AN I've focused on the S/J aspect a bit so this chapter is a wonderful combo. It has Jonas/OFC, D/J, general friendship. Hope you enjoy

Jonas Quinn was usually the last to leave the lecture theatre after his ancient languages seminars. He liked to re-read his notes in the same environment in which he had written them. It helped to make information stick in his head.

As he often did, Daniel had offered to wait but Jonas had persuaded him that he would be done quicker, without distraction and promised to catch up with everybody at home. It was Friday night and so, anybody who wasn't going out would be ordering pizza.

He remained in his seat, as Daniel shut the door behind him. Returning to his notes, he continued to read through the section on the problems with transliteration in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

The door opened again and he looked up at the noise. One of the girls from the seminar was standing just behind the door, scanning the lower rows of benches. After a moment, she realised that the room was occupied; smiling shyly up at him in the third row of seats.

'Hi.' Jonas smiled back at her reflexively, laying down his papers on the desk. 'Lose something?'

'Yeah.' She rolled her eyes at her own absent mindedness. 'I think I left my jacket and it's got my cell in the pocket. I can't even remember exactly where I was sitting. I swear I'd lose my own head if it wasn't screwed on.'

'Don't worry. I'm exactly the same way. I've been known to walk into completely the wrong lecture at times.' Jonas stood to offer his assistance; climbing the tiers to the back row and working his way down.

'You said the phone is in the jacket?' She glanced up.

'Yeah. It's stupid I know – I leave it in the pocket even if I take it off.'

'Well, maybe if we ring it, we'll hear it ring.'

She laughed and tossed her hair out of her eyes as she stood up from looking under desks. Jonas raised his hands in a half shrug.

'Can't hurt to try right?'

She narrowed her eyes playfully. 'And this isn't just a ploy to get my number?' Jonas paused before answering, hoping he wasn't about to make a total fool of himself.

'Would...would that be so bad?' She was silent for a moment, considering him.

'No, I guess that wouldn't be so bad.' Jonas' smile grew, if possible, even wider. She gave him the number and he hit the call button. The phone chirped from the end of the row where Jonas stood. Retrieving the jacket, he brought it down to her. 'Thanks.' She took it from him.

'No problem.' Finding his hands now empty, Jonas shoved them awkwardly into his pockets. 'It's Jennifer, right?'

'Right. Jonas?'

'Yeah, nice to properly meet you.' They shook hands.


'Okay guys, we have Hawaiian, pepperoni, meat medley and plain cheese.'

Carolyn held the pizzas above her head as she navigated her way around the bodies and legs between the door and the coffee table. As soon as she relinquished the boxes there was a flurry of movement as everybody pounced on the food. It was late and there had been no small amount of complaining about the time it had taken for Carolyn and Sam to return from the pizza place. Teal'c took a whole box and set it on his lap, happily tucking in and allowing Cameron one or two pieces of the meat surprise as long as they were small pieces.

Sam collapsed with a groan beside Jonas and grabbed a slice of hawaiian, eating it from the crust inwards.

'I feel like I haven't sat down in ages' Sam rotated her neck, working out the kinks. Janet scoffed.

'You think you've had it bad? Carolyn and I had six hours of lab work today. Standing up the whole time.' Carolyn murmured emphatic agreement from around a mouthful of pizza.

'Well, I've got no sympathy for you girls.' Cam spoke up. 'If you wanted a relaxing time of it, you should have gone for the same option as the language boys here.' He waved toward Jonas and Daniel, the latter of whom gave him a somewhat whithering look.

'Mitchell, I tell you what. The day you can translate one sentence of ...Latin, I will play a game of football or learn how to fix a carburettor.' Cam grinned, pointing a finger at Daniel from across the room.

'I might just hold you to that one day, Jackson.'

Jonas spoke up. 'It's kind of an obsolete point. I mean, everyone is kind of suited to what they do – that's why they took the course. And correct me if I'm wrong but apart from Sam who's kind of half and half; all you guys do fairly practical, hands on subjects. Whereas ancient languages involves mostly reading, and close study.' He continued as Janet opened her mouth to object. 'Don't get me wrong, I know you guys work your butts off, but it's a different kind of study. There aren't many people who could do a whole course with the kind of focused research that languages involves.'

'So why do you do it?' Sam asked him 'What made you decide it was the right course for you?' Jonas grinned like the proverbial cat with the cream.

