Note: I am new to this writing and such, and I'm trying to figure out how works c: This is going to be about the Vikings are at war with the Scots and capture princess Merida and hold her as prisoner. As the story progresses the young MAN Hiccup (referring to his age in httyd 2) falls in love with the young princess Merida (is older as well, we'll just say she's 19 and he's 20 somewhere around there, still workin' on it) The Scots and Vikings are still enemies but will the tables turn with this forbidden love?
I'm still doing some research, but I'm just writing for fun and practice. So if I get something incorrect don't be too hard on me C'X but do let me know ^u^
- I do not own any of the characters Brave Characters©Pixar, Httyd characters©Cressida Cowell
In Battle
Fire and dragons filled the dark night sky, attacking and burning down homes from the commands of the vikings. On the ground it was just as bad, the scots clashing with swords and bows against the vikings. Shouts, screams and loud roars could be herd throughout the land of Dun'broch.
"Ok guys stick to the plan."A man with brown messy hair and large leather armor yelled to his friends among the commotion.
"Alright but...Hiccup what if we can't find her?" A big man with short blond hair asked him.
"Oh trust me, we will." Hiccup put his new improved helmet over his head.
'Ah can't just sit inside and dae nuthin' the red haired woman named Merida thought to herself pacing back and forth in a hidden room beneath the castle. She was told, no ordered to stay her with her younger brothers, Harris, Hubert and Hamish. Through the years they sure had gotten taller, but their red curly locks have remained unchanged.
"Tha' it!" she grabbed her bow snatching it from the table along with a few arrows which she slipped into her quiver on her hip. Then walking towards the steps leading to the door.
"Where dae you think yer goin'?" Hamish asked crossing his arms, Humbert and Harris on each side of him.
The princess stopped in her tracks, her flaming red hair dangling in her face. "Out...outside."
"Father ordered us, especially ye to stay here!" protested Harris nodding his head and placing a hand on Hamish's shoulder.
"Boys, ye can't possibly expec' me to stay here and dae nothin' while the kingdom is bein' attacked by those..those BARBARIANS!" she slipped her bow over head.
"An' if they think they can keep me here, they've got another thing a comin'!" She made her way to the door as her brothers tried to argue and change her mind. Merida turned around, "Ahm' sorry boys, Ah'll be back...hopefully." she left leaving her brothers alone.
She ran through the halls escaping outside, where it looked worse than it sounded. Her blue eyes widened in shock, fire seemed to blaze everywhere there where women trying to get the fire while injured men where dragged across the field. It was a terrible sight, more me and woman ran pass her almost knocking her over, recovering her self she shook her head the in a swift movement she drew her bow with an arrow. She walked along the stone wall and behind a wheelbarrow of metals and tools, she aimed at the sky and as soon as a dragon flew by she let her arrow fly. It hit it's target, a dragon with a thick tail but small wings crashed and slid to a stop.
As Hiccup flew above looking at the ground for red fire-like hair moving through the chaos, which he knew would be the princess. He was about to fly higher when Toothless stopped suddenly, a dragon falling from the sky. "That's 5.." he mumbled as he shook his head, he patted his flying friend signaling to land.
Hiccup jumped of his dragon with a swift step, observing the downed dragon which was in fact a gronckle, which rider was no where to be seen.
Merida smirked slightly, "Got em'" she then raised her bow again, but this time aiming to hit the person who stood beside it. She pulled her bow string back to her cheek then let it go, but just as she did this black dragon pushes the man out of the way. She smacked her knee in frustration pulling another arrow from her quiver.
"Ooof!" Hiccup quickly remove his helmet, "What was that all about bud?!" he turned his head instantly noticing the red hair and his eyes widened as she let another arrow fly directly at him. He rolled away the arrow just skimming his armor, he jumped up and behind the dead gronckle.
Just as Merida was about to take aim again he was gone, she looked around but it was hard to see, many people where running past almost knocking her over, she slumped down by the wall breathing heavy.
Hiccup had found her, the princess! He thought of how he was going to do this, the plan was to kidnap her, take her as prisoner, but he can't do that with her king and screaming. There was only one thing to do...take her out.
"Alright we go.."he breathed deeply, this wasn't even his idea to do this, but his dad seemed to have forced it upon him to do this, Stoik wants what the scots have not given to him as well as his beautiful wife and Hiccup's mother which life was brung to an end by the scots.
Before he could even stand up, a blond haired woman ran up to him her face dirtied and rough from all that was going on. "Did you find her?" she asked in a harsh voice.
Hiccups nodded nudging his head up over the gronckle, "I'm thinking we knock her out, it'll make every thing easier, I'll take her back to Berk in the prison and you can go round up the others...ready?"
"What are we waiting for?!" she nodded then wen around the dragon and stayed in the shadows.
Hiccup slipped his on helmet and set his sword ablaze, then charged right at her thinking he can distract her and Astrid can go in and knock her out.
Merida quickly rose drawing her bow, he was to close and smack it away, it slid across the ground. She dodged the man's strike and rolled under the wheelbarrow then picked up a sword that laid inside it, blocking the man's next shot.
They went at it for a good 60 seconds, Merida's dress had ripped multiple times at the bottom as well as her sleeves. Till finally the princess struck Hiccup's side he bend down in pain. Just as Merida raised her sword to finish him..
Merida hit the ground, out cold.
Astrid tossed her axe from one hand to the other with ease and a devilish grin upon her face, she flipped the princess over with her boot lightly. "Out like a light.."she said.
Hiccup recovered himself, a small cut through his armor, which did get through to his skin but not too much. "What took you so long? I thought-"
"Well you though take her and lets get outta here." she whistled loudly, so loud in fact it almost made the young man's ears go numb. Her dragon flew down and Astrid wasted no time hopping on top of it."I'll tell the others.."
Hiccup straitened up, then looked down at the unconscious princess, "What have I gotten myself into.." he mumbled.
Note: Alrighty!~ End of chapter 1 c: I hope yall liked it, I love feedback :D What's going to happen to Merida? and why has the Vikings decided to capture her? What for? ~ c:
((sorry it's so short, I have a very busy schedule, and a lot on my plate, but the next chapter will be out soon...stay tuned ^u^ ))