I know how long you guys have been waiting for this. I'm really sorry for the long long wait. I hope you guys like this chapter!
Chapter 52: Unknown Feelings
Jounouchi: "Haha! We both have six Puzzle Cards!"
Akia grinned back at Jounouchi and they gave each other a high five.
Jounouchi: "Hey, Anzu. Can you pass me your cellphone? I need to tell Shizuka about the news."
Anzu took out her phone and handed it to Jounouchi.
Anzu: "Sure, just be careful with it."
Jounouchi immediately snatched Anzu's phone away from her and started dialling the hospital's phone number. After asking to be transferred to Shizuka, he started immediately telling her the good news.
Jounouchi: "I did it Shizuka! I finally made it into the tournament Finals!"
Shizuka: "Oh! Amazing! Congratulations, big brother!"
Jounouchi: "Well, things are just starting from here on out."
Shizuka: "But, you were able to defeat a bunch of really strong people, right? You're really amazing!"
Jounouchi: "R-Really? I'm happy to hear that from you."
Jounouchi then held out his puzzle cards and looked at them.
Jounouchi: "I got six Puzzle Cards and I've grown a bit as a Duelist."
Shizuka: "Big brother."
Jounouchi: "What's up?"
Shizuka: "Can I come watch you in the finals?"
Jounouchi: "But you're still not recovered yet, right?"
Shizuka: "Yeah. But the doctor said my eyes will be alright. And I promised that the first thing I want to see when I take my bandages off is my big brother duelling!"
Jounouchi smiled gently.
Jounouchi: "I see. Alright, got it! It's too dangerous for you to come by yourself. Look, I'll come up to get you."
Shizuka: "Thank you, big brother."
And with that, the call ended. As soon as he hung up, Jounouchi screamed in excitement while throwing Anzu's cellphone up in the air behind him.
Jounouchi: "Yahoooo!"
Anzu: "Aaah!"
Anzu ran after her phone and skillfully caught it before it fell to the ground.
Anzu: "Hey! I told you to be careful with my cellphone!"
Jounouchi: "Shizuka's coming to watch me duel in the finals!"
Anzu: "Shizuka-chan can see again?"
Jounouchi: "Yeah, the higher-ups said that her eyes will be just fine."
Sugoroku: "That's great to hear!"
"You're kidding? That's amazing! I can't wait to meet her!"
Jounouchi: "But I want to go pick her up, but I have to head to the finals. There's no way I'd let her come alone…"
Upon hearing what Jounouchi was saying, Honda ran next to him and motioned towards himself to get Jounouchi's attention. Jounouchi then frowned at him, knowing exactly what Honda wanted to do. That made Honda frown back at him and hold him in a headlock.
Honda: "I'll do it! ME!"
He then took off happily running away from the group.
Honda: "Leave the Shizuka-chan situation to me!"
Jounouchi: "Hey, Honda! Geez…"
"Let the guy do it. Honda's trustworthy enough."
Akia said while giving Jounouchi a mischievous smile. On her way back to her friends after catching her phone, Anzu noticed two people approaching them, one of which she instantly recognized.
Anzu: "Bakura-kun!"
As soon as Akia heard Anzu calling out Bakura's name, she spun around towards where he was. What she saw left her speechless for a moment. It was indeed Bakura, but he was clearly injured. His left arm was bandaged, but blood was peeking through. What surprised her even more was the person who was helping him walk. It was a guy who looked to be around their age. He platinum hair contrasting with his beautiful tanned skin that glistened. His eyes were a striking shade of purple. For some reason, seeing him made her heart beat faster. She had no idea who he was.
Marik of course, knew exactly who she was. It was only thanks to previously hearing her name being called. The talk he had with Bakura also confirmed that it was indeed who he thought she was. He knew that it was nearly impossible for her to recognize him, since the last time they saw each other was when they were very young.
Jounouchi: "Bakura!"
Sugoroku: "What's wrong?"
After snapping out of it, Akia ran towards Bakura. She then held his face in her hands.
"Ryou…! What happened to you?"
She said to him in a worried voice. The spirit of the ring was in full control of Bakura and he revelled in having Akia so close to him while Marik was right there, powerless to do anything to stop it.
Marik was feeling quite annoyed at how Akia was with Bakura. He knew he had to dismiss those feelings, though, for the sake of his plan.
Anzu: "What a terrible wound…!"
Bakura: "Akia…"
The spirit of the ring knew that the more he made himself sound in pain and in need of Akia that she would do everything to comfort him.
"I'm right here, Ryou…"
She started stroking his hair calmly. Marik then cleared his throat, feeling uncomfortable with the whole situation.
Marik: "He seems to have been attacked by someone. But thank goodness you guys know him. I didn't know who to contact."
Jounouchi: "Who's the bastard who did this?"
Akia then lets go of Bakura and faces Marik with a smile on her face.
"Thank you so much for helping him."
Marik felt his heart skip a beat when Akia smiled at him.
Marik: "I just did what I had to… I did treat his wounds, but I think he needs to go to the hospital."
The whole time, Marik and Akia never broke eye contact. For some reason, Akia just couldn't look away. For Marik also, he just got lost in her eyes.
Anzu: "That's true…"
Sugoroku: "Sorry to have troubled you, just leave the rest to me. I'll bring him to the hospital."
Just as they were helping Bakura go, he held out his hand and grabbed Akia's wrist.
Bakura: "Akia… Please come with me…"
Bakura had noticed how Akia's attention was all on Marik and it was not something he was going to let go. As soon as he grabbed her wrist, she finally broke eye contact from Marik and shifted her attention to Bakura.
"Y-Yeah, of course. I'll come with you."
They then immediately signalled for a taxi and went off on their way to the hospital, leaving Jounouchi, Anzu and Marik behind. Marik's gaze lingered on the place where the vehicle left for a bit, feeling confused about his feelings. He had already made the decision not to get involved in any way with Akia. It was proving to be much more difficult than he anticipated.
Finally! First face to face between Akia and Marik, although kind of brief.
Thank you so much for your patience. I hope you guys enjoyed. Tell me what you thought in the reviews :)