![]() Author has written 6 stories for Megamind, How to Train Your Dragon, Hobbit, Dracula, Avengers, and Brave, 2012. Hey all, I am an aspiring writer in the UK even though I'm American. I usually write my own original ideas, but having found this site, and read a great number of the Fan fiction stories I absolutely love it. There are quit a few amazing stories out there. It has inspired me to test my writing skills and write my own ideas for favoured books, and movies. Thus far I wrote a Megamind story that I will eventually get back to and have written a crossover for How to Train your dragons and Brave which has done very well. Please feel free to read and review, I tried to catch all the mistakes, but I have no delusions that my writing is perfect. I know very well that I might have undoubtedly made one or two mistakes even after proof reading 5 times, LOL. Anyway hope you all like the stories. Also below is the profiles I’v written for my OC characters: Three (The Guardian Avenger), Veirra Stormshadow (A Shadowed Companion), and Daniella Daniels (Claiming what is Mine). Name: Three Codename: Katseye Nickname: Kat, Alias: Sakura Wong (Osaka), Lilith Donners Race: Human Gender: Female Age: Unknown (Approx. 25-30 years) H. Colour: Black with purple highlights E. Colour: Forest Green Height: 5' 7” Weight: 123 pounds Parents: Alaxander Pierce (Father), Mother (Unkown) Adopted Family: Takai Wong/Osaka (Father), Amaya Wong/Osaka (Sister) Allies: Aida, The Shadow Network Body Type: Slim and Slender Abilities: Accelerated learning Photographic or Eidetic Memory Never forgets Adapts newly taught skills and even imroves upon them Main Weapon: Twin vibranium wrist Daggers 2nd Weapons: Specialised Sniper Rifle Suit: All black tinted purple suit often referred to as a 'Ninja Suit' Appearance: Three is a beautiful young woman of Asian-American decent. She has a lithe figure with long black hair, and deep green eyes. While in the HYDRA base her outfit consisted of a bland grey tank top and trousers with a pair of simple grey shoes. After escaping HYDRA Three's preferred outfit is skinny blue jeans, hiking boots, a button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and lastly a black leather jacket. When under cover she often dresses in blue or lilac coloured scrubs when portraying a nurse. More to be Added later. Personality: For the beginning part of Three's life she is a HYDRA test subject. Because of this, she has had little contact aside from her fellow test subjects and the HYDRA personnel at the base. Despite all this she is kind and protective of those around her. Regardless of the situation she has been raised in she tries to live in hope of something better as well as instilling hope in her friends. She also is shy even with her fellow test subjects. After escaping HYDRA Three has discovered that she is socially inept, and afraid of large amounts of people. With her new family she has learned to overcome these fears so that they are not crippling, but still she is not one for large crowds. Sadly after the deaths of her new family, Three is determined to destroy HYDRA completely being merciless in her hunting of their agents. However she has developed a code she lives by refusing to kill anyone but HYDRA. More to be added later. Known History: The history of this character will be revealed in the story: The Guardian Avenger. More will be added to this character profile as it is revealed in the story, but the history can simply be read there. Name: Veirra Stormshadow Race: Human Gender: Female Age: 19 years in appearance Hair Colour: Blood Red Eye Colour: Silver or 'Mithril' coloured Height: 5' 6” Weight: 123 pounds Occupation: Ranger Weapons: Wrist daggers, attached at wrists 2nd Weapons: Bow and Thrown Daggers Appearance: Veirra is a thin and beautiful young woman. Her blood red hair barely passes her slender shoulders. As a ranger of the North, Veirra wears black leather to conceal her from most threats in the wilds. Personality: Veirra has a very low view on the races of Middle Earth, she sees that they are capable of good, but is quick to point our their flaws. Her attitude at times is similar to that of a Dwarf with an equally twisted sense of humour. However unlike dwarves she knows how to differentiate, for example her hatred of Mirkwood Elves runs deep, but has no problems with the elves of Rivendell and Lothlorien. In fact both peoples she calls friend. She also is paranoid about