You know one of the best things about having a Super-Soldier for a boyfriend?
The stamina.
Thanks to James Buchanan Barnes, I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep. The few times I did manage to fall asleep for a bit, I was woke back up by a very aroused, and an incredibly handsy Bucky. Not that I'm complaining really.. Several orgasms in one night does wonders for a girls mood - even when sleep deprived.
But god damn, I'm definitely feeling the strain of being worked by someone twice my size.. Not that it's a bad sort of pain, more of a pleasurable dull ache than anything else.
I was definitely figuring out that I had some masochistic tendencies.
The sun had yet to peak up over the horizon, leaving the early morning hours eerily quiet as the snow outside muffled most of the noise from the surrounding forest. Bucky was laying down on his stomach, half of his face obscured in the plush pillow under his head. The blankets stopping just above his delicious, toned backside, hiding it from view. He was still very much tantalizingly naked.. just tempting me to reach out and stroke down the strong muscles of his back.
I had rediscovered a bit of modesty a bit ago and pulled James' large t-shirt over my head. It fell down to mid-thigh and hung off one of my slender shoulders, leaving the slightly cool air to nip at my skin as I sat up next to James, watching his face.
He was resting peacefully, so peacefully in fact I was almost convinced he was sleeping.
He was just relaxing though.. Waiting to pounce and ravish me all over again.. Making me scream his name, over.. and over.. I couldn't help the shudder that raced down my spine, tickling my senses and making heat pool into the apex of my thighs once more.. And just from the mere thought of it...
Fuck, he's ruined me. Now I'm sex-crazed for him. Fantastic.
"James?" My voice was soft, but still too loud in the muted atmosphere. I was almost afraid my words would violently break the peaceful silence, like shattering glass.
He hummed in the back of his throat in response, I took it as an okay to continue, though, I was still slightly afraid to. I didn't want to mess up this moment, to ruin what we had going on. This was a rare occasion for us.. We were both so relaxed and at ease with each other. I didn't want it to ever go back to the way it had been before. Not now that we had crossed the intimacy line. Hell, we hadn't just crossed it, we had vaulted over it and kept on going.
Despite my fears, I knew I needed to buck up and grasp onto my courage. You've got this, Katarina! Don't be a coward, that's not who you are.
"Do you think.. " I swallowed thickly. No, that's not right.. ughh.. fuck! Just blurt it out, gods! "Are you going to give Steve a chance?" The sentence was practically one very long word with how quick I rushed the words out of my mouth.
I felt like I was waiting on baited breath as the silence one again stretched between us. Seconds feeling more like minutes. I couldn't help but wonder if he was honestly mulling over his answer or trying to figure out what the fuck I had even said. Good job Katarina, A-freaking-plus.
Finally, his gorgeous blue eyes opened to look at my face as I sat there, half tucked under the blankets next to him.
"For you, yes." His voice was nothing more than a gravely relaxed grumble.
Holy shit, I had fucked the Winter Soldier into being reasonable!? This was one of those moments of the ages, I was sure. Honestly kind of glad no one was around to document it.. This would be a weird section in a history book.
Smiling, I shifted closer to him, watching him closely for any signs of movement. He stayed perfectly still, his eyes following to watch me close the gap between us. Swinging my leg over, I straddling his ridiculously amazing ass, my hands instantly finding purchase on his broad back. The muscles were tense, his flesh heated. I caught the curious look he sent me over his shoulder, but ignored the silent question. I was going to let my actions do the talking this time. I wasn't going to let my knack of rambling ruin this time together.. This.. change between us.
For as long as I had known James, I had, had the insatiable urge to just touch him.. And now that he had all but vaulted over what I was officially calling 'the intimacy line' and thoroughly fucked my brains out - I was going to touch him all I wanted.. within reason of course.
After all, the man is still a loose cannon.
My loose cannon.
Pressing my fingers firmly into the curve of his lower back I started kneading the taught muscles, easing the tension and strain slowly but surely. I just barely caught the slight hitch in James' breath as he realized what I was doing and I couldn't help but grin broadly, fully pleased that I had obviously surprised him.
