First Yu-Gi-Oh! story! I wonder if Yu-Gi-Oh! still has an active fanbase... I sure hope so!

I just felt like writing a MarikxOC story with an OC that had a connection to the millennium items and all that.

I hope whoever reads this likes it :D First chapter is a little of a back story-ish so it's not REALLY super interesting YET!

OK so I use the Japanese names, because it's more fun this way... So it shouldn't be that hard to figure out who they are even if you don't know the Japanese names.

This was actually posted on my fanfiction account, by the same name. The author name is Hiroakki. I've posted around 3 chapters on the other one. I just wanted to see on which site it would be viewed more.

Plz Review and all that :D Enjoy!

Chapter 1: The Millennium Scale

"Bye, Yugi! Bye, Mommy!"

Yugi: "Take care of yourself, sis!"

Yugi gave his twin sister, Akia, a friendly hug. She was going to an expedition with their granpa to explore some Ancient Egyptian ruins that have been found recently. Granted, she was only ten and it might not be the best place for a ten year old to be in, but Akia has always been fascinated by Ancient Egyptian culture. She would always ask her grandpa to tell her all about his expeditions and she made him promise that he'll take her with him someday. Since Yugi had received the millennium puzzle and she hadn't received anything like it, her grandpa decided that he would take her on this expedition. Why this one? Because they were able to locate something related to the millennium items there. Her grandpa thought that it would be a great idea if Akia could find a souvenir of her own there.

"I'll miss you."

Yugi: "I'll miss you too."

Sugoroku: "Well then, it's time to go Akia. I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun there."

"Coming, granpa!"

After travelling for several hours by plane, Sugoroku and Akia boarded on a car that was waiting for them at the airport to take them to the archeological site.

Sugoroku: "Here we are, Akia."

He said to his granddaughter as they got out of the car.


In front of Akia was a giant pyramid standing majestically in the middle of the desert. A lot of people were busy setting up camps and examining the pyramid for any entrances.

Sugoroku: "Looks like it's going to take a while for us to find a way to get in there."

"Can I go look around?"

Sugoroku: "Of course. Just don't get too far."

"I won't!"

Akia ran off to look around the place. Everyone was busy so she soon found herself wandering off alone a little further away. She knew that her grandpa told her not to get too far, but she wanted to get away from all these buzzing people. Besides, her grandpa was too busy anyway.

"You shouldn't wander so far, little one."

Akia looked up and found a man with sapphire blue eyes. He was wearing what looked like a turban on his head and a long robe. He was wearing an Ankh around his neck. Akia recognized it from one of the many Ancient Egyptian history books that she liked to read. He was wearing two dangling circular earrings.

"Who… are you?"

Shadi: "I am Shadi."

Shadi's POV

Why did my millennium Ankh lead me to this girl? What is so special about her? The millennium scale seems to be reacting to her as well. I wonder… What kind of monster she holds inside? Her black hair is certainly unusually long. Every human being has a certain monster. That monster can only be seen with the millennium items. In Ancient Egypt, dangerous criminals had their monsters extracted and sealed by the Pharaoh's advisers who each had a millennium item. These monsters are now what we have as duel monsters.

"Shadi, sir… Is something wrong?"

"What is your name, little one?"

"I'm Akia, sir."

I should enter her soul with my millennium Ankh to discover who this girl really is.

Outside POV

Shadi placed his millennium Ankh on Akia's forehead and turns it, as if unlocking a lock. Strangely enough, Akia didn't feel any fear towards this stranger. Her mother always told her not to talk to anyone she didn't know and she always followed that advice. This time, however, it felt different. It was as if she knew that she needed to talk to this man.

Shadi's POV

Her soul looks pretty normal for a child. There's one open door with some toys inside. That's interesting. There are more books about Ancient Egyptian history than there are toys in here. It seems that she has quite a high interest in Ancient Egypt. Something in this room doesn't feel right. There's some strange and powerful aura coming from one of the walls.

"Where are we, sir?"

The little girl comes in the room and looks at me with her onyx black eyes. I see it's her first time seeing her own soul room.

"We are inside your soul, little one."

"Well, it does feel like a place I'd decorate. But… There's something odd coming from that wall over there."

Can she actually sense it too? Before I could say anything, she heads towards the wall and pulls out one of the history books sitting on a shelf fixed on the wall. When she does, the wall behind it opens up. Stairs are revealed before us, leading underground.

"How did you know about this place, little one."

"I didn't know, but… Something was calling me."

Calling her? Could it be her monster? She starts heading down the stairs on her own.

"Don't be hasty."

She doesn't stop and keeps going. Whatever it is that is calling her wants her to get there quickly. I should follow her and make sure there are no dangers.

Outside POV

Akia could hear it. She could feel something reaching out to her. Something important… She continued walking in the darkness until she saw a pair of red eyes. Strangely enough, she didn't feel afraid. She approached these red eyes with confident steps.

Shadi: "Don't go too far, little one."

She heard his words, but couldn't stop herself. As she got closer to the pair of red eyes, she realized just how big they actually were. Her eyes finally adjusted to the darkness and she saw a giant black dragon with blood red eyes looking at her. Its head was lowered, as if it tried to be at the same eye level as its host. Shadi just froze there, behind Akia, contemplating the majestic dragon.

Shadi: "The Red Eyes Black Dragon…"

'To think that this girl held such great power inside of her… There's no doubt to who she is now. I know what must be done.'

Shadi came out of Akia's soul and retracted his Ankh from her forehead. She looked at him with two innocent black eyes.

"The Red Eyes Black Dragon?"

Shadi: "Indeed, little one. Now, listen to me carefully. In your past life, you were someone very important. I can't tell you all the details. You will know once you are ready. For now, take this millennium scale. It seems to have a liking to you."

Shadi hands Akia a golden scale with the eye of Anubis carved in it. There was a feather on one of the golden plates. Akia has read about how Anubis, the Egyptian god of the dead, used a scale and an ostrich feather to weigh a person's soul. If the person's soul was sinful, the empty plate would weigh more than the feather. When that happened, the soul would be eaten by the demon Ammit. Akia takes the scale while examining it with astonishment clear in her eyes. Never had she dreamed of holding such a beautiful object.

"It's so beautiful! But… why are you giving me this?"

Shadi: "You will know in due time. Be careful with it, this item is very dangerous if in the wrong hands."

"What does it do?"

Shadi: "The millennium scale can tell if a person is lying or not. If the wielder wishes it, it can banish the souls of those who do lie or whose hearts are pure evil."

"That's dangerous… I'll make sure I never hurt anyone with it."

Shadi: "You sure are a kind one."

Shadi then suddenly jerked his head in some unknown direction, as if he sensed something there. Without saying a word, he started walking in the direction of the city, that wasn't located that far.

"W… wait!"

Akia tried to call him, but he didn't stop. She then decided to go against all that her mother and grandpa told her not to do and followed the blue eyed stranger.