So if I did it correctly (cross my fingers and hope it works), if you go to your search bar on Facebook and type in iAltoSax or IAltoSax (I'm not sure if it matters) it should be the first page that pops up. It'll have the same photo that I have as my profile picture on here and the cover is the map of Erebor. At the moment it is blank cause I'm still getting used to how it works, but I will definitely keep everyone updated on what's going on with stories (both fanfiction and original) and be sure to post more when I get used to how the page works. ^^ Thank you everyone! I didn't expect such quick and positive responses! It makes me really happy how nice and supportive you all and I thank you all so very much! Just like in the previous this won't stay a part of the story for too long, just long enough for people to have read and later I'll add just what to search for in the search bar.

I hope it doesn't seem like I'm forcing anyone to like the page. If you don't want to that's perfectly fine as well ^^ I don't want to make it seem like I'm just pushing it so hopefully it doesn't come off that way and no one gets upset at me. Thank you again everyone!

Lots of Love,
