Titel: Twelve days in August

Author: dominiquesdh

Theme: Alternate Universe – Historical drama - Romance (free variation based on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. This fanfic takes its liberty with P&P at book III chapter II)

Summary: We read the year 1801. On August the first, French troops came ashore in Brighton. Nobody was able to stop them and five days later (Wednesday the 5th) the news are reaching Pemberley. That same day, Geoffroy d'Arcy, commander in chief of the invading troops is calling a visit to his aunt in Rosings. There he encounters a certain Jane Bennet and this encounter will have consequences.
(Cast: all traditional characters of Jane Austen's P&P, a few new ones, including d'Arcy and a few historic figures such as George, Prince of Wales and Napoleon, Premier Consul de la République Française...)

Disclaimer : The characters I serve here are Jane Austen's but after two centuries they belong to all of us. Only those few I created belong to me and I hope they'll bring something interesting to the story.

My story is based on Jane Auten's book and the 2005 movie. The cast is the movie's and there will be no recasting even if I prefer Jennifer Ehle and Benjamin Whithrow as actors in this setting.
Elizabeth Bennet/Darcy and Fitzwilliam are important characters of the plot but they are not the most important ones.
This fanfic orbits around Jane Bennet and Geoffroy d'Arcy. You'll see plenty of stuff where the Bennet/Gardiner family is playing an important role but in the end it's Jane's story.
And you'll soon see that she is not quite so "colorless" as in most of the fictions where she appears. I wanted her strong and forthright and not so transparent as usually depicted.
But I won't transform her in a warrior queen or martial artist. She will still be Jane Bennet, but no longer tame and spiritless Jane. You'll find a lot of Lizzie in that Jane.
You're warned, so don't be too surprised…

Thousand thanks to all reviewers and their kind comments. I answer whenever I can and almost always to signed in reviewers (it's easier, a simple link to click on...). And for those I didn't have the opportunity to give direct answers, I'll go on not only with this first tome but I have lots of ideas for sequels... Don't worry Jane will have plenty of opportunities to show that she's as witty as Lizzie.

Previews :

A (different) version of this fanfic already exists in French and to rewrite it in English is much less of a challenge that I initially feared..

I'm no English native speaker and from time to time failures (let's hope tiny ones) will slip into my texts. Please let me know if there's a better way to say it in English…

As of now (chapter 44) I have a beta reader. Let's thank Lynette who volunteered to do the editing work for me (my grammar is not the best even if I'm able to get the message over). A triple "hooray" for her...

I'll use US spelling; let's hope my readers from the new French "departments" will forgive me for that.

The French fanfic has 150 000 words and 61 chapters. This one will have 57 chapters and just under 166 000 words. As such, even with chapters I eliminated because they brought nothing to the characterization of the plot, it is longer and denser than his French counterpart. Clearly it's not a translation but a very different work, while some parts have disappeared, some chapters have blossomed without my permission and a few sub plots have gained more precision.

This first part is now completed. All 57 chapters are posted and the story has found its own life. It was very kind of you to read my story and it was even kinder for those of you whe encouraged me with their comments. It helps a lot to have a feed back to pull you into going on. As said it was quite an adventure. I'm very proud to have steered my characters to a safe haven. I thank everyone of my readers and even more all those who took the time to send reviews to comment (a few), encourage (everybody) and criticize (very very few but they always gave me hints on what to do to make the story better). Perhaps you'll make me the honour of following me into my next story.

SPOILER out of chapter 37:

Featherlight strokes had come to her, becoming marvelous dreamed experiences. Kisses, so light she had to force herself to remember them, had be all over her face.

A smile lighted up her sleeping face.

Since she was dreaming, could she dream of what she really lusted for?

It was her dream, wasn't it? Within it's cloudy boundaries, she could behave as she willed it.

Even a little wanton behavior could be tried...

Nobody would ever know.

Her smile grew and her sleep became more agitated.

