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![]() Author has written 10 stories for Dallas, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Yu-Gi-Oh GX. Heya! If you are here right now, then thanks for dropping by my profile! I have enjoyed writing for a while now, especially for Yugioh and Dallas. (Along with my favorite non-canon pairings. XD) Besides writing, I enjoy playing RPG video games (and Yugioh), watching anime, reading too much YA fiction, and coffee. If you want to find me on Archive of Our Own, just go to: https:///users/Raina921/pseuds/Raina921/works (Sorry, but you'll have to find it by typing the address in manually since links don't seem to work on this site from what I've experienced on other profiles here.) This is where I keep a lot of my unedited or deleted mature stories. Author Related- IMPORTANT: If you're looking for a co-writer or beta reader, please note that even though I am quite flattered if you ask me, I cannot assist you right now. I have too many stories I'm working on at once as well as future projects in the works to have time to devote to anything else. If things get less busy and I feel like I could do something, I'll change my profile to indicate that. I also don't take requests. I'm sorry, but I have enough to work on already, and I can only work with my own ideas and plots. This also goes for characters. So, please do not ask for a SYOC (submit your own character) in any of my stories. Like the plot, my stories also only work with my own characters that I made myself, so I can't include anyone's OCs in my stories because they would just throw things off. If you ever don't like or have trouble understanding anything I write, please let me know about it. (Politely, though.) If you ever feel like anything is wrong enough with a story to make you start losing interest in it or if I've said something to offend you in my author notes (or if they are just annoying) or whatever, please let me know about it. I want to know so that I can possibly fix my mistakes and improve as a writer. But I can't do that if I don't know what it is that I've done wrong since I can't read your mind. If you have questions or just want to point out if anything ever seems strange or how you think it might be improved on, I'm happy to listen and try to work with you and explain things. But only if you're polite about it. If I see anything sarcastic and witty and/or meant to insult or demean me as an author or the story and characters, or ship-shaming, I'm not going to take it seriously. When that happens, I'm just going to assume that you don't really care about the story at all and are just there to get your kicks trolling or whatever. Trust me, I've been writing long enough to know the difference between when someone is trying to give me real constructive criticism and an outright flame. So if you try the latter, you are wasting your time and won't be able to discourage me from writing. All guest reviews are under moderation, and if any of you with an account also starts spamming unproductive insults at me or argues with my other reviewers, I will block you. Sorry if this all sounds a bit extreme, but I learned the hard way that flamers don't want you to treat them like an adult by trying to talk things out peacefully with them. Favorite Stuff and Pairing Related- Favorite anime: all Yugioh series, Fruits Basket, Sword Art Online, Card Captor Sakura, Sailor Moon, Magic Knight Rayearth, Ranma 1/2, Maison Ikkoku Favorite TV shows: Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, Criminal Minds, Fringe, CSI (original, New York, and Miami), Downton Abbey, Zoo (Actually, no. After finishing this series, screw Zoo. It was good in season 1 and up until a point in season 2, but then it all went downhill. Mitch and Jamie went from interesting characters with depth to insufferable know-it-alls trying to look too badass and snarky, along with their poorly developed "romance" that mostly just made me roll my eyes. This and all that crap about the hybrids, Sheppards, and the ten-year time jump ruined a good show for me.) Favorite video games: Yugioh Tag Force games (GX only so far), Yugioh Duel Links, Tales Of Series, Chrono Trigger and Cross, Lunar Series, Final Fantasy 1-10, Pokemon RPGs, Golden Sun Series Favorite books: Harry Potter, Divergent trilogy, Hunger Games trilogy, Twilight series (but agree that Bella turned into a total Mary Sue and understand why other people don't like the books, though), Warriors series by Erin Hunter, usually anything by Amanda Hocking (minus her awful sex scenes) Favorite Yugioh characters: Marik Ishtar, Seto Kaiba Favorite Yugioh GX characters: Aster Phoenix, Zane Truesdale Favorite Yugioh 5Ds characters: Kalin Kessler, Akiza Izinski Favorite Yugioh Zexal characters: Shark/Ryoga, Kaito Favorite Yugioh Arc-V characters- Dennis, Serena Favorite Yugioh VRAINS characters: Soulburner, Playmaker Favorite Yugioh pairings: Peachshipping (YugixTea), Trustshipping (SetoxIshizu), Arrogantshipping (SetoxMai), Powershipping (SetoxMarik), Manipulashipping (MarikxTea), Polarshipping (JoeyxMai), Wishshipping (YugixJoey) Disliked Yugioh pairings: Thiefshipping (MarikxYami Bakura), Puppyshipping (SetoxJoey), Azureshipping (TeaxSeto), Silentshipping (SetoxSerenity), Deathshipping (Yami MarikxRyou), Bronzeshipping (Yami MarikxMarik) Favorite Yugioh GX pairings: Rareshipping (OTP) (AsterxAlexis), Spiritshipping (JadenxJesse), Fianceeshipping (JadenxAlexis), Royalshipping (ZanexAlexis), Fusionshipping (ZanexJaden) Disliked Yugioh GX pairings: Fianceeshipping (Alexis with OOC Jaden), AlexisxChazz, AlexisxJim, AlexisxSyrus, AlexisxBastion, AlexisxBlair, AlexisxJust About Anyone Who Is Not Aster, Proshipping (ZanexAster), Egoshipping (AsterxChazz), ZanexSyrus (whatever that one is called), Destinyshipping (AsterxSartorius), AsterxAnyone Who Is Not Alexis A rule of thumb I