
(A fanfiction loosely based on the book "Tatsinda")

By Ninetails

What you said was so very similar

to the lines that were spoken to me

in the dream that I had last night.

Loving and being loved

has only one grain of chance

'But, you know, that grain is me,' you said.

In that moment our eyes met,

I realized it was me you were looking for.

It can't be!

It can't be, you're running right towards me…

Part 4

The Nepharim sunset was a sight to behold, twilight casting an eerie gloom about the shining place, as though hiding something wonderful. Everything was perfectly planned and ready. The only thing to do was wait for sunrise. The royal guards were cleverly situated around the perimeter of the limestone cliff so as not to be detected by anyone. Duo, with the help of Quatre, Trowa, and a number of guards, hoisted the heavy tapestry up onto the peak of the cliff and let it down, covering the whole structure.

Now was the hard part. Duo knew that Pieda kept a small cleft between the rock and the cliff so as to ease the opening of the cave. Although this provided an opportunity of escape, the rock was enchanted to only be moved by the Trolloc himself. This little space gave Duo the opportunity to slip in a ball that was made of crushed leatherleaf and chanakkare, both strong anesthesias. The ball rolled to where the giant was and its fumes wafted through the air, bringing "little death" to its victims.

Prince Heero saw this, the giant still asleep in his corner near the entrance of the cave. Heero closed his eyes and smiled; his beloved Duo was a crafty man, much like his foster father was. Hoping to dream of a pair of amaryllis eyes, the prince slept.

Duo heaved a sigh of relief, able to breathe freely now. The first part of their plan has been accomplished. Time was ticking away so slowly for him; he couldn't wait for the sun to rise. He couldn't help but feel the seconds weighing down on him, these impeding him from being together with his love. Crouching behind a few shrubs, the special scythe his father gave him firmly in hand, he waited.

Pieda Fain had a weird dream. He saw in his subconscious a young man of exceptional beauty, but clearly not a Nephim. His braided hair was light brown, in sharp contrast with the Nephim's almost-black. He saw violet eyes that was a surprise, since he was used to the cobalt blue eyes of the race he hated, and his skin was creamy pale. Suddenly, he saw the wicked-looking scythe in the man's grasp, slowly arching in a beautiful curve towards his vulnerable form. He woke up, screaming.

He was extremely disoriented with his time-sense. Taking a tentative peek through the slit in the wall of the cave, he saw the surroundings to be still dark. His stomach growling, he glanced over to the slumped form of the prince before venturing out to hunt for his food.

The time has come for revenge! Duo heard the shuffling sound of huge feet walking towards the cave entrance. Then, the huge rock covering the entrance was slowly pushed back and an ugly head slowly emerged from inside, and then his huge misshapen body followed. The sight of a trolloc should be enough to freeze anyone's blood, but the royal guards were experienced men. Those who were on top of the cliff quickly drew up the weave, exposing the monster to the sun's rays. Its loud cries of pain were echoed by the angry shout of Duo as he charged at the monster, wielding his scythe like Death himself. After a few skillful stabs, Duo went into the cave to check on the prince.

The prince is beautiful when asleep, Duo noted. His hard features were softened into boyish curves that brought out something endearing in his heart. With a quick and clean sweep of his scythe, the almost unbreakable khleevee strings were severed. He caught the prince in his arms, gently cradling his sleeping form. The thick eyelashes fluttered and soft blue eyes slowly opened. The first sight the prince saw was of exquisite amethyst orbs close to his face. The lush lips above him smiled, and he kissed them, nestling into the warm embrace of the man he loves. After awhile, Duo pulled him up and they walked out of the dark cave, their arms entwined around the other.

They saw the guards still furiously fighting with the trolloc, Quatre and Trowa totally immersed in the bout. Heero gave the man in his arms an evil smirk. "Care to join in the fun?" he asked quite uncharacteristically, eyebrows quirked. "Of course!" Duo shouted, freeing himself from the embrace and joining in the fight to defeat the powerful brute.