The light touches became caresses and kisses and she could even feel the light breeze of a breath fondling her skin.

A very smooth thing slided over her smiling lips.

It came and turned. Came again. Became more forward and parted her lips.

Out of sheer reflex her tongue shot out of the cage of her teeth to go and meet the intruder.

Their meeting was the strangest thing which had ever happened to her.

Like a subtle dance of touches and strokes.


He eyes shot open.

That was not a dream!

SPOILER out of chapter 54 Pemberley Night Stalker:

Jane purred her satisfaction.

She just had had the most satisfactory dream.

And even in that delicious moment between dream and awakening, that dream went on. She could still feel his fragrance, feel his skin under her cheek and the reassuring rumble of his heart.

She sighed and let her finger glide over the warm surface of her pillow.

In her dream it had the softness of a skin and smoothness of the softest of silk...

She smiled and pulled it against her.

Nothing happened.

She tried again...

There was a soft grumble coming from her pillow.

Her smile increased when she felt a finger crawl on her shoulder.

It journeyed to her breast and stole itself to her nipple who revealed itself as traitorous as always...

"I don't know if you do it on purpose but it seems to me that it has become your habit to invade my dreams..."

Chapter one: Bad news indeed!

Lambton, Derbyshire, Wednesday august the fifth 1801

The door of the inn just shut behind them and Fitzwilliam Darcy could not master the smile which was invading his face.

It wouldn't disappear whatever willpower he tried to summon.

Georgiana could do nothing but look elsewhere so that her brother would be unable to notice her own smile. Probably as happy as him, she was looking forward for his –mumbled– explanations.

This very moring, she had no idea what would happen to her when Fitzwilliam proved himself so persuasive in taking her with him to Lambton.

She knew it was something important for him but she had no idea he would introduce her to her future sister.

She looked discreetly up to him and mustered all her strong will not to burst out laughing.

Clearly, in his dreams he was still upstairs with Miss Elizabeth Bennet.

Miss Bennet who, judging by the way she looked at her brother the whole duration of their visit, was probably looking out of the windows burning holes in their backs at this very moment.

Those two had an understanding even if they hadn't acknowledged it formerly.

The sound of an approaching horse at full gallop threw both of them out of their daydreaming.

They looked at the rider and both recognized the Pemberley livery.

The horse was showing foam at the mouth and its heavy breathing was proof that its rider had used it against all the rules of honest husbandry.

Darcy's eyes were following the incoming rider and Georgiana could sense the mix of anger and concern radiating from her brother.

The rider, young Hawkings, reigned in before jumping from the horse and holding a letter toward the Master of Pemberley.

– An urgent message from your uncle, the earl Fitzwilliam, sir. It came directly by special courier from London. The courier awaits an answer in Pemberley. He will go back as soon as you can give it to him. He said nothing but he seemed mighty preoccupied.

Fitzwilliam looked at Hawkings with more than a little anger in the eyes.

The lad made a prayer that the letter contained sufficient important news to grant him forgiveness for mishandling the horse.

Darcy took the letter and opened it after crushing the seal.

Bingley having arrived with his own horse had stopped just before remounting it and was looking with interest at his friend.

For a second he saw the anger in his friend's face disappear to be replaced by an intense surprise and, but he could be wrong, fear…

It took a few seconds for Darcy to become his old self again. Never had Bingley saw his friend loose his composure for more than a second.

Bad news indeed!

Fitzwilliam gave himself the time to show a confidence he really no longer felt.

He then looked at his sister. Never had she seen him so cold and dedicated.

– Georgiana, I need you to go back to Elizabeth and her parents and convince them to go with you to Pemberley. Not only for tonight but to stay there as our guests! Do you believe you can handle this very important mission?

She looked at him with a certain amount of fear in the eyes. But her face was as calm as he could have wished. He was very proud with his sister.