have about pairings: When the popularity of a certain one makes it so that others with either of the two characters in it are not allowed to exist anymore, I start to hate it. No offense to Fianceeshipping, but what's wrong with having Alexis with a different GX guy once in a while? I hate it when people say, "I hate yaoi" in GX, because what it usually means is, "I hate yaoi and any straight GX pairing that is not JadenxAlexis or AlexisxMale OC". Rareshipping: Please note that I am aware that NONE of this is canon and never was intended to be. It's just me rambling about my OTP. I don't have a lot to go on since they had almost zero scenes together in the anime, so please don't be offended about any of this. Because more likely than anything, Aster was busy getting ready for another duel or other appointment, and Alexis was focusing on studying to be a teacher. So, it wasn't going to happen.: I love Rareshipping (AlexisxAster) for Yugioh GX! To me, it would have made way more sense to have Aster be Alexis' love interest because he has a lot more in common with her than Jaden. They are both idolized too much by the opposite sex as celebrity figures, so they would understand how it feels to want to be treated as a normal person. They both did everything they could to save their brothers (okay, Sartorius is not Aster's blood relative, but he is like a brother to him). They are both Obelisk Blues and good at schoolwork, as well as more serious about dueling and careers/future careers. Alexis wanted to be a teacher to teach kids how fun dueling can be, and Aster was kind of like that too with how he met with orphaned children and dueled to help them. And they both could kind of get taunt-ish in the same way during duels imo, probably more with the Japanese version. It kills me that they never had any real scenes together in the anime, even in Arc-V where they were the ONLY two GX characters. The writers seem to believe that the world of Yugioh itself would end if they even just talked to each other for over a minute. Alexis was at least physically attracted to Aster (something she didn't show for other guys, really) with how they were all afraid that she would leave and never come back if she went to watch his duel with Jaden sitting next to Jasmine and Mindy instead, and when they said that, she even blushes. And in the english dub, she tells Jaden that she thought Aster was cute. They have one duel in the manga where Alexis tells Aster before it starts, "I was hoping to get you!" Even though she didn't mean it like THAT, I still like to imagine it as evidence. The writers kept them apart for a reason because they didn't want to show anything that might look like she was falling for the other hero boy. Overall, I just think they look like they would have been a way more interesting and sexier couple than JadenxAlexis (no offense). So, if you can, PLEASE start writing stories about Rareshipping! GX or Arc-V is fine, just let me know if you can! Or heck, even Aster paired up with other girls or just stories about him, too! I can hardly find anything non-yaoi-centered about him, even when I filter out Zane and Sartorius in the search functions with Aster. And while I don't hate yaoi, I just don't think Aster is good with any of the male characters as a couple. Please, do not say, "I take requests" or "I take requests, as long as it isn't yaoi!" if you are just going to ignore a Rareshipping request. This has happened like five times to me now whenever I've asked and it is very annoying. (And don't ask me for money through your pay pal or Kofi or whatever the hell it is you use. These sites are supposed to be free, and you should take requests to want to challenge yourself as a writer, not to try earning a profit.) With all due respect, what the heck is the point of advertising that you are willing to work with anything (especially pointing out if you don't do yaoi) if you AREN'T!? Seriously, do you just say that assuming no one will ask for the "incorrect" ships? And if you can't do it, for god sake, just PM me to say that instead of being a coward with the silent treatment. It's annoying because I can't always tell if someone just didn't get the message or whatever. Seriously, if you are gonna be a hypocrite about requests, I'd much rather know and I won't get mad at you. Although at this point, I've pretty much given up asking people who claim they take requests. Just wanted to get that off my chest. Rant Corner (just me ranting and not directed at anyone in particular, so please don't take offense)- I really hate OOC harem stories. These things are popping up like gangbusters in way too many categories lately, and unless it just means there has been an increase in horny teenage boys reading fanfiction, idk what caused the spike in popularity over the years. I like real romance stories between two people. Yes, there are characters with multiple partners in fanfiction with stories centered on real relationships between them where everyone is treated equally. But I feel like I hardly ever see them. Instead, it is usually now just, "main canon character or OC guy with tons of female cast dumbed down and made OOC enough to never get jealous so that they are all content with just banging and worshiping him together." These are sexist and demeaning to women in general with how most of them are made, imo. Basically, the female characters just exist to blindly adore and f*k the main male character and be completely happy with no discomfort whatsoever with him "loving" and screwing a crap ton of other girls. STDs, anyone? More often than not, they are just a way to make the male characters have a status symbol with being "cool" for having a bunch of girls. Except it isn't cool, just cringey. And don't even get me started on this "waifu" crap. What IS sexy is a guy who is happy with ONE woman and loves to lavish attention