Author has written 7 stories for Stargate: SG-1. Hi (Previously Known as JOSS) My Stories Young Love is finally finished. I promise never to take that long again, but i am at University, so it might take a while. Is He the Reason actually has more than one chapter, which I will get written up when my school exams have finished, sorry folks but that is gonna be early July or maybe even longer. I also left it at home, which is two hundred miles away from my curent location, so can't write up anymore. Timing is Everything is a story that came to me after watching The Lost City, when it aired on Sky One in the UK. Different Dreams is a one off thing that i had the idea for after talking to Sam I am (the gate fan. It is and will remeain only one chapter. Unless i get loads of reviews, and maybe i'll consider a sequal You Have Mail is a way for me to incorperate two of my favourite email attachments, i really did get them and laughed my socks off a Bedtimes, scaring the living daylights out of my Mum. New Life is my most recent and i am still in the process of writing it. I promise that none of my characters will ever be killed off as I cried when Daniel died on TV, i also cried at the end of Lost City. I used to go to the same school as Liechtensteinerin, so you have to read her stories as they are great, very weird and slightly manically mad, but great all the same. Amy (Liechtensteinerin) is the one who has provided me with the Russian and Irish, so I can only thank her for that, and bow to her superior knowledge. (She’s smarter than me). Which is why i'm running away from Kent and am moving to Wales. I'm doing a degree in Science and Science Fiction...Cool Huh! Many Thanks for reading this. If you have a werid desireto email me please use (Fran@) |
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