– Of course, I can. But what is the matter? What says uncle Fitzwilliam? Is everybody safe?

Fitzwilliam closed his eyes and struggled to get himself back under control.

– Nothing personal! Nothing on a familial level! But it is as Hawkings said. It is important. Very important! And I really need Elizabeth and you to be in Pemberley as soon as possible.

He was tempted to be more precise but he refused to add anguish to the already upset feelings of his sister.

– I cannot be more specific, Georgiana. I'd like to but I cannot.

He Took the letter and gave it to her.

– Try to be very convincing, but, if you'd have problems convincing them, give this letter to Mister Gardiner and allow him to read it and to deal with the matter as he sees fit. But if at all possible don't do it this way. Try everything else. Insist that it is important, vital even and that, when I'm back from Derby I'll explain everything.

He took her into his arms and hugged her in a way he had never done in public.

– I hate myself to let you alone without being able to reassure you, but I need to get confirmation of these news from the authorities in Derby.

He looked her in the eyes.

– Georgiana, we are in no immediate danger, but I want you to go back to Pemberley as soon and as fast as possible. With, if possible, the Gardiners and Elizabeth or at least, if Mr. Gardiner insists on departing to London, with Mrs. Gardiner and Elizabeth!

He took hold of his sister's hands.

– Do whatever is necessary to get Elizabeth to Pemberley, please…

She looked up at him.

– Of course, Fitzwilliam, I'll do everything in my power, but please be open with me. Let me know what happened. I don't know if you are aware, but never, in my whole life, did I saw you so upset.

He forced himself to listen to his sister. He was aware that he had already said too much.

– Speak about it with nobody, Georgiana, I pray you. The information will sooner or later be disclosed but the more time we get, the better…

– Fitzwilliam!

He agreed and came closer in order to whisper in her ears.

– Stay calm and let nobody know what I'm going to reveal. Even Elizabeth and her aunt must ignore the news until I come back from Derby. I insist that you take the greatest precautions to appear as normal as possible. Nobody must have the slightest hint to guess what the matter with you is!

She agreed and made a prayer that she was not as pale as she felt.

– The French have invaded the Kingdom. They came ashore at Brighton four days ago and their army has crushed the troops stationed in the South. Troops have been sighted heading north toward London. At the time our uncle sent this letter, London was in uproar and those able to flee were preparing themselves to rush out of Town. I don't know how long the courier took to arrive but at this time the first refugees must be walking northward. Soon there will be no more open roads toward us.

He gazed his sister right into the eyes.

– Please do what has to be done but make sure that Elizabeth stays here. I couldn't stand to know her in danger on roads where Corsican raiders are plundering and ransacking voyagers.

Georgiana, bereft of speech, could only nod.

The news from their uncle were indeed very bad news. She was at the brink of collapsing when she was reminded that she had a mission. More than one mission!

She couldn't collapse in sight of everybody and allow a panic to burst out in Lambton. And she had to bring the Gardiners and Elizabeth to the safety of Pemberley.

She grasped her courage and gave a smile to her brother.

Thin and pale but a smile nevertheless.

He acknowledged her resolution and gave her a parting kiss.

She turned around and walked back into the Inn.

Bingley, as ever discreet and good mannered, choose the moment of her departure to cross the distance between his former position and Darcy.

– Darcy, my friend, what happened?

– A serious problem at the Estate, said Fitzwilliam. I'm going there now. Can I count on your company?

– Of course, I'm your man.

Darcy winked toward Hawkins who came immediately.

– I'm taking Thunder. You stay here with Georgiana and the new guests I just invited. For no reason are you to go back to Pemberley without them. I count on you.

Hawkings, very glad to come out of what could have been the end of his job at Pemberley with only a few harsh words, nodded his approval.

Ten seconds later, the two gentlemen were riding away at full speed.

– Miss Darcy, madam!

Everybody looked toward the entrance where the young miss Darcy was making an unexpected return.

