thing he had was his horse he would have to try to become a rider for the Pony Express. With a nod he headed west towards Sweetwater.


Life was unfair and it was starting to annoy him. Frowning he left the saloon and ignored the angry calls cursing the mess he left behind. He was a trouble-maker, always had been. With a temper that easily flared the hot-headed youth had a tendensy to get into fights. He seldome lost them but then breaking tables and beating up others didn't exactly make make him friends with the law. Huffing he untied his horse and started walking down the street. He would have to straighten up his life before he got himself into some serious problem. The thing that bothered him the most about that though was that he knew nothing. He was quick with his guns, good with his horse, hard with his fists but what did that help when he needed a job? The frown came back again. What kind of work requiered those things? He bit his lip as he pondered. Suddenly he stopped and tilted his head slightly to the left. There was an add on the wall of the post-office. A town called Sweetwater needed four new riders for the Pony Express. 'Wanted. Young, skinny, wiry fellows. Not over 18. Must be expert riders. Willing to risk death daily. Orphans preferred.' it read. Delivering mail between towns, well that he could handle. He glanced at the spotted horse he was leading and smiled.
"What do you think Raisin? Would you be up for running across the country with a mail-bag?" The large gelding didn't answer of course, but he hadn't expected it either. With another smile he swung himself into the saddle and headed south. It would take him about two days to reach Sweetwater but perhaps he would find a new life there? A life that didn't include the loneliness he had felt ever since his family died or the dark secret he hid inside.


The women had started to get boring. It was always the same, flirting, smiling, showing off and then a quick tumble in the hay, bed or whatever place he found himself at. He was fed up with it! So far he hadn't really done anything with his life and that was starting to chip away at his mind. He was a man and as such he had pride, enough of it to get bothered by how women paid for him. Not that he had much of a choice, broke as he constantly was. The only thing he owned were his guns, his clothes and a horse with a serious attitude problem. Growling he glared at the beast he had won in a poker game. The horse in question was huge, evil and down right sadistic. It's ugly black and white face shone with malice as its odd eyes glared right back at its owner.
"Well whoever named you Devil knew what he was doing," he muttered and carefully approached the beast. "If you bite me one more time I'll shoot you!" The horse seemed to snort at him and the long ears were glued to its head. A heavy hoof was lifted in warning. He gave Devil a hard smack and growled. "Don't you dare kick me you bastard!" Devil decided to obey and shook his huge head. Still growling he quickly pushed himself up into the saddle and turned his horse around. Someone had told him about the Pony Express needing riders. Maybe he should try that out? Why not? It wasn't like he had anything else to do at the moment and Devil was fast and fearless. Nodding to himself he headed east on the road that would lead him to Sweetwater.


The white mare was beautiful. He just couldn't take his eyes from the wonderful animal. If he could he would buy her right on the spot but he didn't even have enough money for a beer. His bland face showed nothing but inside he was sighing deeply. He just needed a chance to win some money. Thoughtfully he looked around until his eyes fell on a boxing-ring. The man running that show was also the owner of the horse he wanted. Frowning ever so slightly he walked over to see if he perhaps could make a deal. A man, lacking most of his teeth, greeted him.
"I'm Gary and what can I do for you? You want a match?" He nodded. "Well alright then. To get the prize all you have to do is remain standing after two rounds with Butch over there." He looked towards the man Gary nodded to and winced inside. Butch was big, huge, and looked damn mean.
"Forget the prize," he said coldly and turned his gaze back to Gary. "If I'm still standing when you ring the bell the second time I want that horse." Gary glanced towards the white mare.
"So you want Honey. Well she is worth a little more than the normal prize. How about this, let's say three rounds and you get the horse including saddle and stuff," Gary suggested.
"Deal." They shook hands on it and the man pushed him towards the ring.

His world spun so fast and the pain was making him even more wobbly but he had made it. He was still standing as the beautiful sound of the bell rang through the air for the third time. With blood and sweat in his eyes and turned to Gary. Honey was his!
"You're a tough kid! Take good care of her." Almost smiling he took the reins to His horse and shakingly climbed into the saddle. His long legs hugged the muscular body between them. He had a horse of his own which meant that he now could continue north to Sweetwater. There he would fight for a place among the many riders for the Pony Express. His past would finally have to give in for his future. With loss and death painting his way in life he just needed one chance to do something right. His callous face showed none of the feelings he had inside as he rode out of town. When he had made enough money he would finally be prepared for revenge!


So did you guess who's who? Of course you did! Right? Anyways what do you think???? Should I keep going or just burn the next chapter and focus on my three other fics? Lemme know what you think I should do. Ja/Atsureki