Authors' Note: Well here is Chapter 4, sorry it has take so long. RL got in the way of it and then my account got locked for a week. Not entirely sure why the removed my story In My Arms but oh well. I also got distractedaway from my computer by the two job interviews I have next week!
I want to thank my Beta for taking the time to read all the stuff I send her, but if you find any mistakes they belong solely to me. Enjoy...
New Beginnings
The rest of the week passed in much the same way as the first day. Every morning Sam would make breakfast, Jack would make sandwiches at lunch and they would take turns making dinner. The rest of the day was spent enjoying each others company: fishing, talking and walking in the beautiful Minnesota countryside that surrounded the cabin.
The first morning after Sam and Jack had spent the night together they were worried about what Daniel's and Teal'c's reactions might be to the change in their relationship. They needn't have worried, Daniel simply said that "it was about damn time" and Teal'c raised an eyebrow and said that he concurred with Daniel Jackson. They both sported identical grins for several hours after Sam and Jack's announcement. It was taken for granted that Jack and Sam would sleep in the same room while they were at the cabin as it couldn't be done once they left. Sam and Jack kept to the arrangement they had made, they never did anything but sleep in each other's arms – no matter how tempted they were.
All too soon the end of the week came and the last evening found all of them in the main room, lounging on the furniture. Daniel and Teal'c were in the easy chairs and Sam and Jack were lying on opposite ends of the couch with their legs entangled. They had been talking for hours and had finally hit upon a topic that all of them needed to discuss but none of the wanted to talk about – the future. They all knew changes were coming their way and didn't know how the other's were going to take it.
Daniel finally broached the subject by asking something that had been bugging him since Sam and Jack's announcement, "How are you and Sam going to be together? You are still going to be in the same chain of command."
"Well Danny-boy, that won't be the case for much longer. For some reason known only to the President, the Joint Chief's and General Hammond they have decided that yours truly is the only suitable replacement for General Hammond when he retires at the end of the month."
"That's brilliant Jack, you'll be great at it" exclaimed Daniel.
"Indeed O'Neill, I do not believe that anyone else has sufficient knowledge of the Stargate program to complete the job as proficiently as you will."
"Aw, shucks Teal'c, I'm not that special."
"Teal's right Jack" Sam said, "You know more about the SGC than even General Hammond. You regularly went through the gate, you know what a Stargate team faces out there, and you've experienced it first hand. I for one am glad that you'll be there fighting our corner against the bureaucrats in Washington who have no idea what goes on at the SGC."
"But it's in Washington D.C Sam. That's a long way from Colorado Springs."
"I know how far it is Jack. But even if you were staying in the Springs I wouldn't be here. I put a request for transfer on your desk before we left."
"What? Why? Where?" asked Jack in quick succession.
"I've asked to be transferred to Nellis Air Force Base, Area 51, so that I can be closer to Cassie. You know she's studying medicine at Nevada University and she's finding it hard. Everything is reminding her of Janet and she's away from everyone here and feeling really isolated at the moment. It's not even been18 months since her mom died. Things are finally catching up with her. I want to be there for her, she needs me."
"God Sam. I didn't know she was doing so badly, why didn't you tell us?" asked Daniel.
"She didn't want you guys to know. She was trying to prove that she was an independent and strong woman who could take care of herself. By admitting this to you guys she thought you would all still see her as the little girl we rescued from Hanka all those years ago."
"We all know that she's a grown woman Sam. Admitting she needs help isn't going to change that, if anything it will make us respect her more" said Jack, hurt that Cassie hadn't confided in him.
"I know you say you were never that young but think back to when you were 18. If someone had said that to you, would you have believed them?" Jack slowly shook his head. "She's a headstrong teenager who doesn't want to admit to the most important men in her life that she has weaknesses. But she is gradually learning to let me help where I can. She's so excited at the idea of me moving out there. That is, if you approve the transfer."