Curiosity was very soon replaced with concern. Their young host was showing signs of being quite upset. Her hands were shaking and she was white as linen.

Elizabeth went immediately at her side and Georgiana made no effort to conceal that she was in quite an ordeal.

She was at the brink of collapsing and it gave her the credibility she needed.

– I'm very sorry to intrude again on you and to disturb you but my brother just received a letter from our uncle which forced him to go to Matlock immediately. And he was unable to give me a hint of when he will be back.

She looked toward Elizabeth and her eyes were naturally full of anguish.

– I don't know how to express myself but it would be important for me that, while Fitzwilliam is away, I could count on your presence at my side. At Pemberley stay only Caroline Bingley and the Hursts and I fear very much that, as usual, they will be of very poor comfort.

She turned to face Mrs. Gardiner.

– Would you accept to be my guests at Pemberley these next days? Having warm and merry people surrounding me would be of a great help while awaiting the return of Fitzwilliam. I was given the impression that you were staying in the County for a few more days. Would it be adequate for you to spend these days in Pemberley rather than at this inn?

Mrs. Gardiner looked at her husband.

She was more than a little surprised but she was also full of anticipation. One of her greatest wishes was about to become true. Mr. Gardiner could not ignore her feelings.

– Are you sure we won't intrude?

Miss Darcy could not hide her satisfaction.

– Of course not. I would not have asked if I had the slightest doubt. We already are prepared to welcome guests. Three more will have no consequences on the duties of the household.

She took Elizabeth's hand in hers.

– And be assured that having you at my side will be of tremendous importance.

Mr. Gardiner looked at his wife and at Elizabeth. Seeing no refusal there, he stood up.

– Well then, I'll see the innkeeper to inform him of our new program.

He looked at his wife.

– Could you look after the trunks? I'll be downstairs to get horses and carriage ready.

He bowed toward Georgiana.

– If everything goes well, in two hours you'll have us as guests at Pemberley.

As they arrived to the bridge, Darcy stopped his horse and waited till Bingley arrived at his side.

– I'm sorry, Charles but I fear I owe you an apology.

– An apology, Darcy? What for?

Fitzwilliam brought Thunder alongside of Bingley's chestnut and bowed toward him.

– Because I lied to you, Charles. But it was for the best and I'm sure you'll forgive me. I have a very sad truth to inform you about.

– Sad truth? Come on Darcy, what's the matter? You'd want to scare me you wouldn't do it otherwise.

– The Invasion we all feared, had taken place, Charles. The French came ashore in Brighton four days ago.

Even Bingley's sanguine face went pale as linen.

– Brighton? But there's where colonel Fitzwilliam went with his horse guards. It was where most of our troops where stationed for the summer.

– Seems it didn't stop the French. They came ashore there and following my uncle's letter nobody stopped them. They have been seen marching on London.

Bingley, of all strength bereft, had problems to stay on his chestnut.

– Goodness, bad news indeed.

He looked at Darcy.

– Four days you said ?

– Exactly. It happened in the night from the first to the second august. A baleful date if there is one.

– Aboukir?

– Exactly, three years ago we lost Nelson and his fleet in Egypt. It seems the French are developing a certain sense of black humor.

Bingley had difficulties to come out of his shock.

– What's going to happen, Darcy? With the French ashore we are in quite a difficult position. What troops are left to face them?

Fitzwilliam raked his fingers through his hair.

– I have no idea. What I'm going to do, is go to Pemberley, write an answer for my uncle, change horses and go to Derby to get fresh news. And, if something's organized, volunteer to be part of it.

He looked at his friend.

– You're not from this part of the country; I would understand your willingness to go where your roots are.

– Caroline and Louisa are here and the rest of the family is scattered everywhere in Great Britain. This is the part of our soil where I will make a stand. At your side, if you agree.

– It would be my pleasure, Charles.

Next chapter : Rosings Confrontation