As much as I wanted to enjoy the moment, even gloat a bit and ask him if he was enjoying himself.. I didn't want my cheeky sass to make him stop me. I was more than content to just massage his overworked muscles and enjoy the closeness of his body. This was an entirely different level of intimacy, and I craved it as much as I craved the feeling of him thrusting into me.
As I worked further and further up his back, I noticed the slight change in his posture and overall aura that he always seemed to give off. He was relaxing under my hands, practically sinking into the mattress as his eyes fell shut once again. This was better than I could have hoped for and my heart practically stuttered in my chest. He.. he trusted me enough to relax with me... Holy shit.
It seemed that today was a day full of surprises.
The realization that James trusted me was staggering.. and I was a bit awestruck. This powerful, paranoid, vulnerable and broken man.. Trusted me. My head felt like I had gone ten rounds on a roller-coaster with lots of loops. Attempting to focus, I turned my attention to the important topic of the early morning.
"When are you going to call Steve?" I probed softly, trying to keep the mood light.
Without any warning, James suddenly rolled, sending me toppling off of his back and back into the center of the plush bed. Before I could right myself and send him a well deserved glare for startling me, he was moving. He was off the bed in one swift and fluid movement, baring his gorgeous and very naked form to my eyes once more. When he moved like that, he reminded me more of a jungle cat than a man. Turning, he met my gaze, his hair tousled, and his stubble looking a bit more pronounced than it had the day before. He looked.. wild.
James' eyed me, slowly, making me shift under his gaze and forget the fact that I was going to yell at him. What was he thinking? He was looking at me as if we hadn't just fucked like rabbits, but he really, really wanted to. I decided I really liked that look.. It made me feel beautiful and wanted. Like I was on top of the fucking world and nothing could possibly tear me down.
Moving forward, he scooped me off the bed and into his toned arms easily, leaving me nothing to do but obediently wrap my arms up and around his neck.
"Where are we going?" The air was a bit too chilly for my tastes. It was biting at my bare legs and arms, making goosebumps appear across the pale expanse.
"Shower." Was his simply stated answer.
Wait. Hold the phone..
We were going to shower.. together?! Like.. Together-together?! Right now?!
Fucking, fuck.. My brain officially felt like it had been turned upside down.. I was way happier than I should be by the news. A shower with James?! Sign me the fuck up.
I don't know what I exactly did to rack up so many good karma points in a row, but whatever I did.. I'm really glad I did it.
I tried not to let my overly eager feelings show on my face.. Instead opting to keep what I hoped was a cool, neutral expression on - much like James' adorned all the time.
In a matter of seconds, James had the both of us in the bathroom and I was once again standing on my own two feet. The expensive tile was icey under my feet and I had to resist the urge to shift from one foot to the other as James gathered towels and turned the water to what I hoped was a very hot temperature.
The shower was definitely big enough to fit the both of us, and quite comfortably considering James' large bulk.. Suddenly, I was hit with fresh nerves as he closed the space between us once again, his naked form both enticing and intimidating. It wasn't because I didn't want it, or I didn't want this moment with him.. It was just the realization of how far we had come and how much I now had to lose...
How far I could fall...
The irony of my thoughts just a few minutes prior wasn't lost on me.. One look had sent me soaring to the top of the metaphorical world.. And now, now my own insecurities were sending me plummeting back down to Earth.. To reality.
We had come a long way from James trying to kill me in that back alley in Washington D.C.. We had crossed mental and physical barriers.. We had crossed oceans together. And now here we were, in some upscale cabin in Sweden.. about to share our first shower together.
Things were definitely getting a bit surreal. It had been far past my hopes to even kiss this man.. let alone share a bed together.. and now... Now we were doing normal, average, couple stuff. All the while, being hunted by Crossbones who just a few days ago had used explosives as some weird-ass version of foreplay and James had promised to kill all of Hydra. For me.
Fate had a strange sense of humor.
James' hands smoothing up my thighs sent every thought that wasn't of him flying out of my head. Shifting, I met his intense, burning gaze with my own startled eyes. The subtle quirk of his mouth told me that he knew I had been lost in my own thoughts.
"As much as I like how you look in my shirt..." His fingers played with the hem of said shirt lightly before he pulled it up and over my head before I could even somewhat prepare myself. The playful tone of his voice sent my heart hammering against my ribs, threatening to split my chest open in front of him.