'Because, after a few years of hard study, you have so many different kinds of exciting options open to you: politics, archaeology, of course, anthropology. The list is HUGE' In the silence that followed Jonas' impassioned speech, Janet looked from Jonas' manic grin, to Daniel, who had a similar look of barely contained eagerness. She laughed. Both Daniel and Jonas turned, looking just a little affronted. She tried to catch her breath but catching Sam's eye, and seeing the same amusement, she collapsed all over again. 'Don't worry Jonas, I'm not laughing at what you said, it's just you two looked like little kids at Christmas.' Daniel poked her in the ribs out of retribution as she calmed down. She caught hold of his hand. 'I'm sorry, I really think it's great you guys are so passionate about what you do.' She kissed his cheek by way of apology but his pout took another few minutes to dissipate.

Cam took up the conversation again. 'Yeah, it's good you enjoy it. And here I thought you were both in it for the pretty girls.' He winked. Cameron had always held onto the mistaken hope that as a football star in high school and a grease-monkey in his spare time, he had a bit of larger babe pool than would be available to the more studious guys out there.

'Actually, there are quite a few nice girls in our lectures.' Daniel stated calmly, picking at a piece of imaginary fluff on his pizza and trying not to laugh at how quickly the grin had disappeared from Mitchell's face. Cameron was a great guy and Daniel would gladly trust him with anything if the chips were down, but once in a while he needed his ego knocking a bit.

'Daniel's right. There are a few nice girls. In fact...I got a number today.'

The next quarter hour covered every aspect of the 'who/how/when/ and what are you going to do about it?' When they finally took pity on Jonas for being subjected to the spanish inquisition, Daniel changed the subject.

'Where's Jack anyway? I figured he'd wanna get in on the pizza and drinking.'

'O'Neill, has a job serving at a bar until midnight on Friday evenings.' Teal'c offered. As the conversation went from this to other possible places of employment in the area, Sam stared at the carpet. Job not withstanding, it wasn't the first time Jack had been absent from whole-house social evenings. He had barely spent any time in the same room as her since her first disastrous date with Jonas.


Later, Janet stood in Daniel's room, watching as he riffled through stacks of books to find the ones he needed to return to the library, the following day.

'Gottit!' Daniel's exclamation was louder than necessary and just a little bit slurred. She smiled fondly at him.

'Good. It's past midnight, I think we both need some sleep.' Daniel grinned and winked.

'Yes, nurse.' He stepped up to her wrapping her tightly in his arms and squeezing her so much she thought she would be winded.

'Ok Daniel! I can't breathe – and it'll be doctor not nurse.' She steered him to his bed where he flopped on his back, looking up at her.

'Stay, Janet.' He certainly sounded more sober now.

'I don't have my pyjamas. Just let me go change.' Daniel waved this off.

'I can't be bothered to change out of my clothes either. Just sleep in what you've got on.' Janet couldn't help but beam at the side before her: Daniel sprawled on his bed managing to look at the same time both utterly adorable and incredibly sexy. Kicking off her shoes, she curled next to him, on top of the covers and he wrapped and arm around her, kissing her forehead.

'You know, there are lots of nice girls in our lectures but none of them are as pretty as you.' She laughed at his overly serious tone. 'I mean it!' She watched his head fall to the side as sleep began to take over. 'Love you, Jan.' She was surprised and at first she wasn't sure if she had imagined it.

'I'm sure you won't remember saying that in the morning.' she told him.

'Maybe not, but I'll still mean it.' After this, they lay silent in the dark until Janet finally fell asleep thinking about what he'd said.


Jack closed and locked the front door as quietly as he could. The house was silent besides the hum of the refrigerator from the kitchen. He kicked off his shoes by the door so as to make less noise as he climbed the stairs.

Reaching the landing he began to turn left, towards his room at the end of the hall but found himself hesitating and staring at the door of Sam's room at the opposite end of the hall.

Standing by her door, he knew it was an invasion of privacy to look in, but he had to see her. It seemed like a year since they'd been able to have easy conversation, since he'd been able to bring himself to look at her without turning away in shame, or anger or whatever the hell his problem was. He pushed the door open a crack.

Sam lay on her side, facing the door. Her hair stuck up from her head at odd angles and she sighed in her sleep as he watched her. The stray thought that it was the most beautiful sight he'd ever seen, crossed his mind.

He shook his head, furious with himself. What the hell was he doing?

He shut her door and crossed the landing to his own, slamming it closed and throwing himself into bed.

AN hmmm...not too sure about that last bit. I wanted to get something S/J in there without them actually talking to each other. They're not there yet. Anyway, tell me what you think, please.