showing weakness, even injured she will always claim herself fine. More than anything Veirra prefers solitude and avoids people, also because she knows something is wrong with her and is afraid of harming others. Aside from her flaws and attitude, Veirra is a very compassionate individual that always tries to protect others no matter what. Known History: Please Read the story A shadowed Companion. This character does have a detailed history, but I do not want to spoil it for the readers! Name: Daniella Daniels (Prefers Dani) Gender: Female Age: 27 years old H. Colour: Dark Auburn, Dark Red E. Colour: Greyish Ice Blue Height: 5’6” Weight: 123 pounds Occupation: Reporter/ Photographer Appearance: Dani is a slender young woman whom usually dresses in jeans, hiking boots, and a button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Her long straight hair is usually tied or braided back. On the rare occasion she is on camera, she wears a blouse, but is never filmed below that. If not on camera, she doesn’t usually wear make-up. Though is always told her fair skin doesn’t need it. Personality: Dani has always been a tom boy and always unwilling to confirm to what the masses wanted. When able to she avoids make-up and dressing up, she never likes to wear skirts or dresses, and hates guys trying to pick her up. She of course has a negative outlook on herself believing her best friend has always been much more beautiful than she, and scoffs at anyone’s compliments to her in the positive. Thus far she only accepts compliments from her best friend. To top off her outlook and attitude, Dani is a very blunt person she doesn’t hold back in saying what she thinks. History: Dani has grown up in Metro City, her mother and father died in a tragic car accident when she was 15 years old, leaving her older brother Darren to care for her. Darren worked hard and went to school to become a psychologist, but was also over protective of his sister and was quick to point out national statistics regarding date rape, and teen pregnancy. Thus Dani avoided men like the proverbial plague. Dani kept going to school but had met Roxanne Ritchie when they were both 6 years old, they soon became best friends and later went to High School together. There they met Metro dude and the three began a friendship. Dani noticed how much Metro dude liked Roxanne, as well as Megamind; however telling Roxanne meant a dilemma for her. She only considered Metro Dude a friend and not her type, but by the time Prom rolled around everyone whispered that she and Metro Dude were a couple. Thus that was when Roxanne’s first kidnapping happed, prom night. Dani had refused to go saying ‘conforming to her peers was disgusting, and she would not be made to wear a dress and allow some dumb jock to fondle her’ Still Roxanne wanted to go and dressed up. It was only at the last minute that Dani was roped into going, but refused to dress up. The hired photographer whom was to take pictures called off at the last minute, and so Dani ended up taking pictures for prom goers. Then suddenly a commotion started that ruined prom night when an angry Megamind kidnapped Roxanne before she could accept the prom queen crown with Metro dude as prom king. Of course Metro Dude rescued Roxanne and Megamind was sent back to Prison and was expelled from school. The first kidnapping read on paper was: ‘Prom queen kidnapped by local Bad Boy!’ In the years to come it would become commonplace for Roxanne to be kidnapped by Megamind. After high school Dani and Roxanne stuck together both heading for the field of journalism and inevitably both came to work for KMCP 8. While Roxanne became the star anchorwoman, Dani also was put on camera, but also took up other rolls such and as photographer and writer for the ‘Metro Times’ also owned by KMCP. Update: I had talked about doing a Marvel Story for the past couple of years since Captain America The Winter soldier came out. Today on April 23rd, 2017 I have finally posted the first chapter for my longest written story yet. Because this is such a huge story I wanted to do right by it, I asked an excellent writer known as McHaleinski to be the Beta reader for this story. It is under the Avengers Category and is titled: "The Guardian Avenger". I know some of my other writing has fallen by the wayside, but hopefully soon I can also find the inspiration for those other stories to continue. For now I hope everyone enjoys the new story. |