The cold bit into my skin from every direction, my nipples tightening from the air and the look on James' face as he once again drank in my appearance almost languidly. His eyes darkened as lust overtook those sapphire depths once more.
Oh boy.
With a subtle, but sharp intake of breath, Bucky took a hold of my upper arm and guided me into the shower ahead of him.. I couldn't help but smile at him, always manhandling, always pushy.. Realizing that some things wouldn't change, despite how things progressed between us, was oddly comforting and it helped ease my nervousness at being naked in very exposing lighting. Though, to be fair, I doubt the dark bedroom had hindered James' vision at all. I wasn't sure if that made me feel better, or worse.
He certainly had nothing to be ashamed of, the man was a Super-Soldier, he was built like some dark-haired fucking Adonis. Me? I was average.. I had too many freckles, several new scars and.. I stopped short as I caught a glimpse of my hips.
I had a few new bruises to add to my fading collection.
Love bites littered my chest and I imagined my neck and shoulders as well.. Hand shaped bruises decorated either side of my hips and thighs. Meanwhile, I hadn't left a single lasting mark on him. My scratches had healed and faded already, my own bite marks long gone. He really wasn't fair... not at all.
I sent him a quick, playful glare, which he caught as I pointed to the particularly fun bruises on my hips. Smirking, he moved forward and pushed me under the surprisingly strong shower spray. The water was nirvana.. Just hot enough to jar my senses and immediately start easing the tension in my back. Closing my eyes, I tipped my head back, letting myself unwind and forget my insecurities as well as my fears. I could do this... I could do this! This was James.. The man that had seen me at some of my all time worst moments. The man that was so fucking tough and yet.. he managed to be vulnerable with me. I could be vulnerable with him too.. Not just emotionally.. But physically too.
James' arms wrapped around my midsection as he slid up against me, joining me under the over-sized shower head. I didn't quite think it was possible for Bucky to feel any warmer than he already did, but the water heated up his already ridiculously hot body temperature, practically making him scalding as he fit so perfectly against my own frame.
Bucky didn't stay stationary for long, forcing me to open my eyes to figure out what he was doing.
Grabbing the shampoo bottle, he poured the liquid into his large palm before he shifted his eyes to catch mine in a purposeful gesture.
"Step forward."
Too curious to argue, I did as I was told.
Bucky shifted around to stand behind me, his chest molding against my back as he nudged me completely out of the spray with his body. All the while, tangling his hands into my hair, working the shampoo into the fiery strands with precision that was honestly surprising. His fingers felt ridiculously good as he massaged my scalp and worked through tangles he had created earlier in the night. Letting myself relax, I leaned back against him, tipping my head back for easier access. Oh gods.. a girl could definitely get used to this.
Biting my lip, I willed myself to remain still as he shifted me backwards to rinse my hair. He was very careful, and I found that this was another one of those things that James was just naturally good at.. much like everything else. His fingers worked through my hair like it was second nature, he was methodical and worked with the utmost care.. His actions settled hard into my chest, finding a home with everything else he did, into the deepest, darkest parts of my heart.
Once I was sure all the shampoo was out of my hair, I stepped out of his arms, willing the surge of almost hysterical emotion back down into the depths it had come from. Now wasn't the time to get all lovey-dovey and mushy. I would not ruin this.. I would not push too hard too fast. I was going to take whatever he wanted to give me.. whenever he wanted to give it.
Turning around to look at him, I shot him my own purposeful look, trying to show him with my eyes what I wanted.
"My turn." I demanded, itching to be able to run my fingers through his hair in a more casual setting. Sure.. I had pulled said strands enough in the last several hours.. but I wanted more. A lot more. I was greedy for him, I wasn't going to deny that.
He raised an eyebrow at me, amusement flashing in his gaze.
"And how are you going to accomplish that?" He gestured between the two of us with a finger, drawing attention to the blatant height difference as I stared up at him.
Shifting to the side, closer to the shower wall, I gestured for him to switch positions with me. Slinking forward, he did as I asked, moving forward while I moved back until the spray of the shower was once again beating against the tired muscles surrounding my spine. His eyes were locked onto my own as he gazed down his nose at me, a Soldier at the ready.. just waiting for my next command.
"Bend." I tried to keep the bossy tone, but the unspoken 'please' practically bled into my voice.