Heero's sword skills were a marvel. As he went through his forms, he seemed to be dancing, evading the monster's furious lashing limbs. Trowa was gracefully exhibiting his acrobatics, dodging wild blows. Quatre was concentrating hard, trying to control the thrashing trolloc.

Suddenly, Duo's scythe glowed with a greenish hue, its aura driving a chill into Pieda's heart. In one graceful arc, the scythe went for the monster's midsection, cleanly slicing him into two parts.

The sun's effects finally showed itself, the hideous body slowly disintegrating, a sulphurous odor drifting towards the valiant group.

Quatre wrinkled his nose, and Trowa mumbled something about "delicate nose" which drove Quatre to raise up to his toes and bonk him on the head. Trowa quickly caught his fist, preventing it from painfully hitting and swept his lifemate into his arms, kissing him with fervor. They were the only ones who didn't notice that Duo and the prince were missing.

Hand in hand, Heero and Duo made their way to the latter's home. Heero noticed the elegant scythe clutched firmly in Duo's right hand. "Where did you get that and how did you attain your skill with it?" he asked, curiously cocking his head in an unconsciously adorable manner.

"Oh, my death scythe? It was given to me by my father. He taught me how to use it when I was still a child. After he… passed away, I spent my idle moments practicing it and perfecting my moves," he finished, a small blush diffusing on his face at his love's scrutiny.

"You are amazing, do you know that?" the prince said, staring keenly into his violet eyes.

Duo blushed at the intense gaze, feeling the other's thumb rubbing his palm in an affectionate manner. When they arrived at his cottage, Duo let the prince rest in his bedroom, then went into the kitchen to whip up breakfast.

After eating a hearty meal in bed, Duo snuggled up to the man on his bed and they told each other of their deepest thoughts.

"I was so dead worried about you! How many sleepless nights I have experienced, wondering if you are warm, or starving, or dead, or if you didn't love me, or being secretly married to Lady Relena, or…"

Heero gently kissed the sweet rambling lips. "My Duo, you are the only one who makes me feel like this. You know I am not too vulnerable. I could take a lot of pain, and I couldn't be killed that easily by a mere trolloc. You know very well that I do love you, and Relena is already engaged to a Lord Chang," he said, caressing a soft cheek.

"Oh, then…?"


"Uh, nothing," Duo said, an adorable blush tinting his face.

Heero knew what he was thinking. "I told you, we would finish what we have started at the garden… Do you still remember that night, my love?"

Duo's blush deepened. "Y-yes," was the wavering reply.

"Do you still want to … finish it?" the prince said huskily, slowly running his hands all over the other man.

Duo stifled a groan. "Yes."

The bonding of the prince to his beloved Duo was celebrated for weeks. Duo's bravery and heroism earned him a high reputation with the Nephim. He was now thoroughly accepted in the race he loved so dear. Every moment with his dearest Heero was pure bliss.

Quatre and Trowa often visited them at the palace, all of them now the very best of friends. Of course, the wise man's identity had to remain a secret so they would often meet at a secluded part of the garden. Any of the palace staff were required to leave the premises when a certain bell hanging from a tree bough is sounded.

"So the weave wasn't able to do its work after all," Quatre said with a chuckle.

"You wasted your Question, little Duo," Trowa said, mischief seen in his startling green eyes.

"It doesn't matter now. I have everything I want all in my grasp," Duo replied, enfolding and being enfolded in his husband's arms. The prince had taken the silver band that tied his husband's braid and he let the glorious long hair free, tenderly running his hands through the miniature river of silk.

"Both of you are looking more delighted than usual. What is going on?" Quatre asked, an adorable frown of confusion on his face.

Heero smirked. "We're going to have children."

The other couple sweatdropped, confused.

"What he means to say is that he is going to use his Question to ask you how we could have children of our own! We have twins in mind… although their names are undecided yet…" Duo explained, his features radiant with happiness.

"Just think, Heero-love, babies that are going to look like a mix of both our features! They are going to be perfect! Maybe we could name one Elana and the other … Saens!" he continued on, his face aglow with excitement. Heero could only watch his beautiful husband rant on and on about their future children.