"You know I would do anything for Cassie, she's like a daughter to me. Of course you can go to Nellis."
"We're going to be even further apart Jack; Nellis is over 2000 miles from D.C."
"I know Sam, but it's for a good reason. This relationship can work, and will work. You moving to Nellis actually removes another obstacle that would keep us apart. Even though Homeworld Security isn't your direct chain of command it's still the same one. Nellis isn't. We will be together without having rumours about you sleeping your way to the top. The people above know the truth but you know that the average Airman has his mind permanently in the gutter."
"I know" said Sam, giving Jack a soft accepting smile.
"So you and Sam are really doing this? You're going to be together?" asked Daniel, a little surprised that they had openly discussed their relationship in front of Teal's and himself.
Sam and Jack looked at one another. They both nodded.
"As soon as our transfers come through" stated Jack with a smile.
"So, no more General O'Neill or Colonel Carter at the SGC. The place won't be the same will it Teal'c?"
"Indeed it will not Daniel Jackson but I will not be there to witness it. I too am leaving."
"What?" shouted the other three occupants of the room.
"I joined the Tauri in the hope that someday you would help free all Jaffa from the Goa'uld. That day has come and I am needed on Dakara to help the now free nations of the Jaffa to adjust to the changes and work together in harmony. This is a momentous task as there is a deep distrust between the nations and I do not think that anything but my full attention will broker results."
"I'll miss you Teal'c"
"It will not be goodbye Colonel Carter. I will visit and you will be welcomed on Dakara whenever you wish."
"Thanks Teal'c," Sam smiled.
"Yeah T, it won't be the same without you around when I visit the SGC."
"Well since it seems everyone is leaving the SGC I'm no longer worried about how you'll react to my want to join the Dedalus on it's expedition to Atlantis."
"I knew you'd want to go Daniel. I was just waiting for your request to land on my desk. Consider it approved. No one knows more than you about the Ancients so you can go and get you jollies in Atlantis while I'm stuck in D.C."
"Thanks Jack. You don't know what this means to me" gushed Daniel "And D.C won't be that bad. At least you won't be thousands of meters below the surface everyday. I bet you'll get a great view."
"I liked the view just fine Daniel but you're right. I'll get a big office with a view, a pay rise and another star in my shoulder."
"Major General?"
"Yeah, sure, you betcha Sam. You're looking at the future Major General Jonathan O'Neill."
"Congratulations O'Neill"
"Yeah Jack. Like we already said, you deserve it" said Daniel, a small smile playing on his lips.
"Thanks. I guess I always thought Colonel was the end for me. I never imagined becoming Brigadier General, never mind Major General."
They all sat in silence, contemplating the changes that had taken place for all of them over the years of working together. They had been through more than most people could imagine, even in their wildest dreams. But it was finally coming to an end. This was to be a parting of ways for the members of the original SG1. They all knew they would always be friends, they were bound to each other for life but they had to move on and go their separate ways.
Jack suddenly broke the silence by announcing that they needed a toast. They each raised their bottles and waited for Jack to speak.
"We've worked together for 8 years and during that time we've lost people, hell we've even lost Daniel but through it all we had each other. And even though we are going to be in different cities, on different planets and even in different galaxies, we will never be away from one another. We are in each others hearts and minds and all anyone has to do is holler and we'll all come running, no matter the distance. We've grown and changed together and now it's time for the next evolution. So raise your glasses and drink to new beginnings."
The rest of SG1 followed suit and raised their bottles and repeated the toast.
Shortly after it was decided they should head to bed as they had an early morning start if they wanted to be back in the Springs for a reasonable hour of the evening. They all bid each other goodnight and went to their respective rooms.
As Jack and Sam lay together in Jack's bed, Sam turned around to face him, "So we're really doing this?" she asked.
"Yes Sam. We're doing this. Nothing is going to stop us doing this, we deserve this." Said Jack with a determination in his eyes that Sam hadn't seen since he was on SG1.