on her alone. Also, it doesn't help that these main character guys can be some of the most unappealing characters who wouldn't be able to get a harem or even know anything about sex in the first place, like Ash from Pokemon or Jaden Yuki in Yugioh GX. Maybe if the women are adults it would make sense that they wouldn't mind sharing. But using teenage girl characters in harems makes the least amount of sense possible, especially ones who were shown to get jealous in their anime or whatever. I mean, come on. Trying to convince me that it works with the whole, "Oh, we decided that we all want you to be happy. So, we accept this arrangement since we all love you!" makes zero sense when you consider that teenage girls are some of the most jealous beings on the planet. (Trust me, there were no girls who were cool with the whole "let's share our boyfriend and all be in a relationship together!" thing when I was in high school. Including me.) No offense to anyone who likes them since fanfiction is fanfiction. But I just hope that too much of this stuff doesn't end up unintentionally affecting how you think girls should be IRL relationships. My biggest problem right now with Yugioh GX fanfiction: Almost no stories about appealing pairings or stories with different main characters. Seriously, why isn't there more stuff with the hot guys like Aster, Zane, or Atticus? (You know, the guys who actually had tons of female characters that liked them canonically and didn't turn into stuttering dweebs or clueless around them like so many other GX guys. Remember them?) Especially the pairings and lemons. Almost everything I see is either just some OOC Jaden or dorky guys. I mean, come on. How the bloody heck do you expect me to believe that a lemon with Syrus is supposed to be sexy!? He looks like a ten year old, for heaven's sake! Idk what happened, but it seems like the better looking a GX guy is, the more he is likely to get ignored in that department nowadays. I don't hate yaoi, but only if I think the pairing looks like they could work if they have a lot of things in common or displayed strong concern and care towards the other. I don't believe in pairing anybody (same sex or not) up just for the hell of it because you think they look cute together. Or even worse, because they argued with each other or had other problems. And for some reason, this happens way too much in yaoi. Same goes for yuri. I don't really enjoy a lot of those, but I really hate it when girls are just thrown together in a pairing or some random lemon thing without even considering how well they would fit together as a couple just so that people can have their "hot lesbian sex scene". And the worst thing is that they just automatically think it is fan service because they assume we can all get off to two girls f*king each other. Not to mention that it is sort of hypocritical to hate yaoi because it is same sex, but girl-girl action is okay just because it turns you on? Same goes in reverse with this. I try to go by relationship science when it comes to why I like a particular pairing. Also not a fan of Mary Sues and Gary Stus, especially when they are self-aware characters who voice too much of the authors' opinions about what we already know to be as wrong with a series. One of the basic elements of a story is the conflict. When a character is too strong, smart, etc. and just solves everything too easily, there is no real conflict in a story that leads up to the resolution and climax, be it one chapter or the whole story. And without any kind of conflict, there can be no character development. It's fine if you enjoy seeing your favorite character just own everybody and you can enjoy the story for that. But to me, it makes for dull reading. Writing Related- Stories that I'm writing now: 1. A Love Born From Tragedy- A JRxKatherine story with a slow burn romance. But sadly, the real reason for the slowness these days is me. 2. The Point Where Lost Souls Gather- MarikxOC with a few side pairings thrown in eventually, but more of a mystery/suspense adventure. Also now something of a Yami Marik horror story. XD 3. Fatal Three- ZanexOC and AsterxOC I don't know if anybody even likes this sort of thing when it comes to Yugioh GX, but I've had the idea and plot worked out for awhile now, so I'm just going to write it. 4. The Point of No Return- AsterxAlexis Does anyone even like this pairing? XD 5. Destiny's Divergence- An AU of GX with Aster as the main protagonist instead of Jaden. Also contains AsterxAlexis. I wonder how many people left like Aster at all? 6. So Very Addictive- Another AsterxAlexis story. I started it as a one-shot, but eventually, more ideas for a plot for it formed and I decided to make a real story out of it. Too bad that almost no one gives a shit about Rareshipping, especially these days. However, for those who like it, I am pleased to announce that there WILL BE A SEQUEL to this eventually! I haven't decided on a title yet, but it will take place during their third and last year of high school at Duel Academy, going over the seasons 3 and 4 timeline of the anime. 7. My Angel of Destiny- Another new AsterxAlexis story. It was inspired from some of my older one-shots and The Obelisk Queen and the Prince of the Pro Leagues. Sort of a prequel to it that goes into how they fell for each other and got together. But also coping with the after-effects of the Society of Light on Alexis. It is not technically in the same universe as that story, though. And it will be easier to make it its own thing by separating it from that once I delete Obelisk from this site. eventually. I will try to update things when I can. I do apologize if you have a favorite story that is taking me forever to update. Things have just been going slow for me lately due to school. The same goes for a lot of stories that I mean to continue reading and reviewing. |