-1AN: Thanks for the feedback and hope you enjoy this chapter. Oh and in this story the SGC has yet to encounter the Ori.


Jack surveyed Shifu and the man who accompanied him.

"Why are you here?" Jack asked reeling in his fishing line.

"We would like you to come with us." The unnamed man spoke first.

"Why and whose your friend?" Jack looked at Shifu.

"My name is Linus." the man smiled at Jack.

Jack looked the man over and decided that he did not like him as Jack had a unpleasant feeling about him.

"Why do I need to go with you then?" Jack asked again.

"Because if you do not then you could destroy everything you hold dear to your heart." Linus spoke still smiling serenely at Jack.

"I would never hurt anyone." Jack snapped sharply.

"You are to powerful and dangerous to remain here." Linus retorted losing his smile for the first time.

"Me dangerous." Jack sarcastically commented "No way".

"Enough, you cannot remain here in this world." Linus growled.

Shifu remained silent, watching the interaction between the Tauri and Linus.


Sam, Daniel and Teal'c surrounded the bed that Jack lay on, watching his chest rise and fall with each breath. Each one waiting for him to wake and come back to them.

Janet walked over and felt Jack's pulse, turning she faced her friends and colleagues.

"He's resting and hopefully when he wakes he'll be calmer." Janet smiled hoping to reassure them.

"And if he's not?" Daniel spoke everyone's fear.

"Then we'll deal with that if it happens." Janet calmly reassured them, hoping that it would not come to that.

The group settled down to wait for their friend, colleague to wake.


Jack surveyed Shifu and Linus, watching them have a silent conversation.

"I wonder if there talking about me?" Jack thought to himself.

Suddenly like switch had been turned on there silent conversation came through loud and clear. Jack kept his face calm and did not betray the fact that he could hear them discussing his situation.

"O'Neill must come with us, we cannot allow him to remain." Linus snapped glaring at the serene Shifu.

"We must allow O'Neill to choose his path." Shifu replied.

"If you do not persuade him that this is the right action then I will take him." Linus glared at the watching man.

Jack stared back at the two ancients and suddenly a phrase popped into his head.

"Hallowed are the Ori."

Linus started, and Shifu waited.

"Well you are not an ancient are you, your something else." Jack asked, not expecting an answer.

"What I am is not important, we demand that you leave with us." Linus snapped moving closer to Jack.

Jack just smiled at the advancing Linus who stopped when Shifu placed a hand on his arm.

"O'Neill we want what is best for you and those close to you." Shifu assured.

"What's in it for you and your friend." Jack asked.

"There is a great change approaching and you are an instrumental for this." Shifu glanced at Linus.

"So it would be best if you where ready and able to deal with this change." Linus slyly smiled.

Jack contemplated his next move did he really want to go with Shifu and the snide Linus, he did not believe that they could force him to go if he did not want to. But who knows what would possibly happen to the others if he did not. Something told him that Linus would use the other members of SG1 to get what he wanted.


"Oh no." Daniel stared at Jack on the bed.

"What?" Sam asked.

"He's glowing." Janet stated the obvious as Jack's body began to glow and pulse with a strong white light.

"Please don't leave." Sam sobbed,

"Sam honey I am not leaving I will be back." Jack's voice spoke from the glowing form.

Sam continued to weep, a glowing tendril reached out and stroked the side of her face.

"Daniel don't touch anything while I'm gone."

Daniel smiled thru his tears.

"Teal'c buddy."

Teal'c nodded his head as no more words where needed from his brother in arms.

"Doc, keep them needles sharp for me."

Janet stifled a snort of tearful laughter.

"General its been an honour."

General Hammond shook his head smiling at his glowing subordinate.

The glowing increased in intensity before disappearing with a whoosh, leaving no sign of Colonel Jack O'Neill behind.


"Welcome Jack O'Neill to the Furling home world."

Jack looked up into the eyes of the speaker.

Smiling green eyes blinked sleeply back.

"A dragon cool." Jack exclaimed.

"Correction my friend a Furling I am."