Sending me a rather mischievous look, Bucky slowly kneeled down in front of me.. a lot lower than I expected him to. His large hands caught my hips as his face leveled with my sternum, his warm breath fanning against my skin causing my brain to short-circuit. I knew then with almost ridiculous certainty, that James was a fucking tease... and a good one when he set his mind to it.
He smugly caught my eyes once more as he lifted the shampoo bottle to hand to me, his stubble scraping across the seemingly overly-sensitive flesh of my stomach as he leaned to press a kiss to the bottom of my rib-cage, purposely scraping his stubble-covered cheek against my skin. Swallowing hard, I gathered an adequate amount of shampoo into my palms, moving to lather it into his dark hair.
All the while I worked, trying to put as much care into the task as I could, while being mindful of getting any on his face - James worked twice as hard to distract me. He placed too-soft of kisses across my rib-cage and in between my breasts, almost ghosting before suddenly taking a quick nip with his teeth, sending me hissing and shifting forward against him.
"James." I growled in warning.
He chuckled in response, not the least bit apologetic.
Narrowing my eyes, I stepped out of his reach and pointed at the water.
"Rinse." I demanded, trying to ignore the fact that I was once again wet and aching for him.
Standing up smoothly, he leaned forward just enough to invade my space.
"Yes ma'am." The ghost of his Brooklyn accent tickled the shell of my ear as he brushed passed me, sending me shivering and struggling to contain my groan of want.
Fucking hell! This man was literally going to kill me.. Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes.. The Winter Soldier.. secret fucking lady killer.. Bet he used to get all those dames back in the day. Honestly, at this point, it wouldn't be surprising.
I sent another glare his way as he tipped his head back under the water. I couldn't help but follow the trail of water as it slid down the strong chords of his neck, down onto his firm, broad chest... Over the sinful ridges of his abdominal muscles and -
Tearing my eyes away I focused on the opposite wall, trying to will my mind from wandering back to the naked and wet God standing behind me.. Thor be damned.. I had seen the supposed straight-up-out-of-Norse-Mythology God on television back during the battle of New York.. and Bucky definitely gave him a run for his money.
Large, heated hands suddenly gripped onto my shoulders, pulling me carefully backwards until my back was resting against his chest. Adjusting slightly, he suddenly had our vanilla body wash in his hands, he idly waved it in front of my face so I could see his intentions.
"Don't move." He breathed, his voice thick and hot as his breath tickled the shell of my ear once more.
Swallowing hard, I nodded.
Oh yeah, piece of cake. Noooo problem.
Confident that I wasn't going anywhere, he poured the soap into his hands, rubbing them together to create a rich, foamy lather. He moved slowly and teasingly.. Starting on the slope of my neck, he followed the natural curve of my body. He glided down my shoulders, over my arms, and then back up my sides before gliding across my stomach and up to my breasts, cupping them firmly.
Tensing lightly, I willed myself to stay perfectly still as he toyed with my nipples, twisting and pulling until standing still became a chore. Groaning, I shifted lightly, trying to ease the growing ache between my thighs. It was barely a move - but he noticed. With a reprimanding twist, he harshly pulled on the hardened peaks, pulling a surprised cry from my mouth. Pleasure bled with pain, and my confused body just grew more heated. I liked him rough.. I liked him demanding.
"What did I say, Katarina?" His voice was a low, amused rumble. His low tone vibrated through his chest into my spine, sending a new surge of arousal straight into my core.
"Don't move." I repeated, breathlessly.
Humming in the back of his throat, he shifted us back just enough that we were both under the hot spray of the shower once more, rinsing the soap from both our bodies. Once he was satisfied, he moved the both of us forward once more. The shower had grown foggy with the steam, it created an almost other-worldly atmosphere. Everything was so muted, so isolated out here in our snow covered cabin that the added in thrum of the steady shower beating down behind us and the swirling steam surrounding us.. This moment was almost dream like..
If this was a dream, I never wanted to wake.
His metal hand glinted in the soft light as his fingers ghosted down my sternum, over my stomach, and between my thighs, cupping me firmly, ripping a strangled groan from my lips.
"Are you going to behave?" He questioned mercilessly, no doubt feeling how slick for him I was already.
