Hi everyone, thank you for all your reviews! This I thought would be the last chapter but aqm now thinking of adding one more, maybe based about 6 months into the future. Would love to know what you think …..
Sam stood, silently and without a word grabbed her coat.
As she walked towards the front door, Jack stood in protest but she cut him off …"It's um, getting late, I think it would be best if I headed home and we talked about this some other time."
Feeling shocked and a little angry (though he thought that, that was probably not the right word as he could never be angry with Carter) he grabbed her arm. "Sam…" Sam didn't look at him, now totally embarrassed by her all too see trough attempt at escape.
"Sam… Look at me" Sam lifted her eyes and they met his. "I meant what I said, I want you to stay, I don't want to have to hide from this anymore and I know you don't either" He said so matter-of-fact.
Sam had no idea what to say, she was in shock by his totally open admission of how he felt about her, the reality of the situation had well and truly hit her and all sorts of ideas flew around in her head in that instant, why was she trying to leave? Wasn't this what she has wanted for the past ten years? The chance of a normal life with the man she loves, or is it too little too late, have they had their chance and missed it? What about him being in Washington and she being here, What about kids?
And then she said it allowed "What about kids?"
Jack dropped his arm from her's and looked her straight in the eye. "Honestly, I had never thought about it after what happened, but if I do decide to have kids, sorry, if we decide to have kids"…. Gesturing between them…. "Then I could think of no better person to raise them, you would make a wonderful mother Sam"
Sam felt a tear trickle down the side of her face, and Jack was quick to lift his hand to wipe it away, his hand lingered on the side of her face and Sam stood looking at him with her amazing blue eyes. "Come on" he said "I want to show you something"
Jack moved away from her and grabbed his coat that was next to the door, Sam did the same and followed him outside into the cool night air.
She followed him as he walked around to the side of his house and to the base of a ladder that reached up onto the roof.
"Sir.. Jack, Do you think this is safe I mean it's pretty dark" Jack didn't respond, he looked at her briefly and gave her one of those amazing smiles that he only gave her and then he made is way up the ladder ahead of her.
Shaking her head, Sam followed him up the ladder, as she got to the top and peered onto the roof her mouth dropped open, there, on the roof was a small area that was flat, unlike the rest of the sloping roof. It looked to her like it had purposely been flattened, in the tiny little space there was a chair, a blanket and a huge telescope. Pulling her out of her daydream Jack reached his hand down to help her up onto the space, she smiled as he pulled her up and she did a quick turn and took in the view.
"I had no idea you had this up here, you never mentioned it"
"Sure I did" Jack replied so sure of himself.
"Ah no Sir, you didn't"
"Sam!" Jack practically yelled at her as he grabbed both her elbows and spun her towards him "If we are going to make this work you are going to have to start calling me Jack, not Sir, not General just Jack"
Still shocked at his sudden outburst Sam simply nodded and whispered "Jack".
Still looking into her eyes Jack realised that they were having another "moment". A moment that they knew all to well, one waiting for the other to move, or speak or do anything to break the incredible tenstion. Sam spoke. "This is hard…. We still are so uncomfortable with each other but yet so comfortable."
"Yep" was all that Jack could manage whilst gazing straight into her eyes.
Sam moved away and turned her back to him. " I thought that things would be so easy between us, that after everything we had been through that we could just move into this next stage without there being any issues or complications…." She stopped and waited to see if Jack had a response. He didn't, and she continued. "But things are more awkward than before, I find it hard to look at you and not see the General Jack O'Neil that I have reported too for the last ten years, I still see the General Jack O'Neil that gave me both my promotions. If this relationship is ever going to wok I have to some how see past that, and I honestly don't know how"
Listening to her, Jack realised that she was actually terrified of what lies ahead, as he was, but for Sam it was different because she always knew the answers to every question and now he was seeing her in this totally vulnerable position, unlike anything he had ever seen before and this, he realised, was what he loved about her so much. Walking up behind her and standing close enough to whisper into her ear Jack spoke so she could barely make out the words "Sam, you don't have to know the answer to every question, you and I were made for eachother, the things that kept us apart were the very things that we had so much in common…. "Sam" He said, reaching to her shoulders and turning her around "I love you"
At hearing himself say those words Jack instantly felt ten years of tension lift from his shoulders. His eyes were glistening and Sam could see that he was struggling to hold back tears behind his powerful words.
"I love you to Jack"
Unsuccessfully fighting back tears of her own Sam leaned into Jack, and for the first time for as long as she could remember, her mind became completely clear as their lips met in the most soft and loving kiss, a kiss that stood for everything they had been through together and a kiss that stood for everything that was to come.
Jack whispered whilst leaning in to her, his face buried into the side of her neck as he had done on a number of previous occasions, though he had never felt so comfortable. "You see Samantha, at every end, there is a new beginning"