"Good. I was just checking."
Jack looked down at Sam, "You didn't believe me before?"
"It's not about believing you or not Jack. It's just…this is us. Things have been conspiring against us being together for so long, it's hard to believe we are finally getting our chance."
"I know baby, but this is happening."
Sam looked at Jack with an adorable shocked look on her face and he just look confused at her look.
"Do you know what you just called me?"
"No. What?"
"You just called me 'baby'."
"I did? Huh. I didn't even realise. Don't you like it?"
"No, I do like it. I just didn't think you were a pet name kinda guy."
"Well there are lots of things about me that you don't know and I'm sure there's tons about you that I don't know."
"That's true, but we've got plenty of time to learn about each other." Sam said as she snuggled into Jack's side and closed her eyes.
"I take it that means you want to go to sleep?" asked Jack.
"Yeah, sure, you betcha" Sam mumbled sleepily.
Jack leaned down and placed a soft kiss on the top of Sam's head. "Goodnight baby" he said softly.
"Goodnight Jack"
The journey home, much like the journey to the cabin was uneventful. As before Jack and Sam did all the driving and Daniel and Teal'c sat in the back enjoying the time they had left with each other; time where they didn't have to worry about it being viewed as inappropriate, or being interrupted by some base emergency. They were just four friends coming back off holiday.
All too soon they arrived back in Colorado Springs and it was time to say goodbye. Jack drove to Daniel's house and dropped both Daniel and Teal'c there as it had been decided that the base was somewhere they didn't want to visit right now as it would bring home the changes that were coming.
As Jack grabbed Teal'c and Daniel's bags from the bed of the truck Daniel and Teal'c said goodnight to Sam. Jack put down the last bag and turned to look at the scene in front of him, Sam was enveloped in a bear hug by Teal'c on one side and Daniel on the other. He watched for a moment, taking comfort in the bond between all of them. But, being Jack, he just couldn't leave them to it; he just had to say something.
"Come on guys, let her breath. It's not like you'll never see her again. We have a briefing at 0800 tomorrow."
They separated and Daniel looked at Jack, "It's not the same and you know it Jack, we could never do this on base."
"I know Space monkey but it's spoiling my holiday mood. I'm not back on duty until 0700 tomorrow and I intend to enjoy my final few hours of freedom without being reminded of work."
"Ok Jack, you win." Daniel said as he turned to give Jack a hug.
After hugging Daniel jack jokingly turned to Teal'c and opened his arms to him. To Jack's immense surprise Teal'c moved forward and embraced Jack.
Jack was speechless; Teal'c wasn't usually an affectionate person, except with Sam, Ishta and Ryac.
"Well, ok. I guess we'd better go" said Jack after a few moments. "Come on Sam, it's time to go home."
Sam gave Daniel and Teal'c quick hugs and then followed Jack back to the truck.
Jack pulled up outside Sam's house, cut the engine and turned to look over at Sam. And she just looked right back at him.
"Home, sweet, home" he said. "You sure you don't want to stay at my place tonight?"
"I'm sure. I've got to water my plants and wash all the stuff I took with me to the cabin. I also don't think that it's a good idea for us to arrive together after a week away. You know how Airmen's minds are."
"Ok Sam, if you're sure. But remember, if you need anything you know where I am." With that Jack jumped out of the truck to fetch Sam's bags.
Sam sat in the truck a little stunned, "What did he mean by that?" she thought. Pushing her thoughts aside she climbed out of the truck and walked up to the path and opened her door. Once opened, she turned to watch Jack walk up the path with her bags. He placed them in the hall and turned to leave. He stood outside the door and looked at Sam. He couldn't believe everything that had happened in the last week, it was too much for his mind to process. She loved him. That thought caused Jack to grin widely and he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on Sam's cheek. She shot him a dazzling smile and he walked to the truck and drove away.
