Disclaimer:Don't own Stargate, wish I did though. But I don't.
A/N:Okay, I'm really not sure about this story. My unofficial beta (little sister) likes it, but I'm not sure. So review! Please please review, and not just because reviews make me happy.
Chapter 1
Katherine Rose O'Neill looked suddenly at the news. "I'm going stateside? Back to a place where there's no sand and more seasons than Wet and Hot?"
Dr. Colonel Michael Watts grinned at his chief surgeon; she had been over here longer than anyone else, going to Afghanistan with the first MASH units and then straight to Iraq when that war had started. He figured the young doctor hadn't been home in at least four years.
"Yes, Kate, you're going stateside. You've been reassigned to work under a Dr. Janet Frasier at the Cheyenne Mountain Complex. But you probably won't be doing much in a mountain that does Deep Space Radar Telemetry, so you also have duties at the Air Force Academy Hospital."
"Cheyenne? I'm going to Colorado Springs?" Kate raised one eyebrow in surprise, she knew all to well what was under Cheyenne Mountain, even though she hadn't been there in at least four years. But still, why would they want, or need, another O'Neill for?
"Yeah, I can't figure it out myself. But you're the new Chief Surgeon of Cheyenne Mountain Complex. Who'd you piss off now? I mean, you're way too good for this kind of assignment." Michael Watts had never been unimpressed with Dr. Kate O'Neill, even when she didn't think about what she was saying or when she got too passionate about protecting her patients. Hell, he even remained impressed with her when she disobeyed direct orders, not that she ever really followed orders anyway. Lucky for her, she wasn't regular Air Force, or even Army. Kate O'Neill had the luck and privilege to be a civilian doctor who chose to work for the military. Even if her luck meant that, she moved from assignment to assignment more often than regular army doctors.
"Well Mike, maybe they think I'm burning out. It's happened to others before," Kate tried to reason, knowing that Mike didn't have the clearance to know that the Air Force had paid her a huge complement. Only the best doctor's s went to the SGC, and apparently, she was now among the best.
"Kate, you're burning up out here, not burning out!" he laughed.
She would have replied, but the helicopters that dominated their lives came. Neither thought of the fact that she was leaving until the grueling 72-hour marathon OR session was over, and the company clerk was telling Kate through her sleep deprived fog, that the chopper was here and she had to leave immediately, she was already three days over due.
A/N2:So? Anybody want to know what happens next? Hit the button and review if you do.