Reviews for Alexia
fanka77 chapter 52 . 9/29/2011
Not bad, not bad at all! So... Where is the sequel?
Ida B. Adilee chapter 52 . 11/21/2007
can you explain to me the part where alex and cian get "invisible"?

i don't understand it, but other than that, your story's AWESOME!

i LOVE the Stargate serieses and i love really good stories about them too
Darkwing333 chapter 52 . 9/11/2006
Oh what an awsome story. I don't think i have reviewed even though i found this story and have been trying to find time to finish it in the last couple months! Anyways it is great! I love the story and characters so much. Alexia and Cian and everybody. AND you even managed to get the couples together in a realistic way. Keep it up and i really hope i get to read a sequel to this story! :D
Apodrru chapter 24 . 8/1/2006
I haven't finished reading this, but I wanted to add my $.02 to say that I think Jack was right in saying that he wasn't a good person to adopt her. She deserves a more stable environment. Maybe you have already decided and I see that this story has many more chapters already written, but just wanted to share my viewpoint.
kahless21 chapter 52 . 7/1/2006
good job. keep up the good work.
SGCFan4ever chapter 52 . 6/3/2006
Aww, I'm sorry to see it end, this was a really awesome story... Good job!
ALIMOO1971 chapter 52 . 6/1/2006
great chapter i please do one more, i would like to know if Jack is going to adopt her, it think it would be great if he could, up date soon please
glolinde chapter 52 . 6/1/2006
In a way, that kinda had to happen. I mean, she had all of the knowlage of the Ancients!

You did a great job! Can you read mine and tell me your opinion?
Grace chapter 51 . 5/21/2006
O! Hurry with the next one!
bluedragon1836 chapter 9 . 5/21/2006
I have been reading your story and think it is very, very good, but there is one thing I would like to point out. Daniel was eight when his parents died, but that is just a picky little detail. Great job with the story!
ALIMOO1971 chapter 51 . 5/20/2006
wow intersting chapter, more soon please
SGCFan4ever chapter 51 . 5/20/2006
Awesome chapter! Ahh! I can't wait to find out what happens next! :D
ALIMOO1971 chapter 50 . 4/15/2006
wow intresting so far more soon, i would like to know what happens next
SGCFan4ever chapter 50 . 4/15/2006
Great chapter!

Please update soon!
Andy from Belgium chapter 24 . 3/25/2006
waw, this is good! I'm completely stunned ; first the lovely alexia and now Kids In Space with Jack&Sam..

loving it,

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