Not willing to risk my voice shaking, I simply nodded again, arching into his touch almost wantonly.
"I can't hear you." He teased, nipping at my ear.
"Yes!" I rasped, my voice huskier than I thought it would be. I was practically shaking with the effort to remain still, every nerve ending felt too sensitive.. my skin just too tender. I was attuned to his touch, and I god damn needed more of it.
Parting my folds, he slid a single metal digit deep into my pussy, stroking the sensitive walls almost lazily, sending my knees shaking and my lust soaring. A second finger joined the first as his teeth sunk into the juncture of my neck and shoulder, sending me wobbling back against him. Sliding his other arm around me for support, he gripped onto my opposite shoulder, holding me steady and upright against him. His thumb swept idle little patterns against the skin of my arm, making my mind dizzy as his metal fingers worked a different tempo on my insides.
My hands shook at my sides, gripping at air as I resisted the urge to reach up and grip onto the strong forearm across my chest. His onslaught of attention didn't stop there, his mouth.. as dangerous as any other part of him started peppering kisses across the length of my shoulder and onto my neck. Humming thoughtfully, he bit down onto the slope of my neck, leaving a perfect impression of his teeth in bruise form pulling a hiss from my already clenched teeth. He soothed with his tongue, licking almost lewdly up my neck before adding a small little nip to my earlobe as he sunk his fingers particularly deep inside me sending my head crashing back against his strong, supportive shoulder.
With an amused chuckle, he pulled back away from me, leaving me frustrated and shaking in his absence. Oh hell no.. No, no, no!
Growling, I whipped around, grabbing ahold of his firm length before he could so much as take another step backwards away from me. Hissing through his teeth at my rather bold move, his intense, almost feral gaze found mine. His gaze was like a maelstrom of emotions, his gaze was heated, but the color was all but gone from his eyes, taken over by the empty black of his blown pupils. Pure, unadulterated lust burned like a city on fire behind his eyes, but there was a sense of desperation there too.. and a shine of surprise at how I had turned things around.. The tick in his jaw was back as he clenched his teeth hard, accenting the strong line of his jaw and the more pronounced shadow of facial hair.
Narrowing my eyes slightly, I stepped closer, stroking the length of him as I did so. My thumb firmly stroking over the head of his arousal in a slow, circular pattern, brushing the sensitive underside firmly with every downward turn.
I watched as his stormy, cobalt-blue gaze darkened further as a violent sort of longing spiraled through his gaze. With another pump of my hand, I moved into action - choosing to just let my instincts guide me before I lost the courage to do what I wanted. Dropping to my knees in front of him, I glanced up to see his reaction, the slight widening of his eyes proved that I had once again surprised him.. But that slight hitch in his breath told me that he wasn't displeased with this new direction.. the twitch of his hands told me he was getting impatient with me being in control, however. Gathering my courage, I leaned forward and swiped my tongue on the underside of his cock, dragging slow and firm.
His metal hand surged upwards, tangling into my hair and gripping hard. The grip was meant to both pull me away, and move me closer, as if he was conflicted about what he wanted more in that moment.. To be in control, or to have my mouth wrapped around his length, letting his length sink to the back of my throat.
Stamping down the last bit of my nerves, I took him into my mouth, swirling my tongue around the tip before scraping my teeth just barely across the sensitive head. The grip he had on my hair was almost painful as I relaxed my mouth and throat to take more of him, humming just lightly to create what I hoped would be a nice vibration as I gripped onto the base of him harder, eager to see him unravel.
James growled lowly, his control snapping.
With a rough yank, I was up and off my knees, facing down a very aroused Super-Soldier that had lost his patience with our foreplay. Guess that's the end of today's experimenting.. His impatient and dominate nature just couldn't let me be in control for long.. even if it was all for him.
His hands found the side of my face as he pulled me up onto the tip of my toes and crushed his mouth against mine, stealing the breath straight from my lungs as his tongue swept over my bottom lip before his teeth sunk into the tender flesh, pulling a gasp from my mouth and offering him what he wanted. Without quarter, his tongue swept into my mouth, curling against my own, pulling mine into a dance of dominance - one I was sure to lose. He nipped and plundered, taking what he wanted. His fingers were bruising as he curled around to the back of my neck, keeping me in place. He was all teeth and tongue, all desperation and hunger.