"Hmmm… there might be a way," Quatre mused, an infinitely wise look befalling his features.

"I am certain that what babies you will have will be perfect in their own way. Once again, we congratulate you two. I know that you'll have a very happy life together with your family," Trowa said, earning disbelieving looks from the two at his rather long statement.

Quatre now had a thoughtful look on his face. "You know what, dear? Maybe we could have children too! Maybe triplets! We could name them… um… Ayame, Nozomi, and maybe Sumire. Wouldn't it be fun to have babies in our home?" he gushed eagerly, glomping his mate and casting pleading, beautiful turquoise eyes at him.

Trowa melted, and groaned. "You know I can't resist you when you look at me like that! You're not playing fair!" he almost whined.

"I know! But don't you love me for that?"

Trowa's peal of laughter drew stares.

"What?" he said defensively. "I do have the right to laugh!" and their laughter continued on…

"Love you," Heero whispered into his husband's ears, sending a thrill up Duo's spine.

"You too, my Heero," was his loving reply.

The two couples talked of their future, envisioning family life with their husbands and their soon-to-be children.

In my heart

I kept a secret

One day, after tomorrow's cry

I will tell the world

I love you, and after that

I would gladly die wishing

I'll see you in heaven

Owari… Really.

Author's Notes:

Song lyrics waaay above is taken from Fushigi Yuugi's ending song "Tokimeki no Doukasen" (Fuse of Excitement, if I'm not mistaken). It's one of my most favorite animé songs. The poem at the end is taken from one of the books I read, I can't really recall anymore (and I fear that the poem has nothing to do with the story whatsoever. Oh well). Please remember that this story is an AU, and all OOC people are to be blamed on it. Any deviance from the series must be taken into account, of course, but please think of this as a way of adapting to the overall plot of the story. (why am I saying this only just now!) As you may notice, what Duo did was an overly-elaborate plan to save Heero. Again, I must apologize since I had to somewhat follow the events in the original book… if I remember it correctly.

Sorry if I made Wufei Relena's fiancé. I can't resist putting Fei-chan into my story, even as, err, that. Personally, I like him paired with Zechs and/or Treize. A BIG apology for posting this just now. I was totally caught up with my Weiss Kreuz fic. But at last, I've ended your misery by ending this crappy fic! Whee! I promise that I'm gonna upload my other GW fic (Pomona and Vertumnus) soon… I hope.

Had to rant about this. I finally got a copy of "Only the Ring Finger Knows!" Wai! It's such a cute, fluffy manga and I love it! I am SO gonna find a ring like theirs, and if not, I'm gonna have one made! Nyahaha! I'm gonna generate fics like crazy this summer coz I won't be able to do so in my succeeding years in college. We're required to board in our college's BH so I won't be able to write fics for a long time. (sigh) Okay, shutting up now.

Replies to Reviews:

Thalia16 Wai! Thanks SO much! It's such a relief that someone liked The Selkie! Not my best work, but what the heck, my works aren't... well... Anyways, thanks for reviewing this! Yup, I think you're right. I've been in college for two years now but I'm still a freshman. Why? I transferred to pursue my course. Nya. The higer-ups say that third year is a bitch, and I'm willing to believe that. And I'm not suited for dorm life, darn it! Oh well...

Ink2 Nyahaha! You really think so? Just so you know, I won't be writing a sequel for this fic. Too lazy, I guess (and I dunno how to continue it anyway, hehe). Thanks for reviewing!

Shanni I have book 10 already (and it 's such a GREAT book and I love the interaction between Mat and Tuon - especially her apparent jealousy?- although nothing is really resolved in their love life yet - pouts-) but I didn't buy the prologue 'cause, well, I wasn't in the mood. August! That long a wait! Oh well, at least it's a bit near. Thanks for the info! Thanks for liking this fic and thanks SO much for reviewing!

sunstreake Aww, thanks for the review! I've made two more Gundam Wing fics after "Duo," and I'm currently working on a TrowaxQuatre AU fic "Midnight Pearls." If you're interested with a mermaid fic, check that one out!