Title: Someone To Watch Over Me Part Nine
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None
Season: Any
Summary: Who knew dressing could be a problem for Sam and Jack!
Disclaimer: I don't own Stargate SG-1, it's universe or characters, so please don't sue. I only own the plot and original characters.
Author's Note: Sorry this took so long! I've been busy with other stories! Please read and review!
Author's Announcement: Also I felt the need to let everyone know that there is another Stargate Fan Award ceremony that will be beginning on March 14th! Go here to check it out (just change the "dot" to a period and you'll be there!): www dot stargatefanawards dot com
"Have you found any dress clothes yet?" Jack yelled from downstairs as he looked for any boxes that had been placed down there by accident.
"I found one sundress!" Sam called back as she continued rummaging though the boxes in the bedroom. She could hear Jack's stomping as he galloped up the stairs. It brought a small smile to her face just thinking about it – he may say that he had bad knees but he sure didn't act like it.
"And look!" Jack breathed as he finally made his way into the bedroom, "It's just my color!"
Sam couldn't help but laugh considering the fact that Jack was wearing a pasta strainer on his head. After a few moments she nodded towards his head, "Nice hat Jack."
Jack reached up and blushed as he found the makeshift hat – he'd forgotten that it was there. He quickly pulled it off and threw it onto the bed; his cheeks still had twinges of red in them. "So does that mean you haven't found anything?"
Sam shook her head, "I've been though at least eight boxes and I haven't found a thing."
"Well there's nothing downstairs – I'll start over in that corner." Jack said as he pointed to the far corner. Sam nodded and she went back to the box she already had half torn up. Jack picked a box and pulled it open – he found an extra large t-shirt with the Simpsons on the top, he moved it over and continued rummaging but suddenly his hands hit foreign territory – well not that foreign – but it had been nearly ten years since the divorce from Sara and he hadn't really seen too many since. He found himself staring into a box full of underwear – women's underwear.
"Jack – did you find anything?" Sam's voice yanked Jack back from his little daydream and he immediately felt guilty – he had seen her underwear before she did.
"Uh – no." Jack replied a little too quickly as he shoved the box out of his hands and turned to another one. Sam cocked her head slightly to one side, as if she didn't fully believe him so he continued, "Just socks so far."
Sam turned back to her box and stifled a laugh – she'd already found the socks, both his and hers. She could only guess what it was that he found, suddenly delighted grunts from Jack's side of the room called her attention. "Bow down to my gifts!"
Sam turned around and found Jack holding up a suit and a small black dress. She smiled at him and nodded at the clothes, "Wow – I'm going to look good in the suit, do you think you have heels that will match the dress?"
Jack smirked sarcastically at her but he'd asked for it – he'd started it, but he didn't know that his 2IC also had such a sick sense of humor. "I'm not sure, it's so hard to find nice pumps in my size."
Sam just shook her head and laughed as she stood and reached for the dress, "I get the bathroom first."
"Why? There aren't any products in there." Jack asked.
"I'm just changing – that's it." Sam smiled as she walked into the bathroom.
Jack shrugged and waited for her to close the door before he started to pull off his shirt, he figured he'd get changed while she was changing.
Sam quickly pulled off her jeans and shirt and pulled the little black dress on. It fit amazingly well, holding to her hips and accentuating them. It also brought out the blue in her eyes. She made a few small turns in the mirror to see the dress from all sides before she opened the door and walked out – what she didn't expect was to find a half naked colonel standing there.
Jack had made quick work of his pants and shirt before he began pulling on the suit. He got the white button down shirt on, unbuttoned of course, before he started focusing on his slacks. He figured that he would have learned in all of his years to sit and put his pants on but no – he had to put them on standing up. He had one leg in and was hopping around trying to get the other in when he heard the bathroom door click open and he spun to find his 2IC standing in the doorway – she looked like an angel with the light glowing behind her.
Finally he managed a small grin, "Hiya."
It took Sam a minute but finally she found her voice to respond, "Hiya."
Jack stood in front of her in nothing but his boxers and an unbuttoned shirt grinning at her. She couldn't help but notice how the shirt moved when he did, flashing her parts of his chest and abdomen. She would never have guessed that he had such defined muscles sitting right below the fabric of his fatigues. His thighs and were defined and muscular – they looked as if they belonged on a twenty-five year old athlete.
"Um…I can explain." Jack said as he forced a small grin. Neither of them could break the eye contact that had occurred between their eyes. Suddenly the sound of the doorbell broke though the house.
"I'll get it." They both said too quickly and headed for the door. It wasn't until they were both standing in front of it that they noticed they had both come – it explained where their heads were at.
Sam opened the door with a smile, "Hello."
"Hello! I'm Frank Guthrie, I live right across from you and I couldn't help but notice the car out front so I thought I'd introduce myself." The man standing at the doorstep was large, just short of six foot but as wide as a football defenseman.
"Nice to meet you." Sam grinned as she shook his offered hand, "My name is Anita Scott…"
Sam shot a quick glance at Jack who was standing just out of view and he decided to walk to the front door, holding his pants up with one hand as he offered the other to Frank, "And I'm Dominic Scott."
Sam bit down a grunt at the sight of Jack standing in the doorway of the house with nothing on but a pair of socks, his boxers and his pants, which in all actuality were down near his knees.
"Nice to meet you too." Frank said as he quickly sized Jack up then turned to Sam to discover her in the dress. "Aw geez, I'm sorry, I'm interrupting something aren't I?"
Sam and Jack exchanged glances quickly before Jack grinned, "What can I say, our first day in our new house…"
Sam felt her cheeks flush three shades of red at what her husband; no scratch that, CO had just said.
"Honey," Sam said through clenched teeth a few moments later, "Why don't you go and finished getting ready."
"Good idea sweetie." Jack nodded and shook hands with Frank one last time before turning to go back up the stairs.
"I'm so sorry! It's just like me to have bad timing." Frank blabbered and Sam raised a hand to silence him.
"Don't worry about it. We were just dressing for a dinner party."
"Oh well, um, I'll let you two go and finish now, then. Finish getting ready I mean…I'll see you later." Frank continued putting his foot in his mouth as he backed down the walkway and headed for the sidewalk.
Sam closed the door and leaned on it, releasing a deep sigh, before Jack's voice rang out from the upstairs, "Well look at it this way, we're a very happy couple!"
Sam couldn't help but burst into a smile as she began climbing back up the stairs. Leave it to Jack to find a good side to a situation like that, although Sam couldn't see any bad side to it at all.
After Thought: So what did you think? Liked it? Disliked it? Let me know and review! Thanks!