Flicking his tongue playfully against mine one last time, he ended the kiss, turning instead to pepper kisses down my jaw and towards my neck. Moving quickly, he bent low and took a nipple into his mouth, sucking sharply. Arching my back into him, gasping, my hands wound into his hair before I fully comprehended what I was doing. With a low growl, he scraped his teeth against the sensitive peak, pulling a sharp moan from my mouth as my knees weakened and wobbled.
Pulling back slightly, he gave a quick nip to the underside of my breast before turning and letting his nose skim along my sternum as he found his way back up the side of my neck to my ear.
"Arms around my neck." He demanded huskily.
Reaching up, I wound my arms tightly around his neck as his hands came down to grasp the back of my thighs, fingers harshly digging in. In one swift motion, he had me up and off my feet and against the shower wall, holding me firmly in place. He met my gaze evenly, a certain edge of dark mischief present in his gaze - a look I had come to know very well over the last several hours. A look that meant nothing but sweet, delicious, torture.
I wasn't having any of that! Not right now! Not after all of this. I wanted him inside me, and I wanted it now.
Carefully, I unwound one arm from around his neck, being sure to hold steady with the other as I reached down between our bodies and grabbed onto his length. He seemed to know exactly what I was doing as he angled his hips back just enough for me to to line the head of his dick up against my entrance, but he wouldn't give me what I wanted, just kept me poised right above what I needed most in this moment.
His dark gaze was heated and primal, and I almost had trouble meeting him as I begged with my eyes. The Winter Soldier was merciless, even like this. Especially like this.
"James." I breathed, my voice barely above a whisper as I wiggled my hips against the wall.
"What, doll?" That frustrating, rare smirk was back on his features. The back and forth of his varying moods affected him even now, in these kind of situations. The constant tug-of-war between the two vastly different sides of who he was.. It was something you had to get used to in every sort of interaction with him.. The crazy degree of just how fast things could change in less than a second.
I scowled again.
"You know what!" I snapped impatiently, my own control dimming down low.
"Tsk, tsk.." He teased, leaning in to run his tongue over my bottom lip and then down my jaw, nipping lightly. He had long since figured out that I liked when he bit me.. whether playfully or more firmly.
Shuddering in his arms I groaned and grasped onto him harder, pulling a hiss from his clenched teeth as he shot me a frustrated look. Steeling his shoulders, he gripped the back of my thighs a bit more roughly, his fingers digging hard into the soft flesh.
"Tell me what you want." He baited.
I bit my tongue, glaring at him.
This man was going to be the death of me, I was sure... That is, if it was possible to die from being sexually frustrated. Then again, if that was true.. I would have died many, many weeks ago.
"Come on, Katarina.." His deep voice grumbled, sinfully. "Do you want me to make love to you?" He whispered lowly, an eyebrow raising in question. "Or do you want me to fuck you?" His tone had dropped extra low, turning into gravel as he studied my face with those maelstrom-like eyes.
Now there was a sentence I had never expected to come from his mouth... Who knew that this quiet, stoic man was capable of such.. tempting vulgarity. Swallowing hard, I clenched my eyes shut tightly. Taking a long, deep breath through my nose, I tried to sooth my racing heart before I once again looked up through my lashes to meet his eyes.
"Fuck me, please."
I didn't care how wanton I sounded, I didn't care how utterly debauched this entire situation was.. I just needed James. I was so fucking wet I was sure I was ruined. Ruined for the rest of eternity, ruined in the best and worst possible way. I had an ache that I was sure was never going to leave, an ache that only he could fill and satisfy. A deep rooted sort of need that didn't leave and grant me peace until he was pushed so deep inside of me that I was sure he was hitting my cervix, until I was seeing stars and every nerve ending in my body was burning, until I wasn't sure where he began and I ended. And if the way he was grinding his teeth was any indication.. he was suffering the same fate I was.
Growling in appreciation, he grasped onto my wrist and pulled it up and back onto his shoulder, until I was gripping onto him tightly. Once he was sure I had a good grip, his normal hand wandered back down to my thigh, grasping to mirror it's metallic twin. With a sharp intake of breath, he moved impossibly quick, his hands left my thighs to bruise my hips once more as he quite suddenly pulled me down onto him as he surged upwards, burying inside of me in one smooth stroke - ripping a shriek from my mouth as my senses were suddenly overloaded with nothing but him as he filled me so completely I felt like my brain was going haywire.
