Author has written 5 stories for Pride and Prejudice, and Fifty Shades Trilogy.
Hi there,
I'm 42, German and a huge fan of the 2005 movie Pride & Prejudice (given I'm a huge fan of Matthew Macfadyen)! Yes, I have read Jane Austen's novel but I prefer the movie version. Haven't seen the 1995 BBC series - and although I love Colin Firth - I really still find the boyish, shy, awkward Darcy version of Matthew Macfadyen waaaay more appealing. Gosh, how romantic. Matthew's eyes are just so delivering it...
I guess I have read about 200 fanfiction stories for P&P so far, (current favorite WIPs - to name a few - are "TRANSLATIONS" (seriously, if you haven't read it, you missed out on something extraordinary!!!), "To Save and Protect", "lizzie" and "One Cold Summer", "Growing to Love Darcy" (well, heck, every P&P story by D.notebook and desertrat68!) -- favorite completed stories include among many others "However far, However long", "Sanctuary", "Dance the tide", "No more tears", "The View From Where I Sit") - and I love them all. You are all great! I'm probably checking this site 20 times a day for updates of my favorite stories and others, so yes, I'm mental but I'm not dangerous :-)
Having not written fanfiction myself for 15 years (I did back in 1996/7 for Space: Above and Beyond) I got completely hooked again on FF -- and I had to try again.
I love the image of a very sensual, emotional love-sick Darcy who drowns himself in his affections for Elizabeth but feels bound by all the restrictions that Regency society used to impose on unmarried men and women. The controversy of boundless love and strict social rules is what fascinates me most about the love story in P&P besides the depth of Darcy's love and loyalty for Lizzie and the dynamics both characters share. It's a wonder love matches were actually achieved at those times given the extremely limited way to express the relevant thoughts and feelings.
I will always try to update as soon as possible but having a husband, two small children, a dog, a house, a job, multiple medical issues in the family to deal with and some charity work at my hands things sometimes don't play out as planned. So, don't despair - I always will finish my stories to get Darcy and Lizzie the bliss they deserve ;-P
Thanks everyone for your interest, reviews and follows!
Ansujali from Germany
STATUS of my fanfic "Overcome"
December 2nd, 2014:
I hate it when I'm right... *grrr*
October 19th, 2014:
Last day of my fall family vacation - already 2.500 words on chapter 7 done. Not that that meant anything LOL! Scene with Charles turns out nice but in the end, you are the judge on that! No promises on when I could post. Knowing me it will be another 6 weeks at the least...
October 15th, 2014:
I posted again!!! Chapter 6 is out! Boy, I hope that it "works". I've fiddled around with it so much and finished it on my IPad over the last 3 days that I hope that it makes sense. Oh, and yes, I'm on vacation again! No wonder I posted a chapter. LOL!!! I see a pattern there...
September 26th, 2014:
No such luck *growls* Will get the Charles scene into it after all. Darn. Takes (again) longer than expected.
AND... I got sidetracked by some modern P&P variation ideas which keep harrassing my mind.. *sighs*
September 3rd, 2014:
I managed to get most of my follow-up Darcy/Georgie scene into written words today and will probably post a shorter chapter 6 once I have edited it completely, so that you all don't have to wait so long for an update. I don't know when I will come around to writing the scene with Charles as this includes some decisions in how I want to weave the story from here on... So, expect an (albeit shorter) update in the next few days! Yeah!
August 21st, 2014:
Back from France and our holiday! Real life has me back in its ugly clutches...Unfortunately *sulks* :-)) Haven't even started chapter 6 yet but already have it plotted out completely in my head... (another lovely Darcy/Georgie scene plus others) ...just need to find the time to actually write it all down! Aaaaarghhh!!! I always find it amusing when authors write in their notes that receiving reviews and feedback will make them write faster... Gosh, if that was the case my story would have been finished 2 months ago! LOL!!! I thrive on your feedback and it's been great so far, thanks very much... but unfortunately it does not influence the speed of my writing as that depends on so much factors outside of FFN that sometimes I could bang my head on the table in frustration... maybe I will be luckier this coming weekend...
August 7th, 2014:
And we have a lift-off!! Uh.. posting, I mean! *does the happy dance* 5.500 words for chapter 5 - wow. Got hit over the head by a muse, it seems. This chapter is meant to be a catharsis for Darcy and basically the turning point for him. To pull himself out of his self-loathing and start acting again. I wanted his sister to be the catalyst and mirror, as the one soul he could turn to to confide his troubles in. That seems to be somewhat out of character for both of them... but hey, this is fanfiction and I'm the master of the universe! (well, of this story, anyway) *tehehehe*
I have a clearer picture of where I want to go with this story now... hope the next camping trip is not too far away. LOL!!!
August 6th, 2014:
Ran into some serious plot trouble. The tragedy I refer to in the story summary turned out to be one I found myself unable to write... So, I had to come up with a new story outline which had some impact on how to complete this chapter. Furthermore, I'm currently on a 3-weeks camping trip in France (Benodet, Brittany) with my family for the summer holidays. Though that doesn't necessarily means something bad for writing as the last camping trip showed :-P So, with a rough draft of the new outline in hand, I'm starting again and hope to complete this chapter in the coming days...
July 8th, 2014:
RL sometimes sucks. It often takes away way too much time from writing :-(
June 27th, 2014:
Chapter 5 over 3000 words now, coming along nicely. With a little luck I might finish it over the weekend... No promises, though...
June 22th, 2014:
Yeah, go me! Chapter 4 posted :-))) I hope I'm making sense with this chapter. First it was supposed to be Lizzie's POV of Darcy's visit, then the letter kidnapped the chapter literally, subduing Lizzie nearly completely... only to have her POV worked in again. I wanted to cover several things with this chapter, I wonder if I succeded... So I thought to get it over with and post it as it turned out in the last two days and see where I go from there.
Chapter 5 already is around 2500 words and not finished yet but has a lot more structure to it and therefore should be a lot easier to complete in due course.
Like most other authors I'm a sucker for reviews - so fire away and still my need :-) THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING!
Tomorrow - return to Germany from The Netherlands :-)