Sam closed the door and rested her head against it. The last week closed in on her and she couldn't believe it. They were going to be together, her and him, Jack and Sam, Sam and Jack. No matter how she said it she still couldn't believe it. It was as though her heart didn't want to accept that her dreams had finally come true. She knew that if she wanted to be able to put her soldier face on when she arrived on base tomorrow she had better stop thinking about Jack and actually do the things she had told him she needed to do.
Sam moved away from the door and picked up her bag and walked down into the basement. She opened her bag and separated out her clothes and put the first load into the washer. She stood watching the clothes spin for a few moments before her stomach rumbled and alerted her to her hunger. She went to the kitchen and whipped herself up a pasta meal that she washed down with a mug of coffee. By the time she had eaten, washed up and put away the dishes the first load of washing was completed. She moved those clothes into the dryer and put the next lot in the washer. She set them going and walked back to the kitchen and picked up the watering can. She filled it and began to walk around the house watering and talking to every plant she found. The last room that had plants that needed watering was her bedroom. She opened the door and walked over to the plants and greeted them as she watered. She then turned to walk back out of the room. It was then that she noticed something was missing…damn! She'd forgotten about not having a bed. "What am I going to do now?" she thought. There was no way she was sleeping on the floor again.
Suddenly she had an epiphany. Jack knew she didn't have anywhere to sleep, that was why he'd made that cryptic offer to her. Damn, sneaky man! She couldn't believe she had forgotten and that he hadn't mentioned it. "Oh man" she thought, "They'll be no living with him when I have to admit I forgot". She decided to bite the bullet and pack a backpack with her overnight things. She went to the basement and took the clothes out of the dryer and placed them in a washing basket, she then transferred the clothes in the washer to the dryer and set the program. She didn't want to have to wash them again because she'd left them in the machine over night.
She decided not to call Jack and warn him of her arrival. She wanted to have the element of surprise, since he knew that she had to turn up at some point. She threw the backpack over her shoulder and locked the house. She walked around the side of her house and took the cover of her bike, she removed the padlocks that secured it and her leg over the saddle and started the engine. She pulled her helmet, engaged first gear and drove off.
Soon Sam arrived at Jack's. She pulled up next to his truck and parked the bike. As she was pulling off her helmet she saw Jack open the door, he must have heard the bike. Jack stood watching her and the grin on his face grew larger as she walked towards him.
"I wondered when you'd figure it out," he said, smugly.
"Shut up Jack and let me in," she said as she rolled her eyes at him.
He moved out of the doorway so that Sam could enter.
"Do you want anything before bed?" he asked.
"No thanks, I just want to go to sleep," she said as a yawn broke free.
"Well, you know where the bathroom is. I'll just tidy up and join you."
Sam walked to Jack's room and entered his en-suite bathroom. She changed into her pyjamas and brushed her hair and teeth and then walked back to the bedroom. Jack was already in bed and as he heard the door open he pulled back the covers. Sam dropped her bag by the bed and climbed in next to Jack. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she cuddled into his side, one arm under her head, the other over Jack's chest. Sam knew that it would be hell tomorrow to have to be soldier Sam after spending the night in Jack's arms, but she didn't care. All she wanted to do was take comfort in the love that Jack was giving her. This would be the last time they were together until their transfers came through. They didn't say anything to each other, they didn't need to. They both knew this was the start of something special and as soon as they were allowed they were going to follow their hearts and never let go. It was truly a new beginning.
The End?
Well this seems to me to be a good place to finish the story. If you think I'm wrong then please review and tell me so. I do have a few ideas about where I could take this story if you guys are interested enough but I wouldn't be able to get the chapters very quickly. Please let me know what you think and I'll put a notice on my profile page if I am going to continue the story. Since I am unsure of whether or not I am going to continue I'd just like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who reviewed, you made me want to continue writing. To all of those who didn't review but read my story, thank you, maybe next time you can show yourselves, I really value your input and encouragement.