With a long, drawn-out pull of his hips, he manhandled me like I was nothing more than a doll as he pulled out of me once more until nothing but the head of his arousal was left inside of me, leaving me aching and whimpering.
I didn't have to wait for long.
For as slow and leisurely as he pulled out, he thrust back inside of me brutally, bruising my insides in a way that blended pleasure with pain and set my nerve endings on fire. Without proper thought, I tipped my head back, exposing my throat to his ravenous mouth. He nipped and sucked, creating more of a war-zone on my throat than I already had. All the while he kept his pace. He pulled out slow and easy, leaving me both wanting and full of anticipation as I waited for the hard thrust of his hips as he buried back inside me. Again and again, until I was sure his intention was to make me forget every word except his name.
My toes curled as the coil deep in my core pulled tighter and tighter with each passing moment. Digging my nails into his shoulders, I held on the best as I could - even as my legs startled to tremble as the aches from before amplified. I was thankful then for how light I must feel to Bucky for him to be able to keep the both of us upright and semi-comfortable as he fucked me hard against the shower wall, my back scraping against the wet, warm tiles as he drove into me over and over - stealing my sanity away one thrust at a time.
His name spilled from my mouth more times than I could count, it had become my mantra in that moment, the only thing that I knew inside my brain asides from the overwhelming pleasure he onslaught my body with. He left me so undeniably full every time he pulled me back down onto him that I had a feeling I was always going to be left wanting when he wasn't inside me. Always anxious for the next time we could be connected like this again.
He had certainly corrupted my world with his touch - he had practically branded me with it. We weren't healthy, neither of us screamed 'functional human being', but like this.. together.. together we could feel whole.. Feel alright with the world that had tore bits and pieces away from us. Feel alright with the fact that we were so utterly broken that this was the only time we felt so high on life that nothing could touch us.
Bucky's thrusts turned erratic, he had lost the patience to be slow and teasing when he pulled out of me. Instead he was thrusting with reckless abandon as he neared his peak, pulling me right along with him. For the first time since our long night had started, we reached orgasm at the same time, both of us stumbling over the edge together as we came undone at the seams. I wasn't sure where I ended and he began.. With one last pull of his hands, he practically snarled as his release washed over him, pulling a sharp scream from my throat as my own followed quite suddenly.
My legs felt like jello as he slowly pulled out of me, releasing me to stand on my own two feet, his hands helping to stabilize me. His gaze was soft, relaxed even as he gazed down at me with a sort of fondness that he had never granted me with before. Sure, I could blame that momentary blip of tender emotion on the fact that we had just quite literally fucked ourselves silly - but I wasn't going to. Unless James' emotions were out of control, he never showed anything he didn't want to in those heart shattering-blue depths of his..
That look he gave had been purposeful, and for my eyes only. In this moment, I wasn't on Hydra's most wanted list, and James wasn't some ex-Hydra asset. He was James Buchanan Barnes, The Winter Soldier, a man so far out of time it was almost ridiculous. And me? I was just Katarina Elaine Rosewood, an orphan, and an average girl with a foul mouth and a talent for tinkering.
And for right now, that was enough.
I would like to apologize firstly, for how long this has taken me to post. I got a new job two months ago, and the transition was difficult to say the least. I have spent the last two months trying to get used to working as I had been previously unemployed for quite some time. It's a shitty excuse, but I did think about you guys and this story often. I'm hoping to balance my schedule a bit better from here on out with regular updates once again. Thank you to everyone who continued to support me even though I left you guys hanging for a while. I won't be giving up on this story, so don't think for a moment that I've abandoned it or you guys. That isn't going to happen. I love this story so much, and you guys are fucking spectacular.
On another note, anyone been watching Netflix's 'The Punisher' Marvel series? It's sooooo good! I want to watch it again and again, I need more! I've been waiting for this show since they had him appear in Daredevil season 2, and fuckkk, I am not disappointed! Anywho, rambling about Frank Castle aside, I hope you are all enjoying the Holidays thus far. As always, read and review. I really do hope you